Loka Forums

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lcr application

  1. ChickPro

    ChickPro for LCR

    IGN: ChickPro Age: 15 Current rank: Slicer What you think is expected of position: I think of LCR's as members of the community that seek to show and influence admins of ideas for the server by looking and listening the community, I believe they are expected to show all opinions of Loka related...
  2. olpx

    olpx 4 lcr

    IGN olpx Age: 16 Current rank: settler What you think is expected of position: to be able to represent what your side of the community likes and wants and to respectfully and without bias state it to the guardians and elders Why you think players should support you: i think players should...
  3. Zachary_N_Kaleno

    Zachary_N_Kaleno for LCR

    IGN: Zachary_N_Kaleno (confused as to why say my name twice, if you clicked this app, you already know basic info number one) Age: 17 Current rank: Sentry What you think is expected of position: To be able to represent the views of the community in a non-bias, approachable, and understanding...
  4. McDanky

    McDanky for LCR

    Age: 18 Years Current rank: Sentry What you think is expected of this position: LCRs should be a voice for the community of Loka. An approachable person who can help communicate the concerns of the player-base with the admins to hopefully make the server a better place. Why you think players...
  5. S

    Friendly Neighborhood Spiderm3n looking for work!

    Age: 28 Current rank: Settler What you think is expected of position: Beyond the stated expectations listed in the posting, I feel the expectation of this position will follow closely along the lines of the Slicer Rank. Community Reps should be friendly and helpful to all Lokans. They are...