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Currency: What do you deposit/withdraw form bank?


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I would like to know honestly and in as much detail as possible what everyone withdraws and deposits in banks and gens. What item do you use to run your gen the most? (e.g. iron) What item you withdraw the most of from the bank? etc. I require this information so we can balance the economy as we are going to adjust bank prices slightly as well as gen costs. The more feedback the better. Also any opinions on any over or under priced ores is appreciated.
There have been no arguments for keeping the bank so I do not understand why it is staying.
Because generators now only accept emeralds. So without a bank for currency exchange many a gen will fall, most if not all.
To me the bank was always neat as it created a need to return to spawn once in awhile, see what's new, say hi to people and exchange your items for emeralds (or other things if you want). Having no bank at spawn all but removes the need to go there unless you've died with no town or are new to the server. It always seemed like cheating to me to be able to just stick anything you wanted into a generator to make it run. It also grounds the generator in some sort of reality where it 'runs off of a resource'. Kinda like putting gas in your tank. You can't just throw water, coke, beer in there and expect it to run; kind of defeats the purpose.

It also allows towns to work up to a point where they may be able to get their own bank, useful for their own citizens but maybe also for allies, etc.

Generators were never intended to serve as multi-item dumps like the bank is; it was a bug. And now that generators run only off of emeralds now, the bank still has a use. What's more if we wound up adding some sort of player-run market at spawn, having the bank there would be useful for other transmutations.

Also, asy did it, I didn't tell him to, just stated my opinion in the thread. :)
Magpieman said:
I had a thought, the thing i dislike most about banks is the fact you can swap currency with them. If a bank was solely a place to deposit your ores and you could only withdraw exactly what you put in, i wouldn't mind it. The main issues with swapping currency is that the items you withdraw are spawned in so we end up with more diamonds round the server than there would be if it was vanilla. The other problem is valuing each ore for both bank and gen. For example i am happy with lapis having a higher value if it is just used to power a gen but if it can be swapped for diamond (2 lapis blocks per diamond) it becomes a bit over powered so it is very hard to find a balance. Without banks swapping currency we can make items such as lapis have a slightly higher value to make running a gen a little bit easier.

This past post of mine explains some of the problems i have with the bank. I

Crypt you contradict yourself saying the bank attracts people to spawn and then saying towns could have them too. The main problem is that its spawning in items. I would not mind if you directly swapped ores for emeralds in a bank, and could not store anything in it, and can not swap ores for any item other than emeralds.
MrAlchemy said:
Because generators now only accept emeralds. So without a bank for currency exchange many a gen will fall, most if not all.

That's my point. This change was useless because now it requires us to have the bank when we don't really need it. Although generators were intended to only run off of one resource it worked well.

And I believe this thread here...


... addresses Crypt's concern.
Magpieman said:
WHY? You have put no argument forward. I don't understand why you want it to stay and why only deposit emeralds. It makes no sense!!!!!

Whoah people. This isn't an endorsement of banks vs no banks. The ability to deposit non-emeralds was a bug from the beginning, and it was an easy one to fix. Banks vs no banks debate is still open imho, but it needs to be part of an overall balancing push if we do change it.
I'm fine with the idea of banks serving only to transmute ores into emeralds rather than storing a balance and allowing ore withdrawal. If, Mag, you're worried about economy imbalance or ore disenfranchisement, then fine by me. Personally it makes no difference to me either way. If we do that, we should rename it from Bank to something like "The Transmutation Station™" then, since it no longer stores a balance.

