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Dae_ Unban Appeal 2

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Well-Known Member
"Everyone who plus ones agrees this was a horrible thing". Notice how you were in the vc and said nothing when it happened
What is he supposed to say? He is not his parent. Saying nothing does not mean you agree with it, I do not know how you reached that conclusion. The clip itself is over a year ago, both you and olpx are mostly inactive players and the only reason you are here is because of your year long Minecraft beef with a person you do not regularly interact with. The people who do regularly interact with Dae, and people who have spoken with him recently (many of whom played against him for most of Daes time on Loka and were subject to toxicity from Dae themselves) are here on this appeal saying that they have had the pleasure of interacting with a reformed Dae, who has matured a lot. I am sad you cannot say the same.


Active Member
What is he supposed to say? He is not his parent. Saying nothing does not mean you agree with it, I do not know how you reached that conclusion. The clip itself is over a year ago, both you and olpx are mostly inactive players and the only reason you are here is because of your year long Minecraft beef with a person you do not regularly interact with. The people who do regularly interact with Dae, and people who have spoken with him recently (many of whom played against him for most of Daes time on Loka and were subject to toxicity from Dae themselves) are here on this appeal saying that they have had the pleasure of interacting with a reformed Dae, who has matured a lot. I am sad you cannot say the same.
Number 1, holding your friends accountable of there bad actions is what's apart of being a good friend. Number 2 clearly you are inactive as I have been active this entire summer and ESPECIALLY this month. Number 3 I had a friend who spoke with him and within that one vc made fun him for the race he was I'm a sly way.


Active Member
melon is not a racist word. :/
When used in the context of trying to make fun of someone for being Asian it is. He in fact admitted it in the vc but sadly the one in the vc did not think to clip it. Also the fact that when I posted my minus 1 that person was dmed by one of daes friends trying g to get me to take it down is absolute insanity. If someone is reformed they should be able to shoulder criticism and/or a single -1 on their loka unban appeal without sending the friends to dm a friend of the person who made it.


When used in the context of trying to make fun of someone for being Asian it is. He in fact admitted it in the vc but sadly the one in the vc did not think to clip it. Also the fact that when I posted my minus 1 that person was dmed by one of daes friends trying g to get me to take it down is absolute insanity. If someone is reformed they should be able to shoulder criticism and/or a single -1 on their loka unban appeal without sending the friends to dm a friend of the person who made it.


  • melon.PNG
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New Member
Hello my name is Dae_. 1 year, 1 month and 14 days ago I was banned for Harassment & Hate Speech on the 8th of June 2023. I previously appealed 3 months ago -
(link to this appeal)

current IGN: catgirldae

Before I begin this appeal, I'd like to touch on something which was mentioned in the response to my last appeal - this being the alt attempt. This was an accident, which I take entire responsibility for and am incredibly apologetic to staff time wasted due to the negligence on my part of this situation. Two months after my ban I was playing a server on an alt, and due to my Loka ban being somewhat recent I still had LokaMC in my server list. This lead to me accidentally clicking on it while trying to log onto a different server, while I understand this is can be somewhat farfetched to believe, there was a Guardian in my vc and I was screensharing at the time. Staff were aware of this after my last appeal and this has been clarified, I am only mentioning this on this appeal so that the players deciding their own +1's or -1's can be aware of the entire situation to the best of my ability. If you have any further questions I am fully willing to dm you and explain it in further detail or clarify any misconceptions.

Within the past 3 months, I have began reintroducing myself to the Loka community, whether that be through alliance discords or through the Pot PvP Community. I won't pretend as if I'm perfect 100% of the time, that's not possible and I do slip up sometimes. The main difference between now and before I was banned however is that I understand when to take accountability and apologise for my mistakes when they happen and to take the game much less seriously than I did before. Situations where I would say disgusting things over Minecraft do not happen anymore, and will not happen ever again and I'm glad to be able to say that. I understand some people will still have bad opinions of me, and just as I said in my prior appeal I am more than happy to apologise for the actions I've taken and the mistakes I've made instead of those being bottled up and held against me. I want to create a new perception of myself for people and that's what I've attempted to do within recent months - I hope I have been successful in this and I hope people who I've interacted with can see the change I've made.

I've talked a lot in both appeals about why I think I should be unbanned, however I would also like to tell you all why I want to be unbanned. Since just before my ban I've been working on a build project that I've wanted to introduce to Loka. As some people know prior to my mute on Loka I was an LCR and one thing I've always hugely advocated for is building and PVE/Lore on Loka, I believe it's the thing that makes Loka the amazing server it is and it's something I feel incredibly passionate about adding onto myself. I am currently in the works of creating a lore/history behind my town which I can hopefully implement further into other aspects of Loka and its broad history. This is truthfully the main reason I want to be unbanned so that I can explore the parts of Loka I neglected while I used to play, instead of focusing on PvP I'd like to enjoy the other aspects Loka has to offer.
(images of the build here)

No matter how my appeal is responded to, I hope everyone reading this appeal can recognise the attempt I have made to redeem myself as a person and can at the very least give me a chance at displaying the change I've made on Loka. Thank you for reading!

dm me on discord (dqe_) if you have any questions.

View attachment 10523


Active Member
What is he supposed to say? He is not his parent. Saying nothing does not mean you agree with it, I do not know how you reached that conclusion. The clip itself is over a year ago, both you and olpx are mostly inactive players and the only reason you are here is because of your year long Minecraft beef with a person you do not regularly interact with. The people who do regularly interact with Dae, and people who have spoken with him recently (many of whom played against him for most of Daes time on Loka and were subject to toxicity from Dae themselves) are here on this appeal saying that they have had the pleasure of interacting with a reformed Dae, who has matured a lot. I am sad you cannot say the same
Me not playing the server has nothing to do with protecting the community from a vicious and conniving player. The reason I included the bit of coming out of retirement is to oust myself as an inactive member of the community I know I am inactive you dont need to tell me. Maybe dae has truly became a saint from the terrible person he was for many years but even then regardless. He is a known hacker aswell having involvment in many jump reset mod related clients. I do believe in second chances but in this scenario I know for a fact Dae_ has not changed one bit and he will never change.


Active Member
"Everyone who plus ones agrees this was a horrible thing". Notice how you were