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Old One
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Old One
I would be interested to see what other people think the value of ores in the bank should be. Currently the values are:

1 iron = 1 cookie
1 gold = 5 iron = 5 cookies
1 lapis block = 15 iron = 15 cookies = 3 gold
1 diamond = 25 iron = 25 cookies = 5 gold

The value should represent both the rarity of the ore and the usefulness of it. I feel with fortune pics only working on diamond and lapis and not on gold and iron the value of lapis is now too high and gold is now too low etc. I will try and find an average to peoples suggestions in order to come up with final values for the bank.
I wouldn't decrease the value of diamonds, maybe lapis a bit. But most certainly gold needs a price rise, 0.0846% Is the chance on finding diamonds per-stone and 0.1437% is gold's chance. So taking into account that many people have fortune picks (For the diamonds) it might be wise to bump gold up to somewhere around 12 Cookies each ingot
Agreed with lapis. Maybe 10 a block at max? Without fortune you can get up to around 8 per ore, but with you can get close to 100.
One idea SlimJim1988 put forward was that a renewable resource could be the only item that could be used in bank such as wood. This way the whole world would not be dug up looking for ores and it would take time to gather a large quantity of wood which would exchange for currency. Not sure where i stand on the idea but thought i would see what others think.
Magpieman said:
One idea SlimJim1988 put forward was that a renewable resource could be the only item that could be used in bank such as wood. This way the whole world would not be dug up looking for ores and it would take time to gather a large quantity of wood which would exchange for currency. Not sure where i stand on the idea but thought i would see what others think.
'Mag i think sticks would make a great currency for us'
'thats a stupid idea mop, i don't want people farming money'
Thats where you stand on the idea, or stood anyway. I on the other hand completely agree with this idea.
We would most likely change what we use as currency, jeb has talked about adding trading to npc villages so we will see what full update is when released and make a decision based on that.
My issues with the idea of sticks as a currency is that the mass volume of them relative to their value would make it impossible to transport them around. However if for example we said 1 stack of logs is equal to 1 coin or something this would mean coins would still have a relatively high value so transporting them would be reasonable. Issue with this is that it would effectively be like level grinding in a game like runescape which would be very boring for players, constantly chopping trees for hours, where as mining is at least fun.
Another suggestion:

Do away with currency completely and have generators run completely off of the owner's bank.
That's what's gonna happen actually. As I understand it, generators become banks, what you put in the chest just turns into a non-item based currency. I'll find out more this weekend as I'll be down in Austin with asy.
The whole reason me and asymp started the currency in the first place was to promote trading between players and have a few base values to work from as some people had no idea what anything was worth. It was also made items so it was not like iconomy and felt more legit and vanilla like the game minecraft intended.
I kind of wish we could have a central, protected area that would serve as a market. Each town could have a sector with their own build privileges and set up shops with any of various chestshop plugins that we all could use to trade without us all necessarily having to be on. It was always a well-traveled and popular area in my server and I think it would be pretty neat to have. Vanilla however it would not be.

Unfortunately I don't think we're gonna continue to have patches that introduce items that are essentially uber-rare or unfarmable, so things like cookies as a currency for generators will have to die eventually.
If there is no way to create a plugin to add a new block in future we would most likely use ender pearls as a currency. I have also liked the idea of a market but would want it to be even more simple than the plugins ive seen for trading, however asymp hasn't been keen on the idea (a market) in the past.
Magpieman said:
If there is no way to create a plugin to add a new block in future we would most likely use ender pearls as a currency. I have also liked the idea of a market but would want it to be even more simple than the plugins ive seen for trading, however asymp hasn't been keen on the idea (a market) in the past.
New items require a client side mod, without exception sadly :( But I am all for such a market

Villagers will trade items (They are notoriously cheap, however)
Added a “currency item”
A few minor terrain changes
A new useful block/item (requires obsidian)
Added a /seed command for showing the map seed
Added sandstone stairs
A lot of smaller changes and fixes