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The maze under the old spawn pyramid


Active Member
Crypt told me it would be alright to make this poll, and it's not as though there's hardly anyone left who doesn't know about it. He also said he would consider the results of the poll, particularly if there was a significant majority.

I've spoken with a lot of people about this, not to mention spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it. There are still a couple of things I don't really know with regards to this, but I don't think they're relevant to the reasons for my making this poll.

I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.

The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn. However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.

That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

If you didn't already know about all this stuff, I'm sorry for spoiling it for you, but it honestly, isn't that much of a treat to discover for yourself. I would ask you to educate yourself about it, and try not to let prior inclinations or feelings toward any particular individual sway your stance on the issue. Try to restrict yourself to looking at the facts.

And now, a random image involving dinosaurs.
We're terribly sorry Artagan that you feel offended by a maze. Perhaps you should not do the maze any longer?
Artagan said:
...spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it.

First off, most people only took about one hour in completing the thing, no one asked you to waste your 48 hours in the maze

Artagan said:
I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.

What is wrong with having people explore the server and while in the search for adventure, find places of grand historical significance (Old spawn ofc).
Also, you seem un-impressed by the book, yet you have it in your enderchest?

Artagan said:
The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn.

Not a clue of why the hell you just wrecked everyone who reads the forums' experience in the maze.

Artagan said:
However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.

That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

You speak of this, yet you haven't even been to any outlaw town, you don't know from personal experience what it is they excel at. Also, mopb3 would not have outlaw towns be classified inside the flag room at spawn.
From what I intend my city to be, (and i'm sorry if i sound cocky as hell here) is a combination between some of the categories at spawn, and yet, not just one.
I also think that the maze itself is, as much of a glorification, as it is an explanation of what thievery is considered by us.

And now, a picture of Swagrid, who voted for KEEP THE MAZE
JocelynReed said:
Crypt check the logs for 9:17pm PT between Art and Yo_Josh.

Art is buying votes from people ............so I hardly see this as fair

Um, no, I'm not. Josh said he supported removing the maze over skype, not on loka, for one thing. We didn't even discuss it on Loka. For another, me giving him my head had nothing to do with it. He's making a museum in Hyrule.
andrekeroxd said:
Artagan said:
...spent what adds up to almost two full IRL days in the maze and the end chamber of it.

First off, most people only took about one hour in completing the thing, no one asked you to waste your 48 hours in the maze

Artagan said:
I was first directed to the maze under the old spawn pyramid by a book called "Relic" that appeared in my inventory over two months ago. It didn't directly tell me to go there, it phrased it in a sort of riddle that I'm too lazy to go copy out of the actual book in my enderchest on the server. Obviously I eventually found the maze, got to the end, and after a long time exploring it further and talking to various people decided to make this poll.

What is wrong with having people explore the server and while in the search for adventure, find places of grand historical significance (Old spawn ofc).
Also, you seem un-impressed by the book, yet you have it in your enderchest?

Artagan said:
The maze itself is fairly small, with lots of false traps and semi-hidden caches of items all over the place. The most noticable thing about the maze is the borderline-disturbing propoganda plastered everywhere, but that's a whole 'nother thread. There is a dragon egg in one of the hidden rooms, and at the end room of the maze, which is reached by pressing three semi-hidden buttons, there is a room similar to the town alcove room at spawn.

Not a clue of why the hell you just wrecked everyone who reads the forums' experience in the maze.

Artagan said:
However, the towns represented in the room at the end of this maze are described as "outlaw" towns. Now, from what I've heard, outlaw towns can be either towns that simply do not fit into any of the categories at spawn (although given the signs in the maze, they evidently have to be at least partially based around raiding and stealing from others), or it can be a town that is a raiding/stealing town but is not, quote "power-hungry", like the "power" category at main spawn.

That is just silly. There does not need to be a maze within worldguard intended as a path toward a special alcove room for this group of towns that are defined as separate from the other categories for seemingly no good reason. Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

You speak of this, yet you haven't even been to any outlaw town, you don't know from personal experience what it is they excel at. Also, mopb3 would not have outlaw towns be classified inside the flag room at spawn.
From what I intend my city to be, (and i'm sorry if i sound cocky as hell here) is a combination between some of the categories at spawn, and yet, not just one.
I also think that the maze itself is, as much of a glorification, as it is an explanation of what thievery is considered by us.

