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Suggestion Cap to conquest fights (all). (HOT TAKE)

Very late to this thread, but I believe that this could very well be good for the server in any growth stage. We know about where a fight starts to lag, so limit a fight to around that number. (not sure what that number is off the top of my head) Instead of saying "this limits conquest," open your eyes to the fact that this would un-limit conquest to one continent. If an alliance of 100 is limited to 50v50 fights, why would they not move a decent amount of people to another continent? This is simply adding content to other continents and making more fighting happen.

Reins would be the only thing that's not really worked out well in my head, as the cap is partially for lag reasons, so this likely would provide little to no benefit.

And like I've tried to point out to people before, over-recruiting for fights simply kills conquest like it has on Ascalon this month. I'm not saying this out of "Rp is too sweaty pls help" this is saying it out of wanting to have consistent year-round fighting. Recruiting better players and training your top X amount of people would be something I could understand, but merging two huge alliances is something that's overall bad for the health of the server and is involuntarily encouraged by the winner takes all style of Conquest 3.

Another point here is that the cap is able to be moved as the server gets better equipped for lag. Reins could easily serve as a testing mode for this, and give justification for larger player caps.

Another thing I didn't see mentioned was the rivina benefits. Never has rivina ever been filled before. promoting more alliances, this would make more people take these tiles on Rivina. I would really like to see a genuinely competitive rivina month where different classes of alliances are able to fight each other besides the top 2 or 3 cheese placing and getting mopped an hour later.

Overall, I think this is a good first step in growth for the server.
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why would they not move a decent amount of people to another continent?
I feel that A LOT of people would instead just end out quitting Loka due to alliances such as RP not exactly having a strong ally on another continent to move to. That's the main issue here, and it just would not sit well with people, especially because the server would end up straying people away from it in an effort to try and make the alliances more diverse. And for the record, I did speak about this in the LCR chat in the past, thinking under the notion that this would end up leading to more alliances, and thus more people. If you think about the people who play Loka, they all play for one reason mainly: to have fun with their friends in a block game. This change would make this more difficult than it needs to be, and only lead to people feeling left out, with people finding a server where they and their friends can in fact all play together.
RP not exactly having a strong ally on another continent to move to.
The point of this is to give them a reason to create another alliance on the other continents.
finding a server where they and their friends can in fact all play together.
Talking about the COOL IDEAS thread with the dungeon idea discussed, couldn't a party queue system to get into the dungeon give people more stuff to do with cross alliance friends? I think this alongside a rivina league would diversify the fighting to more than just rp / ff / bits. The fact that people don't play on the server after a fight regardless of what alliance they're in further proves that this isn't the issue. They already have these servers, we just struggle to retain them at the end of an event.
Very late to this thread, but I believe that this could very well be good for the server in any growth stage. We know about where a fight starts to lag, so limit a fight to around that number. (not sure what that number is off the top of my head) Instead of saying "this limits conquest," open your eyes to the fact that this would un-limit conquest to one continent. If an alliance of 100 is limited to 50v50 fights, why would they not move a decent amount of people to another continent? This is simply adding content to other continents and making more fighting happen.

Reins would be the only thing that's not really worked out well in my head, as the cap is partially for lag reasons, so this likely would provide little to no benefit.

And like I've tried to point out to people before, over-recruiting for fights simply kills conquest like it has on Ascalon this month. I'm not saying this out of "Rp is too sweaty pls help" this is saying it out of wanting to have consistent year-round fighting. Recruiting better players and training your top X amount of people would be something I could understand, but merging two huge alliances is something that's overall bad for the health of the server and is involuntarily encouraged by the winner takes all style of Conquest 3.

Another point here is that the cap is able to be moved as the server gets better equipped for lag. Reins could easily serve as a testing mode for this, and give justification for larger player caps.

Another thing I didn't see mentioned was the rivina benefits. Never has rivina ever been filled before. promoting more alliances, this would make more people take these tiles on Rivina. I would really like to see a genuinely competitive rivina month where different classes of alliances are able to fight each other besides the top 2 or 3 cheese placing and getting mopped an hour later.

Overall, I think this is a good first step in growth for the server.
Terrible argument tbh You cant assume 50 people to show to every fight so you have to have reserves if you take a 2:1 means you have to lock 100 people if you wanna warp max (which you have to if you want to win)


it also is one of the reason loka is as good as it is the person who made this thread got recruited by daviq who was in rp Recruiting has brought so many new people to the server from lowest player times to highest all of them are recruits if there was none of them then loka would be a 1/20th of the server and probs would have died when cov quit


Whats the point of taking a 2 cp tile it takes 15 Days to get the lowest town perk the lowest cp tile claimed rn is 36

It would just hurt the server in the long run might have better fights but so many people would quit due to not being able to warp (keep in mind there is literally 0 reason to move off your continent it provides nothing for your big alliance on your main continent and say theres a 1v1 on balak every contient is either dead (kalros) or you cant snipe it due to balak (Garama) or you own it (Asclaon)

adding onto the recruiting part kills conquest your entire town was recruited by hyper who was recruited by lemon in donzula so idk why your acting like its a terrible thing
Terrible argument tbh You cant assume 50 people to show to every fight so you have to have reserves if you take a 2:1 means you have to lock 100 people if you wanna warp max (which you have to if you want to win)


it also is one of the reason loka is as good as it is the person who made this thread got recruited by daviq who was in rp Recruiting has brought so many new people to the server from lowest player times to highest all of them are recruits if there was none of them then loka would be a 1/20th of the server and probs would have died when cov quit


Whats the point of taking a 2 cp tile it takes 15 Days to get the lowest town perk the lowest cp tile claimed rn is 36

It would just hurt the server in the long run might have better fights but so many people would quit due to not being able to warp (keep in mind there is literally 0 reason to move off your continent it provides nothing for your big alliance on your main continent and say theres a 1v1 on balak every contient is either dead (kalros) or you cant snipe it due to balak (Garama) or you own it (Asclaon)

adding onto the recruiting part kills conquest your entire town was recruited by hyper who was recruited by lemon in donzula so idk why your acting like its a terrible thing
dont mean to discredit daviq but I had already told both 36s and fathherr about loka BEFORE daviq recruited him, he just gave him a town to join and he left it within like 6 hours cuz yall were being racist in your town chat and so he jumped to bits

and I think (long term) like I've said the end all goal would for a cap to INCREASE the amount of recruiting, for fun multi continent conquest. froggys thing was too long so if he wasnt saying that he is big poopy dumb head
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Terrible argument tbh You cant assume 50 people to show to every fight
Yeah, that's why it's theoretical. This isn't an end-all-be-all couple of numbers, it's something flexible as the server grows and shrinks naturally. This is just a preventative measure to keep 100v100 fights from happening, which aren't too far off honestly. If the server takes no part in capping the fights for performance reasons, there is no reason to move off the continent. If an alliance of 100 people can warp 30, then they can warp 30. recruiting will still be a part of the server no matter what happens.
Recruiting has brought so many new people to the server from lowest player times to highest all of them are recruits if there was none of them then loka would be a 1/20th of the server and probs would have died when cov quit
Like I said above, recruiting will always be a big part of the server because hopefully, this cap would be high enough to have a hard time reaching that number. If your alliance keeps 500 people bunched up with 100 waiting to warp for the 50 cap, you could easily have players create another town on kalros of garama. Regardless of whether or not this is officially implemented, there is a hard limit on fights simply because of the nature of Minecraft multiplayer. If the server gets to a point where the player cap is maxed on all 3 continents consistently, there's going to have to be a new solution for that regardless.
Whats the point of taking a 2 cp tile
Rivina is fun? If there needs to be lower tier rewards for these smaller cp amounts, then that's an issue with the LCRs to discuss. But because it hasn't happened yet, I really can't justify that.
so many people would quit due to not being able to warp
Yet again, if you have a good amount of people on 1 continent unable to warp, move them to another continent to recruit up to a full alliance there. If all 3 are full, some server intervention will have to happen anyway.
adding onto the recruiting part kills conquest your entire town was recruited by hyper who was recruited by lemon in donzula so idk why your acting like its a terrible thing
Lost and I Recruited hyper off apollo lmao. I never said recruiting would die, I think that this is a better way to go about conquest as the server continues to grow. Rather than focus on getting people off other servers, we should focus on retaining the players we get naturally. How many people quit Loka entirely after conquest died for the month because one team over-recruited? Quite a few. Plus, if Camps were added, newer players would be able to get a foothold on the server without begging "pls inv to town I'm pro 1.9" in pub chat every 30 seconds. If yall legitimately thought recruiting people would help the server grow the most, you're pretty much wrong. I would much rather retain another 10% of all players because they can do consistent pvp events instead of win a month of conquest. The teams that have been fighting are the pretty consistent 3 alliances and have been for the past couple of years. I would really like to see some new leadership groups pop up on other continents.
lower the amount of towns that can be in an alliance to something like 5
you could go further with this by having some gui similar to rivina where each town can only have a certain amount of “active” fighters and they can just add and remove from that list easily to cap how many fighters from each town AND how many towns in an alliance
you could go further with this by having some gui similar to rivina where each town can only have a certain amount of “active” fighters and they can just add and remove from that list easily to cap how many fighters from each town AND how many towns in an alliance
isn't this just incentivizing people for being inactive
isn't this just incentivizing people for being inactive

