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Suggestion Brewing Industry


Recently, I have noticed what could only be considered a fatal deficiency to Loka.

The obvious lack of an alcohol industry.

When you look at the broader range of items produced from industry, it covers almost everything in the current marketplace except for special items meant to be farmed or gathered (example: flowers, elytras). It makes sense for those regular everyday items to be gained from industry production, yes, but let's take a moment to think about how large of a role alcohol plays in Lokan society. I'm running out of alcohol to put on the marketplace, as at least 20 drinks are sold each day and I don't have enough to support my town as well as the various foreign alcoholics.

My suggestion is that we have a steady income of alcohol through the implementation of a brewing industry. A person would be able to put in bottles/clocks or something to that degree to begin production of their own town brewed alcohol.* Underneath it could potentially state where the alcohol was brewed in, just like any other industry (example: Brewed in Auru).

Prohibition must end on Loka!

*Somewhere around this point, I dropped my already broken mouse and it shattered beyond repair. This will go down as the historic moment where Falksi goes from "below average pvper" to "trash pvper".


Staff member
The brewing plugin that Loka uses requires lots of trial & error in figuring out the different ingredients, fermentation time, barrel type, and aging time to brew the perfect alcohol. It's because of this that there are still recipes that remain undiscovered. Would this industry just output random different alcohols? What about the undiscovered recipes or recipes that aren't commonly known? Industries are meant to cut some of the grind out of vanilla Minecraft. Being able to just completely circumvent the custom process required to produce these custom items seems like it would just remove gameplay from Loka.


True, but if the system is based on rarity, who's going to wait around for months to fill their inventory with a rare recipe? Plus, we know a lot of drinks already that don't have recipes discovered, so seeing it won't stop us from working our little booties off finding them :p

I was typing a giant paragraph and misclicked on the back button.. If I missed anything in my counter argument, feel free to mention or quote yourself again c:


Well-Known Member
Hmm, a good way to counteract recipes that aren't known is only using ingredients you put in. For example (I could be wrong about this because I really haven't messed around with this industry much just yet), if you put seeds into the barn, it'll only produce chicken, and not sheep that require wheat. Perhaps you could put in only what is needed for specific recipes so that it'll only brew that alcohol type. An example of this would be you placing in tall grass for Strong Absinthe, and getting Strong Absinthe (and anything else that might require grass out), but because you didn't put in potatoes, you won't have a chance of getting Russian Vodka. Perhaps this might accidentally brew something we don't know about yet, but it does give players a further incentive to experiment with the ingredients you put in, if you know whatever you put in is needed to make a rare recipe.


Hmm, a brewing industry? The idea of that is rather interesting, although I am curious on how Cryptite will implement this if he does see this. There are many factors like aging, distilling, etc that will have to be accounted for, but let's see how this goes.


While I too long for a more efficient way to brew, an industry to do the whole thing on its own seems like it would be extremely complex to make (and thus prone to breaking), because of the multi-step brewing process, and the customization of the Brewery plugin that Loka uses,. Also, it really does seem like it would just take an entire gameplay element out, for not much reason at all, other than us being lazy :p

However, I am totally in favor of some kind of industry that simplifies/facilitates brewing or one of the steps somehow, since alcohol production is somewhat of a chore. I'll admit that I don't really know what that could be, but I'll definitely give it some more thought.