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When Loka Meets Game of Thrones


Well-Known Member
It's been decided that I am both Tywin Lannister and Peter Baelish.

Magpie can be Renly Baratheon (though he looks most like Crypt)


Well-Known Member
Hybrid Tywin/Baelish says it's whatever he wants it to be.



Active Member
Lots of people requested a new list, so Zor and I spent some time putting one together last night. I also had crypt give it a once-over, and now it's as good as it'll ever be. Some people aren't defined by a single character, so they've been put down as a mix of two. Others aren't on this list because they couldn't really be defined by any combination, and to those people, congrats; you're so unique you can't be labeled. If there's someone you don't like who's been put down as a character you like, or someone you do like that's been put down as a character you don't like, tough beans, this is the best we got.

(Side note, this is based on both the books and the show; I've read all the books, so I'm a bit more familiar with the depth of some of the characters than someone who only watches the show)

Zor95 = Tywin Lannister/Petyr Baelish
Thieflord304 = Jaime Lannister/Ramsay Bolton
JocelynReed = Cersei Lannister/Melisandre
Lucifer09 = Lyanna Stark
Artagan = Jon Snow
Defgnww = Stannis Baratheon
Gallazius = Ned Stark
Skitch_The_Wolf = Robb Stark
MOpyc = Samwell Tarly
Su1cid4l = Gregor Clegane
Gudbrandr = Sandor Clegane
Lazuli73 = Lysa Arryn
Cryptite = Jeor Mormont
Asymptonic = Maester Luwin
Preksak = Aerys II Targaryen
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider
Leasaur = Sansa Stark
Epicbacon99 = Podrick Payne
Magpieman = Rhaegar Targaryen
Mtndome = Weirwood Tree/Davos Seaworth
mopb3 = Walder Frey/Robert Arryn
Newdood = Thoros of Myr
Pardalus = Ilyn Payne
Psychedelic98 = The Smiling Knight
MinecraftJedi127 = Shireen Baratheon


New Member
Do feel free to exclude me from any revisions of this damn list... Go ahead, and remove me from this as well. F****** morons...


Staff member
Pardalus said:
Do feel free to exclude me from any revisions of this damn list... Go ahead, and remove me from this as well. F****** morons...

Just like something Ilyn Payne would say... or think... You're perfect.


Well-Known Member
Just saying I have never read or seen the game of thrones tv/book series. So I have no idea who or what you just labeled me as, nor do I really care all that much.


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
Just saying I have never read or seen the game of thrones tv/book series. So I have no idea who or what you just labeled me as, nor do I really care all that much.
I just explained who Lysa Arryn was to you last night....


Well-Known Member
Zor95 said:
You might not have met her yet. She's a prophet for the lord of light.
I'm pretty sure I met her. I'm halfway through A Clash of Kings. Isn't she in the prologue, with Stannis, Lady Selse, Shireen, and the maesters of Dragonstone? Isn't it Mellisndre the one the old maester tried to poisen? (Forgot his name)


Well-Known Member
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Lazuli73 said:
Just saying I have never read or seen the game of thrones tv/book series. So I have no idea who or what you just labeled me as, nor do I really care all that much.
I just explained who Lysa Arryn was to you last night....

Do you really think I layed that much attention.


Well-Known Member
Lazuli73 said:
MinecraftJedi127 said:
Lazuli73 said:
Just saying I have never read or seen the game of thrones tv/book series. So I have no idea who or what you just labeled me as, nor do I really care all that much.
I just explained who Lysa Arryn was to you last night....

Do you really think I layed that much attention.

Lysa Arryn is the widow of, uh, I think it's Jon Arryn? (Compleatly forgot his name), the former Hand of King Robert. He helped Robert and Eddard Stark take the throne from the old Targarian king (forgot the name again). Lysa has a son named Robert Arryn and a sister named Catelyn, who is married to Eddard Stark. Lysa is originally from Riverrun, her named used to be Tullybrfire she was married.
Also, I just relised that makes you Lea's aunt.