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_Drilon ban appeal

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Active Member
Yeah well i lied but that shouldnt be a perm ban especially while i couldve kept lying and prob be unbanned
especially while i couldve kept lying and prob be unbanned
I cant really see how this can be true when Carlos litteraly sent all the proof to show that you knew what was going on.
Yeah well i lied but that shouldnt be a perm ban
Over half the bans on loka have something to do with players lying to the staff. Wasting staffs time by lying is also guaranteed to give them another reason to ban you / make your punishment harder.


I cant really see how this can be true when Carlos litteraly sent all the proof to show that you knew what was going on.

Over half the bans on loka have something to do with players lying to the staff. Wasting staffs time by lying is also guaranteed to give them another reason to ban you / make your punishment harder.
i already explained the first part u sent and for the second, i couldve not said anything but i decided to be honest


Active Member
-1 Im not sure what you expected. You wouldn't cooperate with us. All you said is you would tell us if we paid you or if you got to keep the duped cores. I'm not sure what else was said between you and pig I'm just stating what you said to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


-1 Im not sure what you expected. You wouldn't cooperate with us. All you said is you would tell us if we paid you or if you got to keep the duped cores. I'm not sure what else was said between you and pig I'm just stating what you said to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Everything i said to u was way before it happened and i was just asking things, i was going to tell it either way which i did


Well-Known Member
Not even going to bother to read the pages of -1s. You shouldn't have lied to staff. You just nuked your own appeal by all the arguing I read on the first page. Should have hired the Lokan Lawyer LobsterLarry to handle your case with you to ensure things go smoothly. This is truly a moment.


Active Member
I love and hate how well make loka is, it may keep the players playing, but also keeps the banned players evading. +0
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