I wouldn't mind seeing people in iron armor again; it seems everybody on the server has at least twelve sets of diamond armor.
I agree with zor, my other concern is after this update whenever I try using my town portal I fall out of the world. So now that we have to use emeralds I have to take an extra 5min walk to the bank to convert my currency which is annoying.
Well, if returning to spawn to swap for emeralds is what we are moving towards, then until the Town portal situation is fully fixed, I dont think it should be implemented as of yet. It would suck majorly to carry half a stack of Diamond to spawn, only to fall out of the world and be left with nothing. I also agree to the balance changes, but I also think its going to make powering gens more difficult. Emeralds are also more difficult to store. Its much easier to swap everything to Diamond and store it in an ender chest for space conservation. (however, I do understand the issue with more diamond than what would normally be availiable.)
Mtndome said:
Well, if returning to spawn to swap for emeralds is what we are moving towards, then until the Town portal situation is fully fixed, I dont think it should be implemented as of yet. It would suck majorly to carry half a stack of Diamond to spawn, only to fall out of the world and be left with nothing. I also agree to the balance changes, but I also think its going to make powering gens more difficult. Emeralds are also more difficult to store. Its much easier to swap everything to Diamond and store it in an ender chest for space conservation. (however, I do understand the issue with more diamond than what would normally be availiable.)

Agreed, the current danger of using a town portal has put a bit of an edge on going to spawn to use the bank. We ought to prevent people losing huge quantities of their loot to bugs in our server plugins by temporarily removing the option.
You people are too spoiled with portals. You need to get out and about instead of just occasionally walking into a portal to keep the generator running
Artagan said:
Agreed, the current danger of using a town portal has put a bit of an edge on going to spawn to use the bank. We ought to prevent people losing huge quantities of their loot to bugs in our server plugins by temporarily removing the option.

Just made changes to the portals to make them safer. On the plus side they shouldn't hurt you, on the bottom side they no longer drop you into spawn, which is a bummer.
So, has the server ever thought of using iron ingots as the main currency? What with npc trades being overpowered and emerald ore being so hard to find, has there ever been talk of iron as the main? I mean, right now emerald is the same thing as iron :/
*The only reasons I can think against this, are iron golem farms (illegal) and zombie's dropping iron ingots (not that much, as people with zombie farms will let you know)*
Maybe you already talked about this, so don't hate on me for asking
The current issue has nothing to do with what currency we use. The point is banks cant continue swapping ores (it is far too op, removes the legit vanilla aspect from the game and just creates an imbalance of ores). That leaves us with 2 options (that i can see would be viable), either banks remain and only swap ores for emeralds (or whatever we use for currency) and generators only take the currency we use. Or generators take all the ores like they used to and we remove the bank completely.
Magpieman said:
The current issue has nothing to do with what currency we use. The point is banks cant continue swapping ores (it is far too op, removes the legit vanilla aspect from the game and just creates an imbalance of ores). That leaves us with 2 options (that i can see would be viable), either banks remain and only swap ores for emeralds (or whatever we use for currency) and generators only take the currency we use. Or generators take all the ores like they used to and we remove the bank completely.

Of the two the first option is preferable, but you're sidestepping andre's question.
andrekeroxd said:
So, has the server ever thought of using iron ingots as the main currency? What with npc trades being overpowered and emerald ore being so hard to find, has there ever been talk of iron as the main? I mean, right now emerald is the same thing as iron :/
*The only reasons I can think against this, are iron golem farms (illegal) and zombie's dropping iron ingots (not that much, as people with zombie farms will let you know)*
Maybe you already talked about this, so don't hate on me for asking

In response to andres question, we are making adjustments to the values of ores which would make the point that iron and emeralds are the same value not valid. Iron can be farmed because of iron golems, despite this being banned it could be abused so i don't like the idea of using iron for that reason. We are trying to nerf villagers as they are currently op so that should prevent emeralds from being an issue. However we can always discuss what to use as our main currency if it is a problem at a later date on another thread.
You say pure vanilla, but the server isn't pure vanilla it has plugins to make minecraft more interesting and more enjoyable. The bank is one of these plugins. It makes the server unique and plays a vital role in server economy. Without a few base values for trade, the market becomes uncertain. Taking the bank away is a terrible idea.