As a big fan of the series A Game of Thrones I decided to compare players in Loka to characters from the series. This may not mean a lot to some of you but fans of the series should find this very interesting. The current list was compiled after discussing it with a couple of fellow players. Please let me know what you think and post any suggestions you have for who matches what characters. This is meant to be light hearted and a bit of fun so please don't take any comparisons to heart or as an insult.
JocelynReed = Daenerys
Thieflord304 = Ser Jorah Mormont
13Scooter13 = Viserys Targaryen ?
Zor95 = Petyr Baelish
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider
Magpieman = Tywin Lannister
Cryptite = Jamie Lannister
Gallazius = Ned Stark
Skitch_the_Wolf = Robb Stark
Psychadelic98 = John Snow
mopb3 = Bran Stark
Adderman500 = Hodor
Lucifer09 = Arya Stark
Leasaur = Sansa Stark
Artagan = Theon Greyjoy
Pardalus = Clegane (The Hound)
Defgnww = Joffrey Baratheon
Gudbrandr = Robert Baratheon
Mtndome = Davos Seaworth (The Onion Knight) ?
MOpyc = Samwell Tarly
Slimjim1988 = Podrick Payne
JocelynReed = Daenerys
Thieflord304 = Ser Jorah Mormont
13Scooter13 = Viserys Targaryen ?
Zor95 = Petyr Baelish
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider
Magpieman = Tywin Lannister
Cryptite = Jamie Lannister
Gallazius = Ned Stark
Skitch_the_Wolf = Robb Stark
Psychadelic98 = John Snow
mopb3 = Bran Stark
Adderman500 = Hodor
Lucifer09 = Arya Stark
Leasaur = Sansa Stark
Artagan = Theon Greyjoy
Pardalus = Clegane (The Hound)
Defgnww = Joffrey Baratheon
Gudbrandr = Robert Baratheon
Mtndome = Davos Seaworth (The Onion Knight) ?
MOpyc = Samwell Tarly
Slimjim1988 = Podrick Payne