And now, a picture of Swagrid, who voted for KEEP THE MAZE

To address each of your points:

I did actually only take an hour or so to initially get to the end of the maze. I spent a lot more time in the maze, finding all the extra chambers and just sitting down there thinking about it, overanalyzing. Also, why does it matter how long I took to do the maze?

Going into this maze is not exploring the server or having an adventure. I never said there was anything wrong with visiting old spawn...

Everyone already knows about the maze, and I did apologize at the end for any spoilers. Again though, this isn't some RP thing that needs to be savored for each individual person; it's essentially a personal monument to a handful of people.

For one thing, mopb3 is not the sole controller of the flag room, and I doubt he would forbid any active town from being displayed in the flag room. If he did, just go to crypt or mag about it. If your town is a combination of various towns, maybe you should arrange with mag to have your town listed as a hybrid. And why do you need a maze under old spawn glorifying and explaining thievery? Again, it's silly and flat out unfair.

Andre, please don't nit pick everything I say on this. I'm just trying to bring this to light and let the server decide, not turn this into something petty.
Artagan said:
Everyone already knows about the maze, and I did apologize at the end for any spoilers. Again though, this isn't some RP thing that needs to be savored for each individual person; it's essentially a personal monument to a handful of people.

And how would you know that?

For one thing anyone is welcome to become an outlaw. Secondly, as is hinted in several locations outlaws are a special class of town. They have their own lore. Perhaps this is part of it?

Just because you can't figure out the puzzle doesn't mean it should be removed :P
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
Everyone already knows about the maze, and I did apologize at the end for any spoilers. Again though, this isn't some RP thing that needs to be savored for each individual person; it's essentially a personal monument to a handful of people.

And how would you know that?

For one thing anyone is welcome to become an outlaw. Secondly, as is hinted in several locations outlaws are a special class of town. They have their own lore. Perhaps this is part of it?

Just because you can't figure out the puzzle doesn't mean it should be removed :P

Alright, saying something is a special class of town does not make it so. You're just attaching a name to a group of towns for no good reason and having this maze around all that fabricated notoriety.

As for not figuring out the maze, whatever other information you've decided to provide for backstory on the outlaws in private isn't exactly relevant to you getting a monument to them in worldguard.

EDIT: Also, what the flip? There are like 8 guests online and all kinds of random people jumping on the forums.
"There have been sightings of a 5th group known as the Outlaws. Little is known about them, they are said to be thieves. They are hated among the rest [of] Loka and the only way to join is to either come across one of their towns or be personally invited"

There is a reason such little information is given about outlaws. They were not meant to be like the others. Since the beginning of this "class" concept there have been special plans for this group of people (though they haven't always been called Outlaws). The construction of this maze is not at all related to those who currently consider themselves outlaws. It is for all of those who may in the future call themselves outlaws.

As I've told you many, many times before, more information will come. But for now you have to wait.

Artagan said:
Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

And just sayin'... no one has ever asked.
Or perhaps there are and they've yet to be discovered?
Zor95 said:
"There have been sightings of a 5th group known as the Outlaws. Little is known about them, they are said to be thieves. They are hated among the rest [of] Loka and the only way to join is to either come across one of their towns or be personally invited"

There is a reason such little information is given about outlaws. They were not meant to be like the others. Since the beginning of this "class" concept there have been special plans for this group of people (though they haven't always been called Outlaws). The construction of this maze is not at all related to those who currently consider themselves outlaws. It is for all of those who may in the future call themselves outlaws.

As I've told you many, many times before, more information will come. But for now you have to wait.

Artagan said:
Quite frankly, it's unfair. No other group of towns gets structures inside worldguard dedicated to themselves.

And just sayin'... no one has ever asked.
Or perhaps there are and they've yet to be discovered?

Sorry, the promise of more information about the Outlaws in the future is not a justification for the monument to them that exists in worldguard right now. On an unrelated note, I don't think you've ever told me to wait, ever. When I talked to you about this before, you just said I was over analyzing it and basically being thick.

It is a given for most people that if you ask for a big monument to yourself in spawn protect, you will be denied. Apparently that doesn't apply here, for seemingly no reason at all.

The maze is full of references to "Team rocket" or phrases like "The Dome wasn't finished". How is that not relating to the current or past "outlaws"? Why does it matter which "outlaws" the maze relates to?
Artagan said:
Sorry, the promise of more information about the Outlaws in the future is not a justification for the monument to them that exists in worldguard right now.


It is a given for most people that if you ask for a big monument to yourself in spawn protect, you will be denied. Apparently that doesn't apply here, for seemingly no reason at all.

