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The End


Staff member
Let's discuss the end. I've never really wanted to keep the end closed off for this long, but there've just been many other things occupying my time that the end always fell by the wayside. This thread is meant to be an open discussion of how to handle the end. I'd like to bring it back, but there are some obvious caveats. For one, obviously it will need to reset over periods of time so lots of people can have access to it. Secondly, surely one of the big questions is what to do with the Dragon Egg. On one hand I like it because it's such a unique and rare item but it does get devalued. Eventually there'll be dozens of dragon eggs in the world.

Is this a problem, though? That's the question. The things we need to decide are the following:

-New Dragon Egg every time?
-Endermen yes or no?
-How often should it reset?
-Should end blocks be mineable?
1. Maybe every few times? It'll still be rare.
2. Yes.
3. Maybe every month? Or two weeks? Ect.?
4. Yes.
A drop rate sounds like a really good idea for the Dragon Egg...

My thought on the reset is, regardless of however long the period between resets is (average 1-2 weeks), the actual time of the reset is random between a certain time frame. There are a lot of ways that a predictable reset could be exploited, and additionally, not all people are free for whenever the reset might be chosen to be. The suggestion I was given by a friend was that the reset could happen any day, any time.

So after the dragon was killed, there would be at least a minimum of 1 week before the dragon 'could' spawn again. After that minimum time elapses, it could be any day within another week range after that. This allows people from any timezone to potentially profit from the spawn.

I have many ideas for this.... yes....
For the dragon egg we could have a dragon spawn once every 500 minecraft years on a full moon.
Is this a problem, though? That's the question. The things we need to decide are the following:

-New Dragon Egg every time? No, At most I would say a new dragon egg once a year.

-Ender Pearls enabled? Yes, bring dem pearls back.

-Endermen yes or no? Yes, but lower their pearl drop rate.

-How often should it reset? Yearly.

-Should end blocks be mineable? No, If end stone is mineable people will make endermen traps and farm them. It takes away the rarity of the block also which decreases its value.
JocelynReed said:
Is this a problem, though? That's the question. The things we need to decide are the following:

-New Dragon Egg every time? No, At most I would say a new dragon egg once a year.

-Ender Pearls enabled? Yes, bring dem pearls back.

-Endermen yes or no? Yes, but lower their pearl drop rate.

-How often should it reset? Yearly.

-Should end blocks be mineable? No, If end stone is mineable people will make endermen traps and farm them. It takes away the rarity of the block also which decreases its value.

Never said anything about ender pearls :)

Also, how about if if the Dragon is killed, Endermen no longer spawn in the end until the reset?

I'm thinking like 10% droprate on the egg. at 10%, that'd be about 1 egg every 3 (real life) months I'd say (provided the average time between resets was about 9 (real life) days.
But the only way out of the end is the over world portal that is spawned in unless you die or are a sentry plus (/spawn). If we don't kill the ender dragon there will be no way out of the end for those who are slicer or less and don't want to die.

Also, any endstone outside of the end, will it be unmineable or does it just count or the new stuff on the island. Also can't someone just use tnt to mine the stone; less effective but does get the job done.
Lazuli73 said:
But the only way out of the end is the over world portal that is spawned in unless you die or are a sentry plus (/spawn). If we don't kill the ender dragon there will be no way out of the end for those who are slicer or less and don't want to die.

Such is The End. I see no reason why we'd change that. You wouldn't go into the end unless you were prepared to die.

Lazuli73 said:
Also, any endstone outside of the end, will it be unmineable or does it just count or the new stuff on the island. Also can't someone just use tnt to mine the stone; less effective but does get the job done.

What do you mean endstone outside of the end? You mean that which people already have some of? Also I personally am in favor of being able to mine endstone. I do enjoy it being rare, but I do think people should have access to it once again. I suppose the question is, do we keep it mineable ala netherrack (ie very easy with nearly any tool) or add some sort of hinderance to make getting endstone more of a feat than just plowing through it with an eff 5 pickaxe
Yes bring it back. Make it so the dragon comes at random times, but usually at least 7 days so that certain people don't just plan and wait for it. Make the end not mineable, to hold the value of endstone which is a crummy building material anyway, and to prevent ender grinders so that we can BRING BACK ENDERPEARL USAGE. Egg should drop on average once every 3 months at the lowest, maybe closer to 6 months. (A year is a very long time in gaming, especially Lokan terms Joce). Those are my thoughts.

EDIT: Haha, you brought them back anyway
adderman500 said:
Make the end not mineable, to hold the value of endstone which is a crummy building material anyway, and to prevent ender grinders

I don't quite see the argument for this tbh. As a building material, some people may find it to their liking as a building material for whatever reason. As for ender grinders, the end will reset fairly often so is it worth trying to put together a grinder when it will be deleted within a week?

Rare-wise, maybe it is rare but I never see anybody do anything with it, don't see it on auctions, etc. People who have it just keep it forever and nobody else benefits from it being rare that I've noticed.

Either way I can certainly see lowering the droprate of ender pearls in the end.
I want to see more building blocks. Its just selfish players who wouldn't want endstone being accessible to everyone again. The grinder thing could be an issue however. Also I think there should be an end portal somewhere at spawn.
Magpieman said:
there should be an end portal somewhere at spawn.

Too easy. Getting to The End should be just like it usually would be. We'll just worldguard the remaining portals to ensure they can't be broken by players.
Magpieman said:
But we have a nether portal at spawn, why is it any different?

I agree, mostly because I think people are just going to park around the portals and harass anybody trying to harvest endstone. Even if you worldguard the portals, people'll still hover outside their protection, and it's not like a road where you can whiz by them or take an alternate route; there are only three portals.

Just turn off PvP in the end, put a portal to it at spawn and reset it every week or so. Bam.
Magpieman said:
But we have a nether portal at spawn, why is it any different?

By vanilla mechanics, nether portals can be placed anywhere by any person. The comparison is like saying "You can plant trees anywhere, so why not do that?" The nether != The End.

Artagan said:
Just turn off PvP in the end, put a portal to it at spawn and reset it every week or so. Bam.

Ew. There is some truth to the concern that a certain some few folks are going to camp The End and make it impossible for anybody but themselves to ever see the end or fight the dragon, and that is something that may need to be taken into consideration should it happen repeatedly. It's the major reason for the random spawn chance.

But again, The End is supposed to be hard, not easy. Endstone shouldn't be trivial to mine, and placing a portal at spawn even further devalues all that is The End. If you want the dragon or the endstone, you should have to fight for it. Believe it or not I do still try to retain vanilla mechanics when I can.

Again again, if one group manages to blockade the End every time it comes up, we'll take a look at some things, but just turning PvP off isn't going to do anything but make it all see so much less epic.
Maybe during every end reset we can move the strongholds and make the found portals blocked off to prevent portal camping. But after a while there would be strongholds everywhere. Hmmmm.....

What about the eyes of ender? Did anyone consider those? What if we could make the eyes of ender be less accurate in the search for the portal and just have them circle the general vicinity of the portal.
If we make ipthe eyes act like that, finding the portals will be harder.
Moving strongholds is an assload of work. The one that eyes point to is almost 100% mined out and is very close to spawn. Why not rollback the area, maybe even give it a lokan touch, WorldGuard it, and have a book in the library about the end including the stronghold's coords?
Also, as far as the dragon spawning "A wild enderdragon appeared" plz.
Psychedelic98 said:
The one that eyes point to is almost 100% mined out and is very close to spawn. Why not rollback the area, maybe even give it a lokan touch, WorldGuard it

This sounds like a good idea to me.

Psychedelic98 said:
Also, as far as the dragon spawning "A wild enderdragon appeared" plz.

Not quite, but there are things coming..........