i said you can edit and change it whenever you want easily and if a town has a lot of pvpers and their list is filled it just fuels more competition making players have to venture out and start their own town or group to compete or move elsewhere and maybe help a smaller town/alliance enter conquest
i said you can edit and change it whenever you want easily and if a town has a lot of pvpers and their list is filled it just fuels more competition making players have to venture out and start their own town or group to compete or move elsewhere and maybe help a smaller town/alliance enter conquest
my bad I read it as active as in towns, I like this
Lots of really cool ideas for something initially I didn't see a lot of merit to implementing. But more importantly, I think this suggestion brought about some interesting thoughts.

I think I could only see this being an extreme upper limit.
Very late to this thread, but I believe that this could very well be good for the server in any growth stage. We know about where a fight starts to lag, so limit a fight to around that number. (not sure what that number is off the top of my head) Instead of saying "this limits conquest," open your eyes to the fact that this would un-limit conquest to one continent. If an alliance of 100 is limited to 50v50 fights, why would they not move a decent amount of people to another continent? This is simply adding content to other continents and making more fighting happen.

Reins would be the only thing that's not really worked out well in my head, as the cap is partially for lag reasons, so this likely would provide little to no benefit.

And like I've tried to point out to people before, over-recruiting for fights simply kills conquest like it has on Ascalon this month. I'm not saying this out of "Rp is too sweaty pls help" this is saying it out of wanting to have consistent year-round fighting. Recruiting better players and training your top X amount of people would be something I could understand, but merging two huge alliances is something that's overall bad for the health of the server and is involuntarily encouraged by the winner takes all style of Conquest 3.

Another point here is that the cap is able to be moved as the server gets better equipped for lag. Reins could easily serve as a testing mode for this, and give justification for larger player caps.

Another thing I didn't see mentioned was the rivina benefits. Never has rivina ever been filled before. promoting more alliances, this would make more people take these tiles on Rivina. I would really like to see a genuinely competitive rivina month where different classes of alliances are able to fight each other besides the top 2 or 3 cheese placing and getting mopped an hour later.

Overall, I think this is a good first step in growth for the server.
i 100000)% agree with everything you said here. It forces people to actually play the server and not log on for fights. Sure there will be teaming outside of alliance BS on ascalon but that can be dealt with.
Yeah, that's why it's theoretical. This isn't an end-all-be-all couple of numbers, it's something flexible as the server grows and shrinks naturally. This is just a preventative measure to keep 100v100 fights from happening, which aren't too far off honestly. If the server takes no part in capping the fights for performance reasons, there is no reason to move off the continent. If an alliance of 100 people can warp 30, then they can warp 30. recruiting will still be a part of the server no matter what happens.

Like I said above, recruiting will always be a big part of the server because hopefully, this cap would be high enough to have a hard time reaching that number. If your alliance keeps 500 people bunched up with 100 waiting to warp for the 50 cap, you could easily have players create another town on kalros of garama. Regardless of whether or not this is officially implemented, there is a hard limit on fights simply because of the nature of Minecraft multiplayer. If the server gets to a point where the player cap is maxed on all 3 continents consistently, there's going to have to be a new solution for that regardless.

Rivina is fun? If there needs to be lower tier rewards for these smaller cp amounts, then that's an issue with the LCRs to discuss. But because it hasn't happened yet, I really can't justify that.

Yet again, if you have a good amount of people on 1 continent unable to warp, move them to another continent to recruit up to a full alliance there. If all 3 are full, some server intervention will have to happen anyway.

Lost and I Recruited hyper off apollo lmao. I never said recruiting would die, I think that this is a better way to go about conquest as the server continues to grow. Rather than focus on getting people off other servers, we should focus on retaining the players we get naturally. How many people quit Loka entirely after conquest died for the month because one team over-recruited? Quite a few. Plus, if Camps were added, newer players would be able to get a foothold on the server without begging "pls inv to town I'm pro 1.9" in pub chat every 30 seconds. If yall legitimately thought recruiting people would help the server grow the most, you're pretty much wrong. I would much rather retain another 10% of all players because they can do consistent pvp events instead of win a month of conquest. The teams that have been fighting are the pretty consistent 3 alliances and have been for the past couple of years. I would really like to see some new leadership groups pop up on other continents.
Far off from this point considering every alliance on the server merged expect from one and the biggest was a 80v80 but the thing is you cant expect people to log on to every single fight during covid this would be more realistic but no one has that much free time now

you said recruiting killed conquest...? " over-recruiting for fights simply kills conquest like it has on Ascalon this month" thats why i said it was hypocritical for you to say that when everyone in your town is a recruit you cant expect people to make every single fight during school on weekdays? its unreasonable for you to say that

Meant theres no point for towns to take 2 cp tiles

Unreasonable to assume your entire alliance can warp 24/7

Thats why lokas growth has expanded so much not even for fights there is atleast 20 people on weekends at 5 am not even counting afks which hey guess what is only there cause of recruiting

There is no good way to add a cap to fights without making the server unplayable for worse players or making it so people who have school can never come to fights
Far off from this point considering every alliance on the server merged expect from one and the biggest was a 80v80 but the thing is you cant expect people to log on to every single fight during covid this would be more realistic but no one has that much free time now
yes, which is another reason why a cap wouldn't even affect the server now. No one can consistently warp a 50v50 even with reins. The point of this is to help server performance and promote people to start fighting on other continents when people CAN warp enough for the cap consistently.
thats why i said it was hypocritical for you to say that when everyone in your town is a recruit you cant expect people to make every single fight during school on weekdays? its unreasonable for you to say that
I would assume most people in towns that aren't their own would be a recruit... I'm not expecting people to warp every hour of the day, I'm suggesting that people are capped on warping above x amount so there WILL be fights near every hour of the day. That's why there isn't fighting as of now because there's over-recruitment on one continent and people aren't warping to a 40v20. That is the whole point of the suggestion, but you're staring it straight in the face and calling it hypocritical.
Meant theres no point for towns to take 2 cp tiles
that's an issue in game design, and assuming two big alliances per continent, that still leaves 42 points per day for solo towns.
Unreasonable to assume your entire alliance can warp 24/7
this is why vulns exist :)
there is atleast 20 people on weekends at 5 am not even counting afks which hey guess what is only there cause of recruiting
People live in different timezones btw
There is no good way to add a cap to fights without making the server unplayable for worse players or making it so people who have school can never come to fights
You still have not said anything that would make this unplayable that makes sense. People who have school aren't going to be able to show, and if they're able to show and the cap is full, chances are, the fight without the player cap would be unplayable due to low tps anyways.
yes, which is another reason why a cap wouldn't even affect the server now. No one can consistently warp a 50v50 even with reins. The point of this is to help server performance and promote people to start fighting on other continents when people CAN warp enough for the cap consistently.

I would assume most people in towns that aren't their own would be a recruit... I'm not expecting people to warp every hour of the day, I'm suggesting that people are capped on warping above x amount so there WILL be fights near every hour of the day. That's why there isn't fighting as of now because there's over-recruitment on one continent and people aren't warping to a 40v20. That is the whole point of the suggestion, but you're staring it straight in the face and calling it hypocritical.

that's an issue in game design, and assuming two big alliances per continent, that still leaves 42 points per day for solo towns.

this is why vulns exist :)

People live in different timezones btw

You still have not said anything that would make this unplayable that makes sense. People who have school aren't going to be able to show, and if they're able to show and the cap is full, chances are, the fight without the player cap would be unplayable due to low tps anyways.
balaks a 80v80 on weekends your basically just saying 60 people are unable to play

That's not how it works why would you join a server if every time you log on for a fight you get removed by someone? if your a recruit why would you be active on a server where your only allowed to grind impacting servers growth,

why would you make a solo town when you can just join a alliance

peoples vuln is in peak time on weekdays people on avg warped around 60v60 why would you send this 10 people to kalros when there just gonna get beat by the 20+ people sitting on there and garama aint gonna happen if there warping 50 with a extra 10 in reserve All your doing is just limiting people from you know playing the game

A majority of the player base is EU and NA/SA There are almost 0 asian players (i can name like one qfu) only one banned african player i know from memory (yosri) and like father from australia everyone else is from eu and n/s america (keep in mind when i said 5 am was noon GMT and 8 am EST and guess what around 90% of them were recruited so you cant say it killed anything

Im saying that your just limiting the player base do i hate low tps of course everyone hates low tps but you shouldn't block people who want to play the server from playing just for that low tps it will hurt the server over all imagine if your first fight on loka you weren't allowed to go and that happened again and again why would you warp someone who you dont know over people you do know?

and onto the point of the "just move off" you cant expect people to be able to warp every fight and they'll just lose to the much more established alliance on that continent there's no way to implement it successfully you guys all want a cap but you haven't said how it would work like a rivi first come first serve yes i'd like to see how it would work before you keep arguing about it :V