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The maze under the old spawn pyramid


Active Member
Crypt told me it would be alright to make this poll, and it's not as though there's hardly anyone left who doesn't know about it. He also said he would consider the results of the poll, particularly if there was a significant majority.

I've spoken with a lot of people about this, not to mention spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it. There are still a couple of things I don't really know with regards to this, but I don't think they're relevant to the reasons for my making this poll.

I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.

The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn. However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.

That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

If you didn't already know about all this stuff, I'm sorry for spoiling it for you, but it honestly, isn't that much of a treat to discover for yourself. I would ask you to educate yourself about it, and try not to let prior inclinations or feelings toward any particular individual sway your stance on the issue. Try to restrict yourself to looking at the facts.

And now, a random image involving dinosaurs.
Unfinished thought from my post two up:

Artagan said:
This has nothing to do with who I favor, and I resent you bringing this down to that level.

But it is. This is a story which you know so little about, but you hate because of the people involved. And I'm not saying I know a whole lot more than you do, but by now I know not to throw dirt on a story cause I don't like it.
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
This has nothing to do with who I favor, and I resent you bringing this down to that level.

But it is. This is a story which you know so little about, but you hate because of the people involved. And I'm not saying I know a whole lot more than you do, but by now I know

Artagan said:
You're just calling it something different to suit your own ends.

I have nothing to gain from it being there honestly. As a Guardian I'm not allowed to associate my town with Outlaws.

Artagan said:
Lore it may be, but not the sort of lore that you make a special structure for under worldguard. Looking at the pallet memorabilia and whatnot in there is enough to see that.

Because you know the background of this place and everything. You know the entire story of the outlaws.

Artagan said:
And now you're just talking in circles. First you said the place wasn't about any past or present outlaws, it's about the future ones.

Zor95 said:
It is for all of those who may in the future call themselves outlaws.

Meaning not just outlaws now, but every outlaw. This does include current outlaws but is definitely not limited to them.

Artagan said:
I cited the frequent references of past and present outlaws in the maze, you claim those references are just markers to identify the place as a refuge for outlaws. Lines like "The Dome wasn't finished" identify it as a place for outlaws. And now you're implying that it's wrong for me to associate the place with any specific player. I think you're the one who's confused.

No you're supposed to associate the signs with specific players. That's what helps you identify it as the outlaw's den. However, you're under the belief that it was built entirely around and for those players, which is wrong.

This is what I mean by talking in circles.

This thread has nothing to do with who I personally like or dislike. If we're just going to go back and forth on that point we're not going to achieve anything.

Are you kidding me? You have ingrained yourself in this completely. That isn't even relevant to the poll, though. God dangit, you're making me do the two-berry two step with you and just waste both our time.

There are references to team rocket in that maze. The point is, there is all sorts of other stuff in there that is *clearly* not lore; you could almost call it anti-lore, it's just silliness made to mock people or celebrate past thieves and raiders. What I meant by pointing that out is that this maze is not something made for lore purposes, it's made for a handful of individuals to toot their own horns and have a private area for themselves under old spawn.

Talking about what time period of outlaw is most relevant to the maze is so pointless, it's comparable to watching paint dry.

We are not getting anywhere with this discussion. Can we call it a night? I have a long drive tomorrow.

EDIT: Jesus christ it's late...
Zor95 said:
Unfinished thought from my post two up:

Artagan said:
This has nothing to do with who I favor, and I resent you bringing this down to that level.

But it is. This is a story which you know so little about, but you hate because of the people involved. And I'm not saying I know a whole lot more than you do, but by now I know not to throw dirt on a story cause I don't like it.

I'm not throwing dirt on anything... Stop making this into a slugfest. This is not about what I like or dislike. Get over it.
In response to all you just posted:

You are asking for this maze to be removed, yet you do not know what its purpose is or even who built it. You do not know anything about it except that it regards a certain class of towns.


Because you do not like these people. Although honestly I'm rather confused because you made no complaints about Pallet's bedrock dome. I mean it's not fair that only Pallet got one. But wait... it was RP. Oh okay, that's fine. No biggie.

Why is this not the same?
Zor95 said:
In response to all you just posted:

You are asking for this maze to be removed, yet you do not know what its purpose is or even who built it. You do not know anything about it except that it regards a certain class of towns.


Because you do not like these people. Although honestly I'm rather confused because you made no complaints about Pallet's bedrock dome. I mean it's not fair that only Pallet got one. But wait... it was RP. Oh okay, that's fine. No biggie.

Why is this not the same?

For one thing, who built it has nothing to do with why it should be removed. It doesn't matter what class of town it regards, and it's purpose is clearly not genuine RP. What matters is that a special seperate area was made for this particular faction in spawn protect for simply the reason that they are who they are.

Preksak doesn't really count, he's totally unpredictable. I don't even think he gave you that dome as a gift, it was probably an accident or something.
Artagan said:
For one thing, who built it has nothing to do with why it should be removed. It doesn't matter what class of town it regards, and it's purpose is clearly not genuine RP. What matters is that a special seperate area was made for this particular faction in spawn protect for simply the reason that they are who they are.

An assumption, like most of your other arguments. Please provide to us a statement from Crypt, Magpie, Gall, or Asymp that confirms this.
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
For one thing, who built it has nothing to do with why it should be removed. It doesn't matter what class of town it regards, and it's purpose is clearly not genuine RP. What matters is that a special seperate area was made for this particular faction in spawn protect for simply the reason that they are who they are.

