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Implemented TNT Minecarts

Should Cryptite do this

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I agree TnT carts are a little OP if used the way you described it, but as Jammin said there's blast protection. I think it's better to try to adapt to the new meta instead of nerfing it so it becomes useless.
Make tnt minecarts not grief wilderness. I don't know why tnt minecarts grief wilderness but tnt cant.
Please nerf TNT minecarts as they make ganks super unfun and ruin the whole PVP experience. I'm not saying to remove them but at least nerf them how you nerfed end crystals. it is very frustrating when a full invis bows a minecart and 10 of your people get dropped. Having minecarts do radius damage such as end crystals allows players to still be very killable and allows them to have a chance to survive.
ur just salty cuz u lost
+1 I believe they should still do damage but 10 hearts is extreme maybe lower it to 8-9 hearts
build above yourself? pearl away? just avoid where you see people making tiny towers? use blast prot? just dont go to ganks?
build above yourself?
good idea bro everywhere I walk imma make sure to crank 90s and block myself up every time I hold down w
pearl away?
good idea bro imma know when to pearl when a random invis is gonna place a minecart and blow it up in a second
just avoid where you see people making tiny towers?
good idea bro its not like people can place minecarts behind or next to you and blow them up with a bow
use blast prot?
good idea bro imma substitute prot for blast good thinking
just dont go to ganks?
good idea bro imma just not have fun anymore I guess
I think these are quite funny. No need for a nerf as there is a counter and it's name is blast prot but if that's not enough maybe a nerf
ok but in that case let's buff crystals back to normal because there is a counter right?
This is a very dumb argument

Along side that loka already has buffed damage using blast prot isn't viable AT ALL
build above yourself? pearl away? just avoid where you see people making tiny towers? use blast prot? just dont go to ganks?
same thing for u gang along with what steak said
