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Should we create a new Noob town?


With the advertising of Loka, one thing I noticed in the past were how persistent people were in the past to join a town immediately. Are there any current towns that openly accepts new players or does everyone prefer to wait and see how they turn out before offering them a spot in their town? Would having a designated noob town be a good idea to promote a foot hold in keeping players from rage quitting the first time they die. Or should we leave it as is and focus on a survive or die ideology? Any thoughts or opinions?
I think whether people want to get noobs into their town ASAP or whether they want them to 'survive the journey' to get to their town is entirely up to the town owner. As for handing out of items, that should also be left up to whomever wants to. Noob town should provide housing, but no items.

Many minecraft players are great builders, great redstone mechanics, etc but absolutely horrible at survival (let alone on a hard server). It's understandable that we've lost players because of our 20k towns and them dying in the wilds. We can do some things to help players get to towns faster like world/nether rails. It's been suggested that we allow a kind of "invite system" whereby new players get exactly one free teleport to a town they get invited to so they can /town. I'm hesitant on this one simply because teleports are meant to be rare on Loka.
I agree with your hesitation on the one time teleportation for everyone. Once a nether grid is finished you would be able to get to most any point on the map in less then 20 min( not counting horses and speed boost).
However, I do disagree about the providing housing portion. I believe we should offer a community for them to build in temporarily, because I would like to see new players building abilities(ugly or not). This would reflect their skills and also promote themselves by showing off what kind of contribution that they can provide to a town. If great builders and great red stone mechanics join the server, why would they stay in a room and wait for an invite to a town that might not come for weeks.
I think if I was aware that the house i was allowed to temporarily live in was going to be reset in a couple of weeks, I probably wouldn't bother modifying it at all. I can understand wanting to see somebody's building abilities, but why not just let them in your town and see what they can do? We don't really need a building test area for noobs near spawn. Anybody's town can serve that purpose just fine.
Kobey. Lets do it together.

Would the nether highway be like a web over or under the nether? i suggest under. and a portal to surface every 400 blocks?
Well, I would think a noob town would be built up by the current and new players.Something that is ever growing and ever changing. Once a new player is accepted into a town or moves into the wild they would take there stuff and leave their work for the next new player to expand upon. That is how I originally thought a noob town would be run. Them staying there would be temporary, however, their builds would remain to be modded or changed by the next guy. You even have an opportunity to give some authority to players who have earned the title of Slicer. Have them become the coordinaters and organizer of the noob town if they wish to do so.
It's understandable that we've lost players because of our 20k towns and them dying in the wilds.
......but why not just let them in your town and see what they can do? We don't really need a building test area for noobs near spawn.
Anybody's town can serve that purpose just fine.
The entire reason I suggested a noob town was that there were people wanting to join towns,but no one wants to invite people that they are not sure about. What is the purpose of having basically a spawn hotel? Yes they can survive the first night and gather supplies, but that does not guarantee them a spot in a town.
Agreed. With zones, you can make a build area accessible only to level 1 members.
Even if they would only have perms to build in the level 1 areas, does that really make us feel ok with inviting randoms to our town with no knowledge about them?Plus that is a lot of effort to put into someone who many never log back in or someone we would kick if we didn't like them. If they got kicked do they go back to the spawn hotel and wait for another invite?
does that really make us feel ok with inviting randoms to our town with no knowledge about them?

Yes, that's exactly what it's supposed to do. Zones are meant to let you recruit members you're unsure about while ensuring that any damage they might do is limited to where you choose. Zones allow every town to have a 'noob area'.

Simply put, I don't trust the majority of new players to make the area they inhabited in noob town "better off than it was before". I see the town ending up looking like what you might found outside of any spawn on any server where people get build, which is trashed, half-assed builds that decay over time and get worse and worse.

Even if we do assign people to help with noob-town upkeep, I don't think they'd like doing it, to be honest. They have their own towns to worry about, and cleaning up after the leftovers of noobs doesn't sound like an appetizing job to anyone.

If we keep noob town block protected and then just give noobs basic perms like doors, chests, specific plots, etc; we ensure that we keep a beautiful area that noobs can inhabit temporarily until finding footing in a bigger town. If you're recruiting players based on their building capabilities, then have them build a house in the wild or invite them into your town and let them show you. Otherwise, giving noobs build perms in an area very near to spawn is going to end poorly.
Towns really need to start being more open to new players and utilise the zoning system that's in place. Zoning totally removes any fears of a noob messing up your town and you will reap rewards in the form of good builders, pvpers etc before anyone else gets their hands on them.
Towns really need to start being more open to new players and utilise the zoning system that's in place. Zoning totally removes any fears of a noob messing up your town and you will reap rewards in the form of good builders, pvpers etc before anyone else gets their hands on them.

The thing is towns are not doing that because it seems they don't want to. Recently a player logged on and asked a town owner to join his town.That town owner responded that he would have to get with his members and check if it was ok. This seems to be the mentality of all towns and I don't blame them.
No one seems to want to invite anyone to their town without being sure that they won't be a hindrance or check if everyone in the town is ok with it. This takes time and most players tend to leave the server because they want to jump right in and not wait and see if there may or may not be a spot for them. That is what I have seen at least.
For all the players that join the server only a few seem worthwhile and/or stays. With towns being 12k+ from spawn, that is a lot of effort to chaperon players,explain rules,guiding the new player to their towns, and the set town commands just to find the good ones out of the many of players who come through the server.
Kobey. Lets do it together.

Would the nether highway be like a web over or under the nether? i suggest under. and a portal to surface every 400 blocks?
Well I have already lined it up and leveled where it needs to be. Main thing is that we need enough people for inventory space to save all the nether rack and be able to run full speed while digging. A team of 4 can make a path 3h by 2 w while running without stopping if we can be coordinated. I already received interest from 2 other people willing to help. If we get more then 4 people working on this,then we could even organize a digging team and a gathering team for the nether rack.( I REALLY dont want all those blocks to go to waist and would be very useful for another project I want to start afterwards).
Anyways, anyone who wants to help, msg me on the forums so we can get the plan going and set up the time and date. I will work on the supplies tonight.
Edit: I already have a lot planned out, OKed, and the basic structure started. However, main thing needed right now is to know the variables: who is willing to volunteer, what time is best for everyone, and then to do a run down of whats been planned. At this point we would then be able to discuss any alterations to the plan that needs addressing(in a conference, on skype, or in game with all participants).
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