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Implemented TNT Minecarts

Should Cryptite do this

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I like watching, it's hilarious and therefore it should stay.
I think a good compromise to keep this hilariousness but also to stop people from just getting run up with the TNT Minecarts might be to apply the protection blast prot might give you to protection, but it's a lil risky because changing vanilla mechanics is very not good. Changing damage on the carts is also in the same boat. I really do like how amusing it all is though. Very large hilarious very not large people being killed so easily with it lmao.
Looking at the situation retrospectively it is quite clear in the disparities of consistency as things stand with high damage vanilla items. When considering changing the damage output of a TnT Minecart it is important to remember a couple of things. First, it needs to be acknowledged that the enjoyment that comes from fighting on this server is due to the ability to combat others with practical strategies and skill-based gameplay. In this case, much like Crystals and Bed Bombing, there is only so much that can be done. If you are not able to merge blast protection and regular protection enchantments at the same time then to save yourself from these TnT Minecarts you are going to have to sacrifice your ability to survive in fights as you will be a quick kill for most skilled players whilst wearing blast protection. While this has been going on for a long time in Western Damilongwe, strategies are now changing. I think as these strategies evolve it is becoming quite evident that TnT Minecarts as a whole are far too overpowered and due for a nerf, consistent with Crystals and Beds Bombing.
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Looking at the situation retrospectively it is quite clear in the disparities of consistency as things stand with high damage vanilla items. When considering changing the damage output of a TnT Minecart it is important to remember a couple of things. It needs to be acknowledged that the enjoyment that comes from fighting on this server is due to the ability to combat others with practical strategies and skill-based gameplay. In this case, much like Crystals and Bed Bombing, there is only so much that can be done. If you are not able to merge blast protection and regular protection enchantments at the same time then to save yourself from these TnT Minecarts you are going to have to sacrifice your ability to survive in fights as you will be a quick kill for most skilled players whilst wearing blast protection. While this has been going on for a long time in Western Damilongwe, strategies are now changing. I think as these strategies evolve it is becoming quite evident that TnT Minecarts as a whole are far too overpowered and due for a nerf, consistent with Crystals and Beds Bombing.
It can only serve to expose in the harshest possible light the fallacy of these analytical constructs (if we may, at least pro demonstratiu, indulge the conceit of referencing them thus) to take them to their logical conclusion; for while it is not a formally constructed axiom within the framework of the Standard Model -- though one suspects that, given Godel's theorem, it could be axiomated by the Socratic method of demonstrating the unprovability of its negation -- it is accepted as a truism among idiosyncratics and traditionalists alike that any attempted isomorphism between such constructs and any concrete system, but not necessarily a subset of a system, must result in a self-contradiction which cannot be resolved without metareferencing the conditions attendant to the self-contradiction; as is demonstrated by the classic "catalogues paradox" of Set Theory that was so anathemic to Whitehead and Russell's magnum opus, notwithstanding.

basically, yeah i agree
It can only serve to expose in the harshest possible light the fallacy of these analytical constructs (if we may, at least pro demonstratiu, indulge the conceit of referencing them thus) to take them to their logical conclusion; for while it is not a formally constructed axiom within the framework of the Standard Model -- though one suspects that, given Godel's theorem, it could be axiomated by the Socratic method of demonstrating the unprovability of its negation -- it is accepted as a truism among idiosyncratics and traditionalists alike that any attempted isomorphism between such constructs and any concrete system, but not necessarily a subset of a system, must result in a self-contradiction which cannot be resolved without metareferencing the conditions attendant to the self-contradiction; as is demonstrated by the classic "catalogues paradox" of Set Theory that was so anathemic to Whitehead and Russell's magnum opus, notwithstanding.

basically, yeah i agree
In striving to create a complex relationship between concepts, a definite grasp between said ideas is absolutely necessary. However, it may become apparent that the fusion of the two subjects is ineffective, rendering a nullified result. In this case, a conclusion is far more difficult to draw, as results so far have remained inconclusive. Further research is required into this matter.
FURTHERMORE, Intrinsically, the super-postition exists only to prove that therein lies some metaphysical proof in an existential manner, there is in fact a higher power, higher than the nth degree, but we cannot yet comprehend its true connotation without examining the intensity of the subject, thus overall rendering your complete idiotic argument useless.
Hey guys I'm here with an opinion. Now many of you may disagree with this opinion but luckily I have people that will also agree with it. Now what is that opinion you may ask? Well it surely is one of controversy for sure. This controversy stems from the fact that people disagree with the opinion at its very root core: the opinion. Now what should we do about this? Surely, something. Yes I believe something will occur. Now is that something, A.) Something or B.) Nothing. But we have yet to ponder the severe socio-economic effects of a third choice. C.) Something Else. Yes I know this is for sure not something nor is it nothing but together I believe something else will happen and together we can get Prot 4 on my glass block helmet so I can be fully unleashed and people will no longer have to feel bad when they pearl away from me in the random conquest fights I go to. As you see I have written a paragraph and thus I am integral to the goings on of this conversation and all other opinions are irrelevant.

May the Pond guide your way

but yeah this thread is funny to read ngl, things will probably/hopefully be getting rebalanced eventually and its lowkey funny to watch these ganks while it still exists.
Hey guys I'm here with an opinion. Now many of you may disagree with this opinion but luckily I have people that will also agree with it. Now what is that opinion you may ask? Well it surely is one of controversy for sure. This controversy stems from the fact that people disagree with the opinion at its very root core: the opinion. Now what should we do about this? Surely, something. Yes I believe something will occur. Now is that something, A.) Something or B.) Nothing. But we have yet to ponder the severe socio-economic effects of a third choice. C.) Something Else. Yes I know this is for sure not something nor is it nothing but together I believe something else will happen and together we can get Prot 4 on my glass block helmet so I can be fully unleashed and people will no longer have to feel bad when they pearl away from me in the random conquest fights I go to. As you see I have written a paragraph and thus I am integral to the goings on of this conversation and all other opinions are irrelevant.

May the Pond guide your way

but yeah this thread is funny to read ngl, things will probably/hopefully be getting rebalanced eventually and its lowkey funny to watch these ganks while it still exists.
This is nothing but a meretricious deceit, for my solemn is nothing but fathomable and ostentatious. This is true to the extend of ontologism and Kiergegaardism, thereby through all of certainty. You shall be of verboten and censured into utter dissension, for your imbroglio is nothing but a unilateral anathema, antithesis; recherche. This is to the periphery of abomination, to the brink of Existentialism and ethical egoism. For thou must be interdicted in all of certainty. Though it may seem a concomitant, let be a contumacious individual. This shall not avail, such defamatory and garrulous desultory shall not prevail. Thus, it shall be obliterated fecklessly with no lachrymose, for it shall never be remembered, I'm glad we could connect on such a level and agree on this pear, I love you.
+1 The aforementioned inquiry presses for an utmost diarrheal plethora of polysyllabic verbiage, and for the sake of itself, such trivial exercise is akin to delinquent enjoyments not to be described, thus inasmuch must not be rejected. It therefore is by matter of response to be considered both theoretically and putatively implicit that herein is withheld but disparaged intelligence-enfolded and saccharin-glazed feculences. In conclusion I agree
+1 The aforementioned inquiry presses for an utmost diarrheal plethora of polysyllabic verbiage, and for the sake of itself, such trivial exercise is akin to delinquent enjoyments not to be described, thus inasmuch must not be rejected. It therefore is by matter of response to be considered both theoretically and putatively implicit that herein is withheld but disparaged intelligence-enfolded and saccharin-glazed feculences. In conclusion I agree
It can only serve to expose in the harshest possible light the fallacy of these analytical constructs (if we may, at least pro demonstratiu, indulge the conceit of referencing them thus) to take them to their logical conclusion; for while it is not a formally constructed axiom within the framework of the Standard Model -- though one suspects that, given Godel's theorem, it could be axiomated by the Socratic method of demonstrating the unprovability of its negation -- it is accepted as a truism among idiosyncratics and traditionalists alike that any attempted isomorphism between such constructs and any concrete system, but not necessarily a subset of a system, must result in a self-contradiction which cannot be resolved without metareferencing the conditions attendant to the self-contradiction; as is demonstrated by the classic "catalogues paradox" of Set Theory that was so anathemic to Whitehead and Russell's magnum opus, notwithstanding.
Does thoust sir lurnn need to be taken to thou art dungeons of thou forums?
Does thoust sir lurnn need to be taken to thou art dungeons of thou forums?
After numerous officials attending the proclaimed, much needed, annual meeting on the for-claimed issue provided by the participant that the apparent witness’ account regarding the infraction perpetrated by the entity that is not actually present on the photographic evidence did actually commit the illegal act, yet due to the fact that it was not captured on film, one might conclude that it is a rare and unprecedented event that we refer to as a “negative reality inversion."
In conclusion, no.
It can only serve to expose in the harshest possible light the fallacy of these analytical constructs (if we may, at least pro demonstratiu, indulge the conceit of referencing them thus) to take them to their logical conclusion; for while it is not a formally constructed axiom within the framework of the Standard Model -- though one suspects that, given Godel's theorem, it could be axiomated by the Socratic method of demonstrating the unprovability of its negation -- it is accepted as a truism among idiosyncratics and traditionalists alike that any attempted isomorphism between such constructs and any concrete system, but not necessarily a subset of a system, must result in a self-contradiction which cannot be resolved without metareferencing the conditions attendant to the self-contradiction; as is demonstrated by the classic "catalogues paradox" of Set Theory that was so anathemic to Whitehead and Russell's magnum opus, notwithstanding.

basically, yeah i agree
This is what happens when you put several adjectives in thesaurus.com