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bye <3


Well-Known Member
Rip, now who’s going to hit me of important charges? (When I actually get them ;-; ) :p only kidding! Good luck to you, come back and visit some time! :)
IRL is always first! Good luck out there and as always, we'll leave The Artifact on for you when you come back!

Yep! Thanks, I probably won't be returning though considering I have the rest of High School + College ahead of me, but who knows!
Rip, now who’s going to hit me of important charges? (When I actually get them ;-; ) :p only kidding! Good luck to you, come back and visit some time! :)
;)girl idk! Gl to you too, and I sure will when I can!
What's that?
girl i-


Active Member
Roasted me in public chat atleast a few times
It's been fun beetee
Times of the utumno war are still one of my highlights on loka.
GL In the Future!