An assumption, like most of your other arguments. Please provide to us a statement from Crypt, Magpie, Gall, or Asymp that confirms this.

Crypt did tell me that the reason he allowed the creation of this is because he like the concept of the group; i.e., "the outlaws".

That good enough for you?
Artagan said:
Crypt did tell me that the reason he allowed the creation of this is because he like the concept of the group; i.e., "the outlaws".

That good enough for you?

No. Crypt actually has little to do with this group, but he is the one in charge of worldguard regions so his permission had to be gained first. He'd still know the story though.
Also note that these towns don't have an alcove at spawn, while other towns do. Therefor they have equal representation, if not less representation, as everyone else and you have absolutely no grounds to base your complaint. This is just random bitching about you not getting your way.
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
Crypt did tell me that the reason he allowed the creation of this is because he like the concept of the group; i.e., "the outlaws".

That good enough for you?

No. Crypt actually has little to do with this group, but he is the one in charge of worldguard regions so his permission had to be gained first. He'd still know the story though.

It's not good enough for you because he has little to do with the group, even though he knows the story.

We are officially talking about nothing.
Artagan said:
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
Crypt did tell me that the reason he allowed the creation of this is because he like the concept of the group; i.e., "the outlaws".

That good enough for you?

No. Crypt actually has little to do with this group, but he is the one in charge of worldguard regions so his permission had to be gained first. He'd still know the story though.

It's not good enough for you because he has little to do with the group, even though he knows the story.

We are officially talking about nothing.
Agreed let's lock this thread as it's pointless and move on with no hard feelings
Psychedelic98 said:
Also note that these towns don't have an alcove at spawn, while other towns do. Therefor they have equal representation, if not less representation, as everyone else and you have absolutely no grounds to base your complaint. This is just random bitching about you not getting your way.

The reason these towns are seperate in the first place is because they define themselves as "outlaws"; not being in the main flag room is not a state of exile, it's a choice. Having an elaborate system of clues indicating a secret underground labyrinth leading into your private flag room does not strike me as a lesser form of representation.
Artagan said:
It's not good enough for you because he has little to do with the group, even though he knows the story.

We are officially talking about nothing.

I included Crypt's name in the list of acceptable people to have a statement from. Now if Crypt didn't actually know anything about outlaws that'd be pointless. He does know quite a bit about them, but he was not responsible for their creation and as far as I know is not actively developing their story. That job belongs to someone else.

So when he was approached about this maze he needed a good reason to allow its creation. He liked the concept and it was given the okay.

That a better explanation?
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
It's not good enough for you because he has little to do with the group, even though he knows the story.

We are officially talking about nothing.

I included Crypt's name in the list of acceptable people to have a statement from. Now if Crypt didn't actually know anything about outlaws that'd be pointless. He does know quite a bit about them, but he was not responsible for their creation and as far as I know is not actively developing their story. That job belongs to someone else.

So when he was approached about this maze he needed a good reason to allow its creation. He liked the concept and it was given the okay.

That a better explanation?

I don't care about the quality of the explanation. I just know I need to go to sleep. Good night.
I look forward to seeing some more statements tomorrow then. Or whenever you're not traveling.
This is a foolish argument, it has been agreed by everyone building the towns room that outlaws should be hidden, as this is their very nature. The old spawn maze provides a perfect opportunity for this in what would otherwise simply be ruins.

I must also add that once concluded I would ask for this thread to be deleted altogether and not just locked, so as to prevent newcomers from having the 'surprise' spoiled.
Me and Mahpy are of the same agreement. Don't ruin everyone else's good time.

Personally, I had a great time in the maze. Exploring it, searching for clues, etc. It was very well put together, and quite rewarding.

Art: Several people took a lot of time and effort to making it, and ruining it for the rest of them is just downright uncool. Something in Old spawn is a great idea, due to there being nothing else there. I'd rather it not just be a waste of space. Much of the RP is discussed at length amongst the admins and many put their own inputs into lore and RP with a collective agreement. If Crypt or Asy were not okay with it, they wouldn't have put it there. The private flag room also doesn't indicate any names of towns or how to get there, only hints. It takes an intelligent player to find the maze, navigate it, and decide if they want to pursue one of the towns. Much of our player base would choose not to search these towns out, which only shows that their lack of Spawn representation would cut down largely on those that they could recruit.

Psy: I agree with you 100%. Just because they are not at spawn's alcove, doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed representation.
Ok way too many double posts in this thread, do you guys not know how to use forums?

To clear up a point about the flags room, it was my project. After a few suggestions from players i pushed the idea and felt it was crucial we had it in new spawn. I then built it myself, with a little help from alch with lighting and someone else did the iron rings on floor (apologies for forgetting who did this) So where this idea that mop decides who can and cant put flags there is ridiculous. I decided not to put Outlaws in spawn flag room partly for lore reasons and partly due to there only being only 4 walls and 5 factions. Me and crypt then both agreed that they should get some representation somewhere and doing this under old spawn was perfect. It was then completed to a very high standard and as others have said, a lot of time went into it. It represents outlaws as a whole not a specific group of them, there is no need for a shrine to the alliance, that is a ridiculous suggestion. Maybe in the future there will be something similar for every 'faction' but who knows.

It will not be taken down or removed. Art i strongly suggest you grow up and stop seeking revenge and put it behind you. It is a very nasty thing to do. It makes you look like a bad person which you are not.