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When Loka Meets Game of Thrones


Old One
Staff member
Old One
As a big fan of the series A Game of Thrones I decided to compare players in Loka to characters from the series. This may not mean a lot to some of you but fans of the series should find this very interesting. The current list was compiled after discussing it with a couple of fellow players. Please let me know what you think and post any suggestions you have for who matches what characters. This is meant to be light hearted and a bit of fun so please don't take any comparisons to heart or as an insult.

JocelynReed = Daenerys
Thieflord304 = Ser Jorah Mormont
13Scooter13 = Viserys Targaryen ?
Zor95 = Petyr Baelish
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider
Magpieman = Tywin Lannister
Cryptite = Jamie Lannister
Gallazius = Ned Stark
Skitch_the_Wolf = Robb Stark
Psychadelic98 = John Snow
mopb3 = Bran Stark
Adderman500 = Hodor
Lucifer09 = Arya Stark
Leasaur = Sansa Stark
Artagan = Theon Greyjoy
Pardalus = Clegane (The Hound)
Defgnww = Joffrey Baratheon
Gudbrandr = Robert Baratheon
Mtndome = Davos Seaworth (The Onion Knight) ?
MOpyc = Samwell Tarly
Slimjim1988 = Podrick Payne
I still see myself more as Tywin.

Tywin Lannister is the head of House Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Lord Paramount of the Westerlands and, currently, the Hand of the King to his grandson, King Joffrey Baratheon. Intelligent, calculating, and ruthless, he is also the richest man in the Seven Kingdoms. His primary concern is his family's legacy.
Magpieman said:
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider

http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Varys says:

Varys is a eunuch; he is plump, completely bald and effeminate. He has soft white hands. He powders his face.

So Def is this guy that gets slapped?

Spot on with MOpyc.
Though I must admit... this is certainly me.


Even so, I still think Tywin is a better match and Magpie certainly doesn't fit that character.
Magpieman said:
As a big fan of the series A Game of Thrones I decided to compare players in Loka to characters from the series. This may not mean a lot to some of you but fans of the series should find this very interesting. The current list was compiled after discussing it with a couple of fellow players. Please let me know what you think and post any suggestions you have for who matches what characters. This is meant to be light hearted and a bit of fun so please don't take any comparisons to heart or as an insult.

JocelynReed = Daenerys
Thieflord304 = Ser Jorah Mormont
13Scooter13 = Viserys Targaryen ?
Zor95 = Petyr Baelish
andrekeroxd = Varys the Spider
Magpieman = Tywin Lannister
Cryptite = Jamie Lannister
Gallazius = Ned Stark
Skitch_the_Wolf = Robb Stark
Psychadelic98 = John Snow
mopb3 = Bran Stark
Adderman500 = Hodor
Lucifer09 = Arya Stark
Leasaur = Sansa Stark
Artagan = Theon Greyjoy
Pardalus = Clegane (The Hound)
Defgnww = Joffrey Baratheon
Gudbrandr = Robert Baratheon
Mtndome = Davos Seaworth (The Onion Knight) ?
MOpyc = Samwell Tarly
Slimjim1988 = Podrick Payne

Oh okay I see how it is mag. I don't get a character.
Serving Stark seems about the only thing that links me to Hodor (mop is stark heheh). Because I'm not exactly a brute of physical strength, and although I say it myself I'm not mentally handicapped or simple minded....
Epic we did discuss you at length but could not find a character that fitted you.

Adder we picked you and mop purely on their relationship between each other and how it develops through the books.

What character do you think suits you best?
Deathstrider said:


We're cut deep bro, you cut us deep.


memrme = Old nan (slightly retired, always telling kids stories of the past)
memrme3 = Rickon Stark (you are rarely seen inside the city, just like the fugitive son of Ned)
slade2011 = Aemon Targaryen (As the Maester of the Night Watch) (because you guys consider him your bookwriter and such)
Deathstrider = Benjen Stark (Voluntarily left towards the Night Watch, location unkown) ('cause you're not very active lately :p)
Skitch the Wolf said:
I actually don't watch Game of Thrones. That being said, who is Robb Stark, and what makes me him?

Watch it, then come back and ask when we can respect you once again.
Artagan said:
what made you think of me as Theon Greyjoy? :P


Also, Psych:

Oh ok my character has a cool nam...

I am not like 10 Mag.

Ok maybe the character suits me well..
" His life changed irrevocably when he suffers a crippling injury and relies on the servant Hodor to aid his mobility"

Skitch the Wolf said:
I actually don't watch Game of Thrones. That being said, who is Robb Stark, and what makes me him?


Robb Stark is a major character in the first, second, and third seasons. He is played by starring cast member Richard Madden and debuts in the series premiere. Robb Stark is the King in the North, the ruler of the North, declared as such by his bannermen and allies after Eddard Stark's execution. He is leading these forces in a rebellion against King Joffrey, designed to break the North away from the control of the Iron Throne. He has adopted a direwolf which he named Grey Wind. He recently married Talisa Maegyr, a Volantene noblewoman, in secret.

Just a summary. He's pretty important. He also has a direwolf, its cute and fluffy hahaha
wow arya stark is literally one of the two got characters i know lol and from what i saw of her in the first episode, she's a badass, also
She is fiercely independent and is often mistaken for a boy. - Game of Thrones wiki