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No Plans to Implement Usage of VPN for Asian players.


Active Member
Is there seriously no way for you to reverse the rule of me and others being allowed to use a VPN? It is actually getting quite annoying now as I cant even play the server I swapped my whole region for to play (by this I mean I stopped playing on Asia completely leaving everything I did on Asian servers behind.) , I constantly lag out and stay in the void. If theres anyway you can reverse it, i would gladly appreciate it. I know that you guys are good at coding, so if you were to code a way to see if anyone is alting even with a vpn, would that make us eligible to use a vpn? I get that I am located across the whole world from Loka, but we are all still players at the end of they day funding and supporting your server, making sure it is alive. Literally everyone and anyone who is in Asia cannot play Loka, we just lag out constantly, minus the Chinese people of course, you've given them VPN permission. But their country doesnt allow us them to do it, you giving them VPN rules is breaking the laws of their country. As a server that is STRICT on what we can say and act, i believe this is just straight unfair. We are all players that are wanting to play your server each and everyday. Imagine if you were us, this is the server you commited too. And you cant even play it? Just because we were born and raised in a different part of the world? No one can choose where they are born, therefore, I am here once again, asking for your permission of using a VPN, so that myself and others can actually play the server. If you cant allow it, why dont you guys make a system to see if anyone is alting, so that we can actually use the VPN's, i know for a fact Skuhoo or any other person in the Lokan Adminstration team can code that, Loka is a unique server, coded really well. There are more and more asians appearing on Loka, rougly having 100+ on during our time of being awake and on the server. Some days, thats even more than the NA/EU people combined.

At the end of the day, we are just hoping to play the actual server instead of falling into the void.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
+1, as the owner of a predominantely Asian town, and a former AS player myself, it is undeniable that the ping we get is a major issue. Beyond preventing an easy fix to the innumerable complaints about being stuck in the void, the current VPN ban is also holding back droves of Asian players from joining the one of a kind server that is Loka.

It would be a really nice gesture to enable our dear asian players to join and fully enjoy an experience we all love!! 🥰

(Also this would (at least slightly) fix the complaints about asian players being too pro at ranked because of their lag!!!)


Active Member
If anyone wants proof, here it is. I've been here for a week now. It comes and goes, I cannot actually play the game.


  • Screenshot 2024-04-25 193416.png
    Screenshot 2024-04-25 193416.png
    823.6 KB · Views: 69


Active Member
Chinese players use VPNs because they can't play Minecraft without VPN. consequence of using a VPN is that they display a lot of alt accounts like me. in this case, it is difficult to find alt accounts for other players.


Active Member
Chinese players use VPNs because they can't play Minecraft without VPN. consequence of using a VPN is that they display a lot of alt accounts like me. in this case, it is difficult to find alt accounts for other players.
China made it so that you cannot play real Minecraft. Still though, they are still giving you perms to a VPN, and it is not fair towards others just because their countries allow to play Minecraft normally. They have a specific game built for Chinese players called, Minecraft Chinese edition. What I would say is fair is if all of the people experiencing the problem of falling into the void due to connection issues, would also get VPN access. Your country has the original version of Minecraft blocked for a reason, them giving you perms is basically breaking the law. If the alting problem gets out of hand, you guys as I mentioned, could work on a software that forbids alting even with a VPN.


New Member
+1 When you are trying to log on to the server during eu/na times for asia players u cannot even log on to the server you just get put into the void and pearls land 10 seconds late and stuff bro

AND ANOTHER REASON FOR VPN is that MIDDLE EAST PLAYERS cannot join discord calls without the use of vpns since discord is banned in the UAE this makes it really annoying to join vc for loka fights


New Member
+1 It’s really weirdo that asian can’t play this server even they can play 250-300ms EU servers steady
DO SOMETHING to the UNPLAYABLE lag if Loka is really not planning this (except praying of course)
But allowin vpn is the last solution if Loka can’t do anything to them since it allows alts


Active Member
1714137797676.pngThis will happen if you use a VPN. in case there are banned players, they can use this method to continue playing Loka with a new account.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We appreciate it sucks but allowing players to use VPNs is simply non-negotiable for us. We cannot pick and choose which countries are allowed to use them as it would be both biased (angering sections of the community who will then claim we don't care about them) and come with all the downsides of opening it up to everyone. If everyone can use them then there is no point in bans as every player could easily evade them. If there were no point to bans and their repercussions the entire server could cheat and break rules, ruining the server for everyone.

We are constantly in dialogue with our host ensuring we do everything on our end to create the best possible connection to the server. Unfortunately, when players are connecting from the other side of the world it increases the chances of them hitting bad jumps between them and the server, which is out of our control. We are putting plans and systems in place so we are ready when we eventually open an EU Loka server (which is the long-term solution) and maybe even an Asian one. We still don't quite have the critical mass of players to do this currently.

In the shorter term, we are still looking at ways to improve the global population's connection to the server but there is only a limited number of things we can do. With the 1.20.5 update adding transfer packets, it will allow us to seamlessly move players between servers allowing us to at least make duels hosted on an EU server for EU/Asian peeps and maybe even an Asian server for Asian players. There may even be other opportunities to utilise this tech that we have not explored yet.


Active Member
We appreciate it sucks but allowing players to use VPNs is simply non-negotiable for us. We cannot pick and choose which countries are allowed to use them as it would be both biased (angering sections of the community who will then claim we don't care about them) and come with all the downsides of opening it up to everyone. If everyone can use them then there is no point in bans as every player could easily evade them. If there were no point to bans and their repercussions the entire server could cheat and break rules, ruining the server for everyone.

We are constantly in dialogue with our host ensuring we do everything on our end to create the best possible connection to the server. Unfortunately, when players are connecting from the other side of the world it increases the chances of them hitting bad jumps between them and the server, which is out of our control. We are putting plans and systems in place so we are ready when we eventually open an EU Loka server (which is the long-term solution) and maybe even an Asian one. We still don't quite have the critical mass of players to do this currently.

In the shorter term, we are still looking at ways to improve the global population's connection to the server but there is only a limited number of things we can do. With the 1.20.5 update adding transfer packets, it will allow us to seamlessly move players between servers allowing us to at least make duels hosted on an EU server for EU/Asian peeps and maybe even an Asian server for Asian players. There may even be other opportunities to utilise this tech that we have not explored yet.
But what does disallowing VPNs for current players have to do with preventing players from alting. Surely you could just have this rule in place for new players, similar to how you have to wait, I think 2 weeks, before you are allowed to play ranked, ensuring that you have players actual ip addresses before they are able to use a VPN. Wouldn’t it be better to allow this for current players anyways, as it would help expand your database of ips associated with a VPN, making it harder for someone alting to find one that isn’t blacklisted.

Edit: Account sharing seems to be the only problem I see with allowing VPNs let me know if I misunderstand or missed something.
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Well-Known Member
But what does disallowing VPNs for current players have to do with preventing players from alting. Surely you could just have this rule in place for new players, similar to how you have to wait, I think 2 weeks, before you are allowed to play ranked, ensuring that you have players actual ip addresses before they are able to use a VPN. Wouldn’t it be better to allow this for current players anyways, as it would help expand your database of ips associated with a VPN, making it harder for someone alting to find one that isn’t blacklisted.

Edit: Account sharing seems to be the only problem I see with allowing VPNs let me know if I misunderstand or missed something.
This seems like a lot of bureaucratic work on the servers end, and be a nightmare to actually manage.
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Active Member
This seems like a lot of bureacratic work on the servers end, and be a nightmare to actually manage.
Maybe, but it only seems like another automatic check. I can see it becoming a problem with account sharing though, as idk how that would be prevented outside of just ssing the player.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
But what does disallowing VPNs for current players have to do with preventing players from alting. Surely you could just have this rule in place for new players, similar to how you have to wait, I think 2 weeks, before you are allowed to play ranked, ensuring that you have players actual ip addresses before they are able to use a VPN. Wouldn’t it be better to allow this for current players anyways, as it would help expand your database of ips associated with a VPN, making it harder for someone alting to find one that isn’t blacklisted.

Edit: Account sharing seems to be the only problem I see with allowing VPNs let me know if I misunderstand or missed something.
Banned players are constantly getting access to current players' accounts.