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Suggestion State of Fissure map

will post new logs every month or so as how players play on Fissure changes and evolves. I'm doing this to make sure the next map is even better than this one.

most of this stuff is in comparison to the previous map, cove

- much more flat, leading to it being harder to run and less aids cliff fights

- docks being elevated to the degree they are makes is harder to get into them when out of combat

- feels much larger

- teamfights feel much more fun

- uniform callouts not made for large portions of the map yet by the playerbase (particularly on the outskirts of the map)

- ravines are irritating during fights as you can get fucked over while chasing someone by falling into one

- loot shoots out super far now when you die

suggestions for next map:
- compass at top of screen for party members like what there is on old zyre

- rotation every week or 2 of allowing/disallowing kb enchanted items (eg. 1 week kb is disallowed, next week it is allowed, next week is isn't allowed, etc.). This would be beneficial because it would satisfy both those who want kb at the next map and those who don't. It would also help new players, who nowadays, care much more about ganking than they do about conquest, which the fact that there is kb in conquest doesn't help because currently they don't get that experience with kb from ganking outside of niche scenarios like RI ganks, radar ganks, fallen town ganks (eg. ppl fighting over loot in Frostholm after it was deleted), etc.). Why would a new player who just plays for ganking try conquest if they don't even have experience with kb from ganking when conquest has kb?

- do smth about loot shooting super far out when you die (if it's a plugin that makes it do it, remove it. If it's a Minecraft update, make a plugin to get rid of it and return it to how it was before)


+1 every point here is valid
loot shooting out is an update issue although i dont see why a plugin couldnt fix it


just because it a Minecraft thing doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed when it makes the server less enjoyable. This has been done before with multiple things (eg. ender pearl extended cooldown, end crystal height based damage removed, turtle master pots being fucked with, etc.)


Well-Known Member
just because it a Minecraft thing doesn't mean it shouldn't be changed when it makes the server less enjoyable. This has been done before with multiple things (eg. ender pearl extended cooldown, end crystal height based damage removed, turtle master pots being fucked with, etc.)
It's just not less enjoyable because the stuff gets shot super far out, just move a little bit and take it.


Well-Known Member
I mean maybe a cooldown or something because all the running it’s so hard to actually kill someone with out them kitting for 100 miles
You think introducing KB would reduce the people kiting for 100 miles? KB makes it infinitely easier to kite, I mean yes you can boost your buddies but people pearling up to the trees and spamming KB will mean even more people that you wont be able to kill.


Active Member
You think introducing KB would reduce the people kiting for 100 miles? KB makes it infinitely easier to kite, I mean yes you can boost your buddies but people pearling up to the trees and spamming KB will mean even more people that you wont be able to kill.
1 solution for you my friend, something ive suggested in the past: make kb only useable to party members, making parties actually have a point and then kiters cant just spam it


Well-Known Member
1 solution for you my friend, something ive suggested in the past: make kb only useable to party members, making parties actually have a point and then kiters cant just spam it
Why should parties, a system that was made not for PvP, but general chatter, be given PvP advantages? I feel this should either be all or nothing.

Parties are for people who want to have fun and not have to worry about others overhearing their text conversations imo. It doesn't need to be given a PvP Advantage.

This is exactly like saying people in Voice Channels should have Strength 2 automatically.


Active Member
Why should parties, a system that was made not for PvP, but general chatter, be given PvP advantages? I feel this should either be all or nothing.

Parties are for people who want to have fun and not have to worry about others overhearing their text conversations imo. It doesn't need to be given a PvP Advantage.

This is exactly like saying people in Voice Channels should have Strength 2 automatically.