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Moccs Gigabrewers


Well-Known Member
Mocc's Gigabrewers
discord: Mooc#7138

If you want simplicity in a brewer, build a FroggyFruit brewer. if you want 100% automation, get a Babycat brewer. If you want
Potions fast, and in large quantities, get a Gigabrewer.

All of these brewers are
100% Free, given that you build it yourself. DM me on discord if you need any assistance.

Link to brewer use guide

32x4 Manual ๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
Best in the business for those who are warping a lot of people and need a lot of pots. This is the one I'd recommend for the average 20+ player warping towns.
32x4+2 Manual ๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
Best in the business for those who are warping a lot of people and need a lot of pots, and lingering invis pots.
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 16457
Pots per mat cycle: 6114
Pots per cycle: 96
Hoppers: 160
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 16457
Pots per mat cycle: 6114
Pots per cycle: 96
Hoppers: 176

32x4 Auto๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
Puts in your mats and blaze powder for you, comes with a few cons though. (I do not recommend you build this.)
32x1+2 Auto++ ๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
The most advanced brewer that I do not offer for free. I am only building this for certain people and selling it to certain people.
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 16457
Pots per mat cycle: 6114
Pots per cycle: 96
Hoppers: 436
image (1).png
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 16457
Pots per mat cycle: 6114
Pots per cycle: 96
Hoppers: 156

32x2 Manual ๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
For those towns that are in the middle of how many people they warp. Still yields a large amount of pots while being extremely lightweight.
32x1+2 Manual ๐Ÿ“‹(click for download)
This still makes a lot of pots although being small, but it doesn't amount to larger designs. Good for builder towns.
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 8228
Pots per mat cycle: 3072
Pots per cycle: 48
Hoppers: 80
Pots per hour: โ‰ˆ 4114
Pots per mat cycle: 1536
Pots per cycle: 24
Hoppers: 40

And I do now offer a super secret design for those who are interested in the un-tapped handbrewing market. Its dustless, observer-less, hopper-less, and overall redstone-less. its also modular, heres the download.

Jump to latest post for latest info
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Well-Known Member
I endorse the giga brewer when I make my town this is the brewer I will be building to poop out pots at the fastest rate possible.


Well-Known Member
Hey wanted to drop by and show you some new things I've done

The all new, fully automatic brewer

Yep, fully, fully automatic this time around. No longer the days of needing to watch ye ol' bottle lever. Just put the mats in and blaze powder and you are set. And for those who like traditional, you can shift gears and go back to the prior way of automatic brewing, where you toggle the bottles by yourself.

I will not be giving away the very secret confidential auto-auto brewer. DM me on discord and we can negotiate prices from there.
A cool scaling chart on how much each module adds
Thought this would be useful. Hoppers scale as well with each section, 40 * the number of sections = hopper count. Given you are only building the manual option instead of automatic, which scales tremendously with each module, Loka only being able to handle 4 sections with an automatic distributor.

Pricing for auto and manual builds on my end
Remember, getting one of these fine contraptions built by yours truly is entirely free, but if you are lazy and don't wanna build it, I can, provided you give me the necessary materials to do so. 15k shards is how much ill price for whichever brewer design you want to make. It can be custom made to suit your towns needs.

Remember, I encourage you to build it yourself, not only is it a good learning experience for redstone
that you might pickup, You will feel accomplished that you built it by yourself. If you ever need any help building one of these, DM me on discord, I'm always available, Mooc#7138


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Well-Known Member
Hello party people, I'm still here still innovating and whatnot.

I strongly advise that you do NOT build the auto version of my brewer.
Its pretty cool, it puts the blaze powder and the potion mats in for you no hassle. However, there are a lot of things that are bad with this, I'll list them.
  1. Takes a tremendous amount of hoppers compared to the manual.
  2. Actually SLOWER than putting in the mats by hand.
  3. Takes up a lot more room.
  4. Can break not due to me being bad at redstone, but Loka having weird NBT tags on their items that makes it unstackable. Quite annoying if you ask me...
  5. Less versatility, ex: you can't make more than one type of potion at a time
  6. Did I mention it takes up a lot more hoppers?
Brewer use guide
This is something I probably should have included when I posted this, I thought it was too easy but that's just me, clearly.

Link <--- If you can translate into Turkish, Polish, or Spanish DM me on discord.

Innovations and such
Disregarding what I said about the auto version, I still love it. It took a lot of work to create and I'm proud of it. You know what I love more though? The AutoAuto Version, Gigabrewer++, whatever you want to call it. Its basically the end of the line when it comes to innovating Minecraft brewers, unless some new crazy wacky redstone block gets added. I have made one version which works great, except I feel its too bulky and can work better. I'm working on a better solution and I will be selling this one instead of giving it away. No photos as of now, its top secret.

Need help? Contact me
I am on most of the day and read all of my pings, so don't you worry. My discord is Mooc#7138. BTW I do not charge for discord DMs. I don't charge for town visits either, unless its really far away from docks or my town. If you live in the ice mountains of Kalros and you are having brewer troubles, tough luck, I cba. I try and help people to the best of my ability in DMs.

Alright that's it, have a nice day :timmy:


Well-Known Member

โ”ˆโ– โ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ•ฐโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ•ฏโ”ˆโ”ˆโ”ˆโ–•โ–•

New main page
I spent a good 15 minutes re-designing the main page only for me to accidentally click the X and close it, discarding all my progress. No worries, I've dedicated another 15 minutes to re design it again.

There are now 5 new designs available to the public
People always dm me asking 'Can I get a smaller version?' or "Can x change be made?" and now I think I've covered all of that with all the designs up for download.

New bottling system on the new brewers
So the current bottler design had a system that kept on dispensing pots to keep them all loaded. What I've realized is that it only gets to this point when it breaks, (due to low bottle detection clock syncing up with the dispensing clock, everything locks up and either spams a lot of bottles out or locks it up, which is a common issue.) Feel free to change your bottling design as it will be 1) Less annoying and loud and 2) More consistent and non-breaky. You can find this change on the new schematics.

Again if you need any help contact me.
DM me on discord if you need any assistance. 0 charge. Mooc#7138

Alright goodbye :duck: