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World Road System


Active Member
Me, Zor, and Targaryen have been bouncing around ideas related to this for a little over a week now. Zor mentioned it here:


but we ought to have a thread dedicated to it.

The overall idea is that, with the addition of horses to MC, we make a system of roads in the new world, allowing people to travel on horseback from place to place without the dangers of the wilderness. The roads would be lit, with fences, walls, or some sort of barrier along the sides to protect travelers from mobs. We would also make a number of rest stops by the side of the road, complete with farms, stables, beds, water, etc. The road would connect to spawn, as well as any towns who agreed to be connected. It would also meander around the continent(s), bridging rivers and ravines, etc.

However, the roads would not a cushy place for people to relax and sit down for a picnic. Thieves would probably be patrolling them, looking for travelers to kill and rob. People would do well to travel in groups, and keep watch over their horses in the stable.

I like this idea for a lot of reasons. For one, it would force people to interact and form colorful relationships. It would make a more realistically connected map, and force people to explore a little and get a little better idea of the geography of the world. It'd be a public works project, building roads and inns, which might foster a little unity on the server. It adds a new dynamic to things, and just seems really fun.

Another idea for stables.
I think the only place where gravel looks reasonable is for roads. Since we'll get so much of it mining in the new world that might be quite a strong option. But I think the world trail changing colour/material as it progresses through the world would be a nifty idea.
Alright, so gravel is not an option, as per Zor's terms. I don't really want the road to have a ruined or overgrown look, at least not at first. Here are some qualities that I would like the road to have:

-Lit, either by torches, lamps, or glowstone
-Blocked on either side by either fences, walls, cactus, or some kind of barrier against mobs
-At least three blocks wide, and relatively flat (no slopes steeper than one block)

Materials that have not yet been removed as options:

Hardened Clay
Dyed Clay
Stone Brick
Clay brick
I have no problem with gravel, if Zor just doesn't want gravel near his town he can update the road with materials of his choosing, but I don't see any reason why we'd need to ban gravel from the entire road system. Especially not at first when it might be easiest to lay out the roadwork with gravel, etc. We can come back later as time and resources permit and replace gravel with better blocks in the future though.
No road of my building will ever be made of anything beyond stones!

So ima leave that bit to you lot.
Cryptite said:
I have no problem with gravel, if Zor just doesn't want gravel near his town he can update the road with materials of his choosing, but I don't see any reason why we'd need to ban gravel from the entire road system. Especially not at first when it might be easiest to lay out the roadwork with gravel, etc. We can come back later as time and resources permit and replace gravel with better blocks in the future though.

He said he wouldn't connect his town to a gravel road, and that he wouldn't allow the server to be represented by a gravel road.

Here's a hardened clay road with fence on one side and wall on the other:
Supposed to dye it silly.

And yeah while laying out the initial path of the road it can be gravel, but it's a very poor material for building and should be replaced whenever possible.
Zor95 said:
And yeah while laying out the initial path of the road it can be gravel, but it's a very poor material for building and should be replaced whenever possible.

Exactly. I think texture packs help alot though, for example John Smith makes gravel look quite medieval and sexy.
Too much like a street in my opinion, not enough like a road that horses would travel on. I'm not sure if horses can jump over fences/walls (probably can), but I feel the (I'd call it the "world trail", since road seems a bit too technologically advanced for our server, anyway) should be exitable at any time. I'd also like to use redstone lamps as much as possible as they seem more realistic to me. My 2c anyway.

I still think gravel, too. Zor can have his own ugly part.
Hey crypt could u setup at the new spawn a gravel donating station 4 people to donate gravel :D. It will be funded by the love of everyone on the server :D

Cryptite said:
Too much like a street in my opinion, not enough like a road that horses would travel on. I'm not sure if horses can jump over fences/walls (probably can), but I feel the (I'd call it the "world trail", since road seems a bit too technologically advanced for our server, anyway) should be exitable at any time. I'd also like to use redstone lamps as much as possible as they seem more realistic to me. My 2c anyway.

I still think gravel, too. Zor can have his own ugly part.

Uh, the term road seems too technologically advanced, but we should use redstone lamps instead of glowstone? :P

And yeah, it ought to be enterable from the roadside. How does this look:
