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State of Affairs Discussion


Staff member
I'd like this thread to be a serious discussion about how you guys think the server is running, and, more important, things you'd like changed; either because they're broken, unfair, or whatever the reason. There're a lot of ideas running around and alot of them only make it to one person and then sometimes die. I think it's only fair that people should be able to publicly voice their opinions here and open them up for discussion.

Kindly only post suggestions, etc of things that are realistic, not ICBM warfare, etc. Keep it civil, let's not have this devolve into a flame war, this thread is meant to be a place where admins can voice their opinions on some of the ideas being thrown around at present, so that everybody can see what the current zeitgeist of Loka is.

Okay, go!
Again, treat others as you would like to be treated. Treat an admin with disrespect and you cant really imagine them treating you much better or helping much. We're people too, and we got to these positions by being voted in.

I'm simply asking for respect when conversing. The rule doesnt say "DO AS ADMINS SAY OR ELSE~! MUAHAHA" It's just asking for a reasonable level of maturity and poise.

Another rule I'd like: "Dont attack/kill admins, as they are no threat to you."

We could have pvp rounds start and end with the same gear for everyone making it a fair match based on skill (and framerate/connection speed hehe)
MrAlchemy said:
they are no threat to you
My opinions:
Loka being horrible + Artifact being peaceful is an amazing idea.

Chests shouldn't have a block over them.

Ender pearls should be enabled.

Block jumping should be enabled.

Heads can only be collected if you are not in the same town as the person of whom you have killed. ie. If you kill someone who is in any town protection permissions list which you are in, they have a 0% chance of dropping a head, but if you kill someone who you do not share permissions in any town with, they have the regular chance of dropping a head.

MrAlchemy said:
Another rule I'd like: "Dont attack/kill admins, as they are no threat to you."
How about 'Don't attack admins, for they will then have FULL AUTHORITY TO WREAK HOLY VENGEANCE ON YOUR PUNY MORTAL SOUL'
thelineguy said:
My opinions:
Loka being horrible + Artifact being peaceful is an amazing idea.

Chests shouldn't have a block over them.

Ender pearls should be enabled.

Block jumping should be enabled.

Heads can only be collected if you are not in the same town as the person of whom you have killed. ie. If you kill someone who is in any town protection permissions list which you are in, they have a 0% chance of dropping a head, but if you kill someone who you do not share permissions in any town with, they have the regular chance of dropping a head.

I also agree with the separate inventories. This will allow people to have nice, beautiful towns, and still allow thieves in Loka to raid to their hearts content.

I agree with a lot of what alchy says. I like the idea of having build competitions, writing, rp etc. This will promote players to actively strive for a better server.

I dunno how i feel about the different color font, maybe just like Old ones, have the names a separate color. Respecting admins rule is reasonable, but must be very specific. That could get out of hand for an admin with an ego issue.

I still support block jumping and possible ender pearl addition, although if there is a peaceful area, I know where most of my build time will stay :p
So... the state of the server at the moment?

A newb logs on, hears a bunch of repetitive flaming of the same BS that we always have.

Maybe the newb is intrigued by the conflict, so he checks out the forums-

sees the stupidity that has flooded this server.

Is there any way to move all the flame-tastic nonsense to Slicer+ forums?
If we have PvP on Loka and building on Artifact then everyone will flock to Artifact.
Epic you ran around with your diamond armor just after the nether exploded because you vanished; everybody else died and lost their stuff. Mop I have also watched you vanish, tp, and the like from console during times of known pvp. Zor we've already handled, and Nouv's points are equally valid.

In my point of view, you guys either need to knock it off, or we'll very quickly be back to the point where all you guys get are kick and ban.

So er... where did that go?
Zor95 said:
If we have PvP on Loka and building on Artifact then everyone will flock to Artifact.

see in my head i thought this was a good idea. but yea i TOTALLY see people doing this. Leaving behind possibly no one wanting to go back to Loka :/
Zor95 said:
If we have PvP on Loka and building on Artifact then everyone will flock to Artifact.
Hence why it would be Slicer and up only, most people never even reach that rank and I'm sure many noob settlements will still pop up on Loka with quite some frequency.
I agree with Andre in regards to more role play. I think we all hunger for it. We are all less caught up in our personal drama when we have something else to focus our attention on (such as a RP event)

At the end of the day, RP events could pause or stop wars. We all seem to have ADD and we're looking for the next shiny object to get lost in. :p.

Well I am off to work....see ya all soon.
As awesome as the idea is in theory, I can't see this working out how we want it to. One possible idea is spawning in structures from the old world in random locations and giving hints or riddles to help find them.
The only thing I have to say is I feel there needs to be a rank that bridges the gap of being more then a settler but not yet slicer. I know me being a settler may be the reason I feel this way, but I still feel like it would be a good idea.
playingthegame said:
The only thing I have to say is I feel there needs to be a rank that bridges the gap of being more then a settler but not yet slicer. I know me being a settler may be the reason I feel this way, but I still feel like it would be a good idea.
Yeah, that seems like a good idea. Maybe 2 months in, you get...
Or something like that