No one has ever said it is a monument. I have told you on this very thread that it is a piece of lore.

Artagan said:
The maze is full of references to "Team rocket" or phrases like "The Dome wasn't finished". How is that not relating to the current or past "outlaws"? Why does it matter which "outlaws" the maze relates to?

How are a group of people defined? Typically by their past. The activities referenced were actions of well known outlaws. They were used to help identify the place as a den for outlaws because most know of those things and who were responsible for them. Why does it matter? Because you seem to be very confused. You associate this place with specific players. It is not about those players. They simply chose to adopt the title.
I will put this simply for you Artagan.

This server is based around lore and role-play. You know that. Hopefully everyone knows that. Do not complain when we're not at your favorite part of the story.
Zor95 said:
I will put this simply for you Artagan.

This server is based around lore and role-play. You know that. Hopefully everyone knows that. Do not complain when we're not at your favorite part of the story.

This has nothing to do with who I favor, and I resent you bringing this down to that level.

Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
Sorry, the promise of more information about the Outlaws in the future is not a justification for the monument to them that exists in worldguard right now.


It is a given for most people that if you ask for a big monument to yourself in spawn protect, you will be denied. Apparently that doesn't apply here, for seemingly no reason at all.

No one has ever said it is a monument. I have told you on this very thread that it is a piece of lore.

Artagan said:
The maze is full of references to "Team rocket" or phrases like "The Dome wasn't finished". How is that not relating to the current or past "outlaws"? Why does it matter which "outlaws" the maze relates to?

How are a group of people defined? Typically by their past. The activities referenced were actions of well known outlaws. They were used to help identify the place as a den for outlaws because most know of those things and who were responsible for them. Why does it matter? Because you seem to be very confused. You associate this place with specific players. It is not about those players. They simply chose to adopt the title.

You're just calling it something different to suit your own ends. Lore it may be, but not the sort of lore that you make a special structure for under worldguard. Looking at the pallet memorabilia and whatnot in there is enough to see that.

And now you're just talking in circles. First you said the place wasn't about any past or present outlaws, it's about the future ones. I cited the frequent references of past and present outlaws in the maze, you claim those references are just markers to identify the place as a refuge for outlaws. Lines like "The Dome wasn't finished" identify it as a place for outlaws. And now you're implying that it's wrong for me to associate the place with any specific player. I think you're the one who's confused.
Zor95 said:
Psychedelic98 said:
I move that we give Art a dedicated worldguarded anti alliance area to resolve this conflict.


That is equally ridiculous... People are not supposed to be able to just call in and get their own private worldguarded monument to their faction.
Artagan said:
That is equally ridiculous... People are not supposed to be able to just call in and get their own private worldguarded monument to their faction.

Absolutely correct. They should not and cannot. No exceptions.
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
That is equally ridiculous... People are not supposed to be able to just call in and get their own private worldguarded monument to their faction.

Absolutely correct. They should not and cannot. No exceptions.

We're in agreement then.
Artagan said:
You're just calling it something different to suit your own ends.

I have nothing to gain from it being there honestly. As a Guardian I'm not allowed to associate my town with Outlaws.

Artagan said:
Lore it may be, but not the sort of lore that you make a special structure for under worldguard. Looking at the pallet memorabilia and whatnot in there is enough to see that.

Because you know the background of this place and everything. You know the entire story of the outlaws.

Artagan said:
And now you're just talking in circles. First you said the place wasn't about any past or present outlaws, it's about the future ones.

Zor95 said:
It is for all of those who may in the future call themselves outlaws.

Meaning not just outlaws now, but every outlaw. This does include current outlaws but is definitely not limited to them.

Artagan said:
I cited the frequent references of past and present outlaws in the maze, you claim those references are just markers to identify the place as a refuge for outlaws. Lines like "The Dome wasn't finished" identify it as a place for outlaws. And now you're implying that it's wrong for me to associate the place with any specific player. I think you're the one who's confused.

No you're supposed to associate the signs with specific players. That's what helps you identify it as the outlaw's den. However, you're under the belief that the maze was built entirely around and for those players, which is wrong.
Artagan said:
Zor95 said:
Artagan said:
That is equally ridiculous... People are not supposed to be able to just call in and get their own private worldguarded monument to their faction.

Absolutely correct. They should not and cannot. No exceptions.

We're in agreement then.

It's never happened before and I hope it never does, so yes.