I co-own the biggest alliance on the server right now, even while banned,And somewhat unrelated but... who's this we you're referring to? Aren't you permabanned? You're making the most fuss out of anyone else in the forum but you can't even play Loka.
which is why I care what happens to my towns. I do think froggys post is too negative aswell but the communication here on what will be still and not be striked is incredibly vague. I’m not trying to fear monger or cause a fuss or whatnot, but I do want to know what’s expected of my towns so we can stay complaint and save staff and us time in the future, which is currently unclear. Lemon and myself have asked multiple times of what is expected of us to zone for members and will be strikeworthy. Instead of certain materials or good examples, we have only been told vaguely that “extreme cases”, “clear negligence” or owner storage would be striked.
Obviously our owner storage is zoned. We are asking the very simple yes no question of where the line between conquest needed unzones areas and unneeded for conquest unzoned areas would be is in the staffs point of view. This should be a very quick and easy “pots, pearls n food”, like you said yourself, but instead it has been unclear still, leading us to probably just zone everything off and hand it out manually if it’s just gonna be up to the discretion of a given staff member to give us a strike or not. Without a clear definition of what is and is not expected we fear getting these strikes against our town, which would be a huge blow to a town actively participating in conquest. If our only risk for strikes is having everything unzoned, I’d appreciate if someone in staff said that so we don’t risk strikes. Many of lokas rules are unwritten or implied as common sense, but this one feels like it DEFINENTLY should be clear. Although staff obviously need some leyway and will communicate to us why we are given a strike, I think it’s important to know as of know what is expected and what is not expected of a certain town owner. I’m sure all anyone is asking us is to keep standard zones that most towns have, but without actually knowing what is expected out of us, many of our town owners are confused on what they will have to change and if they are already in violation of this new rule. I really wonder how much passively agressively tone policing other, actually active members, unlike you and me, with genuine concerns about their town, is helping in this discussion. I don’t know why avoiding this confusion entirely by stating our the expectations here is so difficult. I guarantee that the five minutes it takes to write out what staff is expecting for zones will save both players and admins time in the future.
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