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The State of the Library

I like the idea of selling books more. That way people would contribute in order to actually read the material. Have the library set up like the market and charge for publications or have server lore for free.
We could have it set up in categories. Fiction and Non-Fiction. and then break them up into public domain and leased information. were you can set it up for anyone to read or have it where people have to pay to be able to read the book. and any books that are dropped and picked up by someone who didnt buy it will just see "to purchase pls visit the library"
Seeing how this is a public library and not a bookstore, we will not be charging for books.
OK so since it is a public library shouldn't the library be buying the books to put on the shelves? Do we need library cards? Do we only get to borrow books and then have to return them? Will there be late fees for keeping the books too long? Who do you get the funds from for your operation cost? Is it from state or local taxes? Should we be kind and rewind?
Even public libraries charge patrons late fees and has book sales now and then. They even have to buy the books that they loan out. (unless they receive them through a charitable donation)
The library gives out infinite books. There's no need to make this complicated in any way. We put books on shelves, people get books, read them, that's it. I don't really see a need to incentivize this.

The Library has been and probably always be an optional experience. Those who are interest in lore will participate, those who are not will not.
Just tossing around ideas in order to get people involved was all.

As far as your last post though, Crypt, those that don't seek lore in the library don't necessarily NOT want to partake in lore. That fact aside, perhaps some kind of element implemented in order to draw people to read. If you want people to participate (and I only reference it like this because Zor was asking for input on improvements), then what about finding a way to raise awareness.

The mystery involved with the server lore and history is what will provoke people to read or seek out the books in the library. Is this something that will need to be done through server events? Player initiated events like the one with Andre?
Is there any way we can have a section for books that don't really count as lore, but personal unfinished (as in not signed/and not completed due to me stealing them) books? I know they aren't really a good read, but they are valuable and interesting in their own way.
If it is a popular idea I could add a small basement or maybe make better use of the space on the second floor to add some extra bookshelves for that.
small basement
Well for example I have a few books from the reach, one unfinished one about the not-so-recent recent lore, and a couple that are either personal notes, diaries, or mythical stories. While they shouldn't be placed among the other books since they are not finished/personal, they are a part of history and are interesting to read.
If they're unsigned, perhaps sign them, add a bit like --UNFINISHED-- at the end or something? Might be weird if we suddently started distributing just regular old book & quills.
If they're unsigned, perhaps sign them, add a bit like --UNFINISHED-- at the end or something? Might be weird if we suddently started distributing just regular old book & quills.
Yeah, that and I kinda want to have credit for stealing em and submitting them
I don't like that idea at all. A irl author like Suzanne Collins wouldn't have wanted her books to be published before they were finished. It would be unfair to do the same to those who had books stolen. Earlier in the forums Zor said that a higher standard would be placed on the books that made it to shelves, and to me this is below that standard. Personal diaries should be kept personal, not be published for all to goo and ga at. Not only would it make the library look bad to new players but it would greatly reduce the quality and the content of the library.
A book does not necessarily have to be complete to have enough content to be published in the library, although if you are the original author of a book I see no reason why it should be incomplete. Considering none of us are actual authors (so far as I know) I don't think it matters too much. Additionally, we already have several journals on the shelves. If you're writing extremely personal stuff in a book on Minecraft then there are other issues involved.
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I don't like that idea at all. A irl author like Suzanne Collins wouldn't have wanted her books to be published before they were finished. It would be unfair to do the same to those who had books stolen. Earlier in the forums Zor said that a higher standard would be placed on the books that made it to shelves, and to me this is below that standard. Personal diaries should be kept personal, not be published for all to goo and ga at. Not only would it make the library look bad to new players but it would greatly reduce the quality and the content of the library.
These books are a part of Lokan history. Like it or not I have the books, I can choose to do whatever I want with them, like sell them for a profit, but I want to share them with Loka as they are a piece of history and are interesting. Lazuli, think about past civilizations, when something is uncovered like scrolls, they are put in museums.

It's an inside look at their life, it's history.
I made my point, and no mater what you people say that is my opinion. Say what you want but putting unfinished books in library is not history, it's being lazy.
I made my point, and no mater what you people say that is my opinion. Say what you want but putting unfinished books in library is not history, it's being lazy.
Wut. I'm not asking to put my own unfinished books in the library. I have book that I've stolen from players that are both active and not active, a few from the Reach that no longer play for example. Instead of selling them for profit I want to put them in the library as they are a part of lokan history.
I know, I am not stupid, I know how to read. Doesn't matter who they were written by or when, it would be lazy and unfair to put unfinished works of possible art on display for thoughs to mock. Do you not care about anyone other then yourself. You are not the only sentient being here, we are not all heartless feeling-free robots. If you don't give a damn about others then go for it, but by god this will bight you in the ass later.
In my opinion it would be neat to read the lost lore of those who have left the server. If you don't want your unfinished works to fall into the hands of others, keep them safe.
I've deleted the posts that sent this thread way out of the scope of what it's meant for. Gettin real tired of seeing you two tear each other to pieces on the forums. If you want to do that, do it in private.

Let's keep this thread on topic, shall we?