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Updates to Territories


Staff member
In order to further one of the biggest features of Loka, we're pushing our territories system (We call it Conquest, now) forward with some changes meant to make TGens a little more exciting, a little less optional, and a lot more fun and worth it. There are a variety of changes coming, but here are some of the ones we're hoping to implement this weekend that will go into affect for June.

  • Becoming capital now affords you the right to tax the population of Loka. By default the Capital is awarded 5% of your generator's daily balance. This tax rate comes from emeralds and will be tangibly deposited in a chest for the Capital to own.
  • The Capital then is free to do with those emeralds whatever they'd like, be it distribute to their alliance, hoard for themselves, or dispense to the poor. The choice is yours!
  • Towns in the same Alliance will not be taxed.

New Policies
  • Actually, most of these are still in debate, but a selection of possible new entries to the policies chosen by the Capital include:
    • Air Superiority - The Capital and its allies are able to throw ender pearls in enemy towns whether they possess the Air Defense territory perk or not.
    • Hell on Earth: The Nether and the Overworld merge! Monsters in the overworld have a percentage chance to spawn as Nether monsters.
    • Higher/Lower Taxes: The capital can increase taxes to 8% or decrease to 3%.
    • Homefield Advantage: The capital and its allies all gain Speed I whilst in their towns and territories.
Territory Size Perks
  • Some of the following perks now become available to your town as a factor of how many online Territory Generators you own. You may notice that some of these have been moved from global policies to individual perks.
    • 1-5 tGens: Mastery - 10% increased town leveling
    • 6-10 tGens: Miner's Ferver - You gain Haste I while in your town or your territory.
    • 11-15 tGens: Increased Learning I - 10% increased xp gain
    • 16-20 tGens: Improved Infrastructure II - Speed II Roads
    • 21-25 tGens: Increased Learning II - 20% xp gain
    • 26-30 tGens: Rares Generated by Supply Stations
    • 31-35 tGens: Inter-alliance-town beacon travel
    • 36-40 tGens: Supply Station loot increased.
    • 41-45 tGens: No Taxation without Representation - Your town is longer subject to Capital Taxes
    • 46-50 tGens: Air Defense
The Ruin - Static, Controllable Zone
  • We are adding the first of a number of static, controllable zones within Loka. These zones are in the overworld, near spawn, and can be captured by a town when they become available. Capture of these zones grants your town:
    • Some fairly significant number of Territory Strength
    • A portion of loot, yet to be determined.
    • The Ruin - Overworld Monsters are no longer aggressive to your Alliance/Town
    • Other zones will have different rewards.
  • Each future controllable zone will have a different fight. The Ruin will be a bit like VotA. There will be three separate points that are captured by having one or more of your town/alliance present at the point. The more the merrier as always.
  • In order to successfully capture the Ruin, your town or alliance must control all three points simultaneously.
  • Whomsoever controls the Ruin will control it for 2 days. After 2 days, the Ruin will become neutral and can be assaulted at any point.
  • At any point, however, if the Ruin are controlled, a town/alliance can place an inhibitor nearby and, via the same general mechanics as TG Fights, they can attempt to take over the Ruin.

As always, these are subject to change and our numbers are not necessarily final. Go forth!
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Well-Known Member
I currently have no thoughts to post about this update specifically, but I'd like to make sure that you guys aren't going to make casual play on the server impossible or severely handicapped. Casual play meaning being online for an hour a day at most.

Edit: Actually I have a question. Does "5% of your generator's daily balance" mean that if I keep a balance of 5000 emeralds it'll charge me 250 emeralds a day. Or a one time payment of 250 that month? Or does it mean that it'll take 5% of the daily cost of my generator?
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Staff member
I currently have no thoughts to post about this update specifically, but I'd like to make sure that you guys aren't going to make casual play on the server impossible or severely handicapped. Casual play meaning being online for an hour a day at most.

Edit: Actually I have a question. Does "5% of your generator's daily balance" mean that if I keep a balance of 5000 emeralds it'll charge me 250 emeralds a day. Or a one time payment of 250 that month? Or does it mean that it'll take 5% of the daily cost of my generator?

Unsure what you mean by handicapping casual play. While we mean to make territories something more people should participate in, it's not our intention to make them mandatory, but you will at least be affected by the goings on of the world.

The 5% tax, if that's what you're worried about, will be taken from your daily emerald cost, not your balance. Balance is the wrong word.


Active Member
So, does this mean gens are gonna cost 5% more with taxes, or will it just pop out of nowhere

Gens will cost an extra 5% on each generator of any town not in the alliance.

And in response to Zor, it means if your Generator theoretically cost 120 emeralds, you would be charged 5%, or a 6 emerald tax, per generator cycle. So, every time 120 emeralds comes out, so does an extra 6.
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Well-Known Member
By handicapping casual play I mean is it going to make it substantially less efficient or more difficult for players who aren't on Loka online all day and able/interested in participating in territories? Basically, do you have plans to take anything away from players besides bonuses or a few emeralds?

Also are some of the territory perks only coming from ex-global policies or are some town perks being moved too? The post says global but it's looking mostly like town perks.


Active Member
Are you not able/interested? It seems to me that Crypt would like for you, and people like you, to get more interested.

Hence, this update.


Active Member
Casual play is not interrupted, for whatever casual play you can get on a pvp server being tailored as a Conquest server. Frankly, if a person wants to play somewhere that there is nothing outside of basic survival play for a casual experience, a pvp server such as ours is the last place they'd want to be.

The territory perks are the beneficial policies that were once only available if the capital selected them. Now, everyone has the opportunity to have them by expanding territory. The game is not changed at all if they decide not to, but they benefit if one chooses to do so.

The point of changes such as these encourage people to participate in the key features this server is being centered around. Town conflict and territory war, all with the aims of being capital. So basically, no, it won't make it crippling in any way for a person who chooses not to participate but they will have a far better experience if they do.


Staff member
By handicapping casual play I mean is it going to make it substantially less efficient or more difficult for players who aren't on Loka online all day and able/interested in participating in territories? Basically, do you have plans to take anything away from players besides bonuses or a few emeralds?

Bonuses, emeralds, and possible changes in the vanilla experience are all that we really have in mind so far. We realized that the policies of old were really boring and didn't add much incentive, nor harm to the world to make anybody want to challenge the capital, so more debilitating policies are possible, but we are always keeping in mind the casual or new players.

Also are some of the territory perks only coming from ex-global policies or are some town perks being moved too? The post says global but it's looking mostly like town perks.

Some town perks and global policies overlap (+XP%, for example), which may be what you're seeing. There is discussion about town perks too, but those are coming after this update.


Active Member
Nope I saw the supply stations the first time. And have reviewed it trying to find where they was mentioned besides there also mentioned them later wioht the increased loot; I thought it was a place around spawn unless its and industry type deal in which case interesting...


Well-Known Member
I had a discussion with Master last night and my concerns have been settled. I also discussed a suggestion with him which I will attempt to explain, though I may do a poor job of it.

Basically, it's prowess for territories. Every night you'd earn permanent reward points in addition to territory strength. These points would continue to add up and cannot be taken away from you. The purpose of these points would be to unlock various rewards. There could be points for milestones such as 10k points, 15k points, and 100k points or rewards that you could spend your points on. The rewards themselves might be cosmetic items such as hats, or perhaps a title, or something more useful such as increasing the town point cap or maybe buying temporary boosts. Thoughts?


Active Member
We did indeed talk about this and I completely forgot to mention it in the brief time I spoke to Crypt today. I think it would be a very interesting addition and if balanced properly could add incentives to territories over the long term.

It could also be interesting to see temporary perks purchased with the accrued points if there was an instance that a town is unable to maintain numbers such as 46-50 tGens for Air Defense. They could perhaps purchase the perk for days, weeks, or up to a month depending on the price.

The aesthetics would be difficult though as the town is earning these points so it would have to be a reward the whole town could use. Achievements could be added as well.


Staff member
I'm guessing these would be town-wide purchases that the owner(s) of a town could purchase? It's a neat idea, for sure. I'd be interested in what specific items a town could buy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah for the most part the owner would purchase for the entire town.

As Master mentioned, one idea would be to buy perks that would otherwise only be available to towns that had a certain amount of generators (increased xp) or perhaps something that a global policy would offer (generator discounts). These would of course be temporary and probably quite expensive.

Other ideas:

Increased town point cap
Decreased time for territory gens to come online
Increased industry efficiency
Town-wide potion effects
Town-wide fortune 3 effect
Titles (think baron, king, conquerer etc. Some would be town-wide, some owner only)
Use of /hat
A custom, cosmetic item

Whether these are temporary or not is up to you
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