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Ban appeal (Trustbbg)

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New Member
Hello im trustbbg, alvin, botellon whatever u want to call me. I got banned of loka today for "account sharing". The reason to this is beacuse i got the "same ip" as xicz. Wich is an banned player from a few months ago.

Me and xicz are really close friends and we have known each other for years. Sence like a year ago I have had his account becuase of a server we used played on. We played on a server called steelpvp and often he wasnt able to get on for the friday nights that the sotw(start of the world) was taking time. So becuase of that i helped him with claiming his stuff to get both money for the team and to get him in the team so that he could just log on when he got on.

Now xicz has quit minecraft. So I logged on his account again for the first time in like 6 or more months to check what servers he was banned of and how long it was left on the bans. When I tried to log on loka i got to the page saying "your perma banned from this server" and didnt think much of it. (This means I was never even in the server)

When I try to log on my normal account again (trustbbg), It says I am banned for account sharing.

Sure obvisly this is my fault and I shuld not have tried to "log on loka" with his account. But as I said before I was never really on loka... You probably think: "Well what if you got in loka? You would have alted and thats not allowed either". Sure but no your wrong, beacuase I already knew he was banned and I just wanted to check how long it was left on the ban. But still I am sorry and I apolygize.

I have been playing loka for around a year now and enjoy it a lot. I am (again) sorry for what I did but i just want to play loka again with my firends and continue having fun on the server. Thank you!


Active Member
+1 I can see that he is a little bit guilty, but if it is all true, I think that a perma-ban is too much for the little offense it was


Active Member
+1 as long as this is the full truth, is just seems like an honest mistake, dont see a reason for the ban at that point


Staff member
Seems to have been an accidental logon indeed, but the account sharing with someone who has been doing a lot of ban evasion on Loka is not a good look. The ban is dropped but be sure the only person playing on your account is you.
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