Crypt told me it would be alright to make this poll, and it's not as though there's hardly anyone left who doesn't know about it. He also said he would consider the results of the poll, particularly if there was a significant majority.
I've spoken with a lot of people about this, not to mention spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it. There are still a couple of things I don't really know with regards to this, but I don't think they're relevant to the reasons for my making this poll.
I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.
The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn. However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.
That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.
If you didn't already know about all this stuff, I'm sorry for spoiling it for you, but it honestly, isn't that much of a treat to discover for yourself. I would ask you to educate yourself about it, and try not to let prior inclinations or feelings toward any particular individual sway your stance on the issue. Try to restrict yourself to looking at the facts.
And now, a random image involving dinosaurs.
I've spoken with a lot of people about this, not to mention spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it. There are still a couple of things I don't really know with regards to this, but I don't think they're relevant to the reasons for my making this poll.
I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.
The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn. However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.
That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.
If you didn't already know about all this stuff, I'm sorry for spoiling it for you, but it honestly, isn't that much of a treat to discover for yourself. I would ask you to educate yourself about it, and try not to let prior inclinations or feelings toward any particular individual sway your stance on the issue. Try to restrict yourself to looking at the facts.
And now, a random image involving dinosaurs.