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Server Texture-Pack

Not a big fan of the new plank textures to be honest. I very much liked how they were in the previous version. They seem to clean, plus dark wood planks look different from the rest.
We could make the old planks work they just need less shading and detail so will look good on large buildings.
I hate pastels and really pronounced contrasts. Pleasants colors and smooth transitions, for the win!
We may fast be approaching the stage where we all like our towns/buildings to look a certain way with the texture pack. I fear this may be where the wooden plank discussion is heading. I like the old planks, but I wouldn't mind seeing what Alch's interpretation of "less shading and detail" is. I suppose you mean closer to the default pack?
All i want is buildings created with a default texture looks just as good if not better with alchs texture pack.
I agree, i dont think we should have to adapt any kind of building style we already use just to suit the texture pack. It should be the other way round - the texture pack should suit what we have already built.

I think you guys will like this one.

-Darkened dark green/purple
-Changed Glass/Bookshelves
-Reduced wooden plank detail (got rid of the nails and turned the contrast waaay down)
-Obsidian is more purple
-Changed Jungle Logs
-Reverted to old style of doors
-Matched wooden plank color to default
-Changed back of iron armor and leather armor
-Stone cant possibly have a green tone, it's completely desaturated via photoshop
-Changed Ore Blocks
-Changed Ores
-Changed Torches to wood
-Darkened Water
-Lightened Lava
-Sugarcane has been reverted back to the previous version
-Changed Netherwart
-Changed Glass a tiny bit (Connected Textures)

I still think warts should be a dark red rather than pale red or orange. Also the difference between splash and regular potions is minimal.

I also don't like how connected textures turns regular sandstone into smooth when stacked.

The rest looks great.

Finalizing things it seems now:

-Changed Levers to match Diamond Blocks (makes generators look nice)
-Changed Jungle Logs (I LIKE THIS ONE :C )
-Changed connected sandstone.
-Changed Wooden Planks to reflect the color of default with better contrast.
-Changed the saturation of dyes so they arent as pastel anymore.
-Changed Splash Potions to look different.
-Netherwart is now much more red and slightly orange.
-Changed Redstone Lamps (can revert back if you guys dont like but I like it)

I don't notice any difference with nether wart and sandstone.

The levers do look nice on diamond blocks but I'm not sure about other places.

New gold and iron blocks... meh. Personally I like the old ones better but they aren't bad.

Edit: The levers are growing on me...
OK please dont change too much each time now because i think the pack is very close to being perfect and we dont want the good bits of it being changed.

- ore blocks still aren't right

- leather armor needs changing (others aren't bad but would like helm to show more of players face and maybe see what other armor textures are out there)

- Wood planks are much better but i feel still need a bit work (it still seems a bit much and full on)

- smooth stone a touch lighter

- stone bricks seem a little out of place, might be just me but they look more realistic rather than the cartoony feel of the pack
Again might just be me but dirt might not quite be right colour.

Also i used to use a pack called gerudoku back in the day but they stopped updating it to my knowledge. It shares textures with dokucraft but is the best texture ive ever used. You may wanna check it out for ideas.
Oh please Mag, you wouldn't know good armor if it smacked you in the face and challenged you to a duel.

I do agree though, slight changes to leather armor and the iron helmet.
It is somewhat difficult to see the durability bar on armor because of the leather belt or whatever on the inventory menu. I don't know if darkening it will help but I don't think changing the color completely is a good choice either.
My only concern is that some of the textures dont match, and I dont want the pack looking like a mismatch of textures, i believe it is supposed to be a more cartoony feel rather than a realistic theme so all textures should match according to that.