JocelynReed said:
JocelynReed said:
The desire for balance
I believe that the server needs to be more balanced. Towns are op and tip the scale. Lets give thieves some tools back
I request for:
1. Boating to be allowed again (outside spawn protection)
2. Block jumping to be allowed (outside spawn protection)
4. Chests not be allowed to have a block over them
5. Ender pearls to be enabled (outside spawn protection)
The server needs balance.
think about it folks
Dear lord...
No no no no no.
Yes thieves walk a fine line, because they alter another's gaming experience! The golden rule applies even in this virtual world... "Treat others as you would like to be treated"
What if all this stuff you want to happen went down and one of us admins had an alt account. We would know where all your stuff is, we would know where you are, and could cover all of the angles... God forbid someone invites a terrible gang of professional pvpers onto the server and watch the chaos ensue, as they sure wouldnt break any rules.
Think of all the xraying that will go down when people are raiding to find your unprotected chests (as there would be no way to protect them)
Loka needs an area where bloodshed and theft is a-ok, but not everywhere. I suggest another realm where things are a bit bloodier and evil and we could roleplay that into the server easily adding a special something to those who can survive in the more brutal realm.
I'm fine with raids and theft. What I'm not fine with the the frequency at which these acts take place. I'm tired of getting whispers from newer players telling me older players are stealing and killing them continually. When approached these players tend to say the same thing "People find different things entertaining, this is how I get my fun." Well if things continue to go down the road they have been this server will be filled with nihilistic, paranoid, untrusting, divided, and miserable people.
I am for more restrictions of theft/raiding or limiting how many times one can pursue such an action in a real life week. If you can only raid once a week you better make it a good one. I also dont understand most raids, as the raiders tend to say they dont really need any riches or stuff. If that's the case why dont we just build several vaults and challenge people to see if they can get in instead of damaging another's hard work and dedication.
How in the world will any of these cities/towns grow if they are under constant attack/bombardment? How beautiful loka would look if we didnt have to put up water/lava walls that muck up the horizon/landscape.
I'm coming to the conclusion that I'm not built for a pvp server and am more suited for creative/peaceful worlds and I'm starting to agree with those voices in my head. I cant handle the drama. It's like a terribly scripted Mexican daytime soap opera and I'm the mixed up policeman caught up in the middle of it all.
Whatever the decisions made are, I hope that someone empathizes with me. When it comes to the malice involved in many of these nefarious acts that people want to do to others I get a sick feeling that the actual world outside of Minecraft works on the same mechanics as well. I mean you guys/ladies arent robots you're feeling humans! Show it!
This has been a rant.
If I'm for anything it's the betterment of Loka. I dont know what direction that may be, but I've laid out several of my concerns.
1. I want a new rule enacted: "Respect Admins At All Times"
2. Admins should have a different color text than everyone else so we show up over all others.
3. Be careful, I will be using rule #9 quite often now so everyone be sure to make note of such things before you decide to bully others.
4. Builders need to be given a forum to show off their skills (like plots) and we need to start giving out weekly/monthly prizes for effort/design/creativity/overall activity. I want a more beautiful Loka.
5. The library needs a writing competition, as to spur more roleplaying events and add depth to the story of the land.
6. Heads can only be collected in an arena match. I would like this very much because it would truly be a trophy instead of a cheap backstabbing sorta thing. Would also prevent farming of the objects. Could post a leaderboard of those who are the most deadly in the arena with the count of heads they have gathered.
Still feeling sick so that's all I'll leave here.