Spawn Stealing
I have decided to bring up a recent event that has happened in Loka's Community. Loka has a rule about spawn stealing at spawn. In our opinion this rule has not been interpreted properly regarding the ruling of this recent event.
The event started out as a joke from player "sSteak" and "Obstinance". sSteak was just messing around with Obstinance by dropping a shulker on the ground and then proceeding to pick it back up before Obstinance could. Then sSteak would say in local chat "Bad ping" or something of a similar meaning to Obstinance. However, after sSteak dropped it the 6th time, Obstinance agro-pearled (Aggressive Pearl) on to the shulker. He then proceeded to pick up the shulker and take it to his town. Steak asked for the shulker back before Obstinance went to his town. Obstinance, however, did not give the shulker back.
In our opinion, the value of the contents inside the shulker changes the situation drastically on both sides. If the shulker was basically empty with little to no contents, Obstinance would have most likely given the shulker back to Steak without any hesitation. Also, if the shulker was empty Steak would have not cared for the shulker. The shulker itself, from what I've been told had contents of around 12-13 Lored Swords, and 2 Lored Bows (one being a no longer craftable bow; Infinity, Mending.)
The rule referring to the idea of "Stealing from spawn is not allowed" seems to have not been fairly ruled. The rule states that you are not allowed to steal from spawn if a person asks for the said item back. Cryptite has acknowledged that this event constitutes spawn stealing, but that the items shouldn't be returned because of sSteak meming beforehand. "Ok, you're clear to keep it, since he was memeing. Even though it's technically stealing at spawn, the fact that he was taunting you with it, as far as we're concerned, is his fault and too damned bad." We believe that the items should be returned to sSteak and we should all go forward acknowledging that there were mistakes on both sides, and with the full understanding that this won't happen in the future.
I have decided to bring up a recent event that has happened in Loka's Community. Loka has a rule about spawn stealing at spawn. In our opinion this rule has not been interpreted properly regarding the ruling of this recent event.
The event started out as a joke from player "sSteak" and "Obstinance". sSteak was just messing around with Obstinance by dropping a shulker on the ground and then proceeding to pick it back up before Obstinance could. Then sSteak would say in local chat "Bad ping" or something of a similar meaning to Obstinance. However, after sSteak dropped it the 6th time, Obstinance agro-pearled (Aggressive Pearl) on to the shulker. He then proceeded to pick up the shulker and take it to his town. Steak asked for the shulker back before Obstinance went to his town. Obstinance, however, did not give the shulker back.
In our opinion, the value of the contents inside the shulker changes the situation drastically on both sides. If the shulker was basically empty with little to no contents, Obstinance would have most likely given the shulker back to Steak without any hesitation. Also, if the shulker was empty Steak would have not cared for the shulker. The shulker itself, from what I've been told had contents of around 12-13 Lored Swords, and 2 Lored Bows (one being a no longer craftable bow; Infinity, Mending.)
The rule referring to the idea of "Stealing from spawn is not allowed" seems to have not been fairly ruled. The rule states that you are not allowed to steal from spawn if a person asks for the said item back. Cryptite has acknowledged that this event constitutes spawn stealing, but that the items shouldn't be returned because of sSteak meming beforehand. "Ok, you're clear to keep it, since he was memeing. Even though it's technically stealing at spawn, the fact that he was taunting you with it, as far as we're concerned, is his fault and too damned bad." We believe that the items should be returned to sSteak and we should all go forward acknowledging that there were mistakes on both sides, and with the full understanding that this won't happen in the future.