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Suggestion Sword / Bow Skins?

Would you like to see Custom Skins on Bows/Swords

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Well-Known Member
This is certainly possible with optifine Custom Item Texture packs (people are even currently using them for weapons and such), but although it's a great idea, it does lead to one problem. Crypt and Mag have brought this up a few times in the past, that they want to keep the server as vanilla as possible, and, although I love the idea of having a bunch of custom textures for Loka, they don't want to enforce a texture pack on anyone which kind of makes sense. I'll be the first to admit, Loka has a steep learning curve for new players, but the one thing that it takes pride in is the fact you don't need outside resources to really play. Just hop into Loka, look around a bit, and you're on your way to making your own story in this beautiful server! Great...now I'm rambling.

Tl;Dr: Texture packs like this are an awesome idea, but not extremely necessary, and not exactly something we should be forcing our community to use. Good suggestion, however!