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Dae_ Unban Appeal 2

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Active Member

Despite what some of these responses say about dae, I can say that he has undoubtedly changed for the better. Dae's conduct when he was banned was vulgar and racist which had no place in the community. Since his ban on loka, he is a completely different person, I have VC'd and talked to him a lot recently he has been nothing but kind and respectful. I can say that I am 100% sure allowing Dae back to loka is only a positive for the community, and even more recently, he has been helping dozens of people on loka despite being banned. On top of this, his appeal is sincere and he promises to follow the loka rules. As for the alting, its obviously weird he didn't mention it in his last appeal, however if he wasn't trying to get into the loka community with it, and had logged off with the alt, then I believe its an honest mistake and hes extremely apologetic for it.

TLDR; dae is an amazing person who has undoubtedly changed for the better, and I hope to see him on loka soon.


Active Member

As someone who used to hate on him very much in the past, I've come around to actually enjoy talking to him. I still do not get why people still try to frame him for someone he no longer is. Dae is now a very good friend of mine, and I go to him for help, He is always there to answer, and in calls, he does not show any signs of hatred, toxicity, anger or jealousy to those in call. Dae is an amazing person to talk to, and I know for a fact that he is ready to come back to the Loka community. I hope you get unbanned soon so we can play !!!


I have talked to dae_ since his banned and at one point I did believe he had changed. The incident that jewy is referring to is when dae called me a melon. I thought he meant watermelon, where then he corrected and said no its yellow like you. He said this knowing full well i was asian. He also implied it in a derogatory manner.


Active Member
I have talked to dae_ since his banned and at one point I did believe he had changed. The incident that jewy is referring to is when dae called me a melon. I thought he meant watermelon, where then he corrected and said no its yellow like you. He said this knowing full well i was asian. He also implied it in a derogatory manner.
ngl melon tastes better than watermelon


Active Member
"Everyone who plus ones agrees this was a horrible thing". Notice how you were in the vc and said nothing when it happened, also notice how there are many other loka players who STILL play or are not banned who also said nothing. Please do not pretend to care now.
Weren't you like best friends with wonder for like 2-3 years who basically only said slurs in vc?? And you were part of multiple alliances where slurs were being thrown around on the hourly and never said anything about it? You are genuinely the last person to be talking about hanging around horrible people while not calling them out considering all of your former friends regularly said slurs while you never said anything about it
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