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The Ask-Your-Admins-Anything Thread


Staff member
While at times it does seem that the admins are always doing things shrouded in mystery, I can assure you that before anything major is done on the server, a very whole lot of bitching goes down before things get done. Some of you may be in the know more than others about what's going on in the server, and for the rest of you, you may want find yourself wondering what the hell do those admins do anyway except tp and vanish

So I figured, what the hell; Magpie may hate me for this, but I thought it might be nice to get the regular players and the admins closer together in this thread and allow the greater Loka population to ask the admins anything they want. Let's make this more server related and not so off-topic (we have a forum for that anyway) thread.

So if you have any burning questions and you haven't already asked us about it in-game, post your question here. I cannot guarantee we will answer all the questions, but it might be neat to get a down-low on what's coming and not coming in Loka. Well, this is worth a shot anyway....

Ok, go!
Oh we're not that much of a mystery, you bitch about that very fact yourself crypt :P
Just wondering, how many projects that are suggested are actually put into place on the server? How many projects are worked on at one time? And generally, how many implements are suggested by the community? (i.e. not admins)
KenuDragonfire said:
Just wondering, how many projects that are suggested are actually put into place on the server?
It's tough to say; I may not personally hear all the projects that the community suggests. Zor may be a better one to answer this question. My guess is probably not enough, though. Often a project will be proposed, supported by a few others, then forgotten about. When a project comes to fruition that we see has the ability to be fun and good for the server, we will try to help.

KenuDragonfire said:
How many projects are worked on at one time?
If you mean RP events or server builds like the spawn, usually it's only one. Sometimes there are two projects going on, but due to the... I'll call it "scale"... of the projects and the number of people working on it, we usually really only have the time to work on one.

KenuDragonfire said:
And generally, how many implements are suggested by the community? (i.e. not admins)
Like the first question, I really can't think of a number, but I'd like to think it's more than a small amount. If you gave some examples I might be able to answer a little better. I fear it seems like we're constantly shooting down ideas, but some of us still try to call the server vanilla, so we do try to limit anything that speeds up travel, etc. That's a commonly asked for one too; but off the top of my head, some player-suggested implements that I can think of (Mag, mop, or zor might have to correct me on some of these): The town alcoves idea at spawn, greater generator usage feedback, bubble generators, town co-owners, stuff like that.

Good questions!
Yeah I find that suggestions by the community (not admins) are generally put in place a lot more frequently than things suggested by us. Perhaps it's because we generally suggest bigger things that require more work or serious consideration? Also we have a bad habit of starting projects and then just becoming too busy to finish them.

It doesn't help either, that my own suggestions (like 50% of all suggestions) are strange or impossible things.
I think one issue is that its mainly the admins that use the forums and that is the best way to put new ideas forward. Because of this the people who put forward ideas are often an admin of some sort as these are the people who care enough about the server to use the forums.
I'm pushin on asy to install a phpbb-wordpress front page tie in so that we can have an actual front page with solid looking news, etc. I think, because our internet presence is forum-only, that not a lot of players really care about getting on the forums. Actual front pages would give me motivation to publish exciting and awesome looking articles about updates to the server and rp events in development, etc.
Yeah i think that would attract more people and make it look really professional. Kind of a mix between the wiki and the forums as a front page.
13scooter13 said:
i like how all the people who posted here were guardian and up. and i see nouv is there in the far back. :P

Nouv asked a question and the admins answered, just like the title of the thread.

I know this would be low priority, but are there still plans to provide a way for players to buy infinite bookshelves?
Cryptite said:
Could be done. Just need to come up with a price for doing so.



In all seriousness, I think it should be in Emeralds (if you weren't already thinking that). And, how much would be too expensive? Or too cheap? Personally, I believe that because Emeralds are the current server currency, being mainly used for Gens, trade and auctions, this would heighten their value a bit more. I think a good round number of 100 - 300 Ems would be a decent number for purchasing an infinite Bookshelf. Although that might be a bit too low, maybe if we didn't have a bank. It might need to be more than that due to the bank making Emeralds much more available to the general public.
My only concern with this would be villagers. They have trades which allow you to swap written books for emeralds, with and infinite bookshelf this could become an infinite source of emeralds. I have not checked the amount of emeralds these villagers offer and with them locking trades after so many, this may not be an issue. But it is something to think about.
I would like to help with more build projects for the server. I get focused on stuff and I am normally able to complete Things fast. I am extremely organized.

I would love to do more for the server, I just need direction.

And before anyone comments, this doesn't include giving up thievery.

Any suggestions from the admins?
Magpieman said:
My only concern with this would be villagers. They have trades which allow you to swap written books for emeralds, with and infinite bookshelf this could become an infinite source of emeralds. I have not checked the amount of emeralds these villagers offer and with them locking trades after so many, this may not be an issue. But it is something to think about.

I've been trading a lot lately and the exchange rate is 1 written book for 1 emerald, and you can get 7-14 trades out of it before locking. To unlock it all you have to do is use the new trade once, but it is very likely this new trade will cost you more than 7-14 so I don't think it's a problem. Worst case you've just spent 30 minutes for a profit of 5 emeralds.