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Unban Appeal


New Member
Dear Friends,
My name is ReformedSmokey and i'm fairly new to the whole loka thing and started playing properly a few weeks prior to my ban.
Now then you may be wondering what I was banned for within such a short time of playing, when I first started Loka I asked friends for mod packs and mods which I could use to play Loka. To which one of my friends sent me his mod pack and ensured me everything was fine and I didnt have to worry about anything such as been banned. However he was wrong, this is because the mod pack contained a mod called "Mouse Tweaks" at the time I was confused and unaware of what this mod did. However as of moments prior to my ban, I was frozen to which the admin Reiwa kindly informed me that it was a bannable offence. I was completely unaware of what this mod did and had to check to see if the mod was hidden in the modpack to which it was, I had never used "Mouse Tweaks" to my advantage in all the time that I had been playing only been ranked Iron 2.

I appreciate Reiwa being so king to be and explaining what the mod did, as soon as he explained this I offered to remove any illegal mods which the mod pack enquired since I was still unaware of illegal modifications within the mod pack.

I really hope the community can understand that I was completely unaware of illegal mods, with me been fairly new to the server and I was not trying to use this mod to any pvp advantage. I hope I am forgiven and unbanned in the near future as I really enjoy playing this server.

Yours Truly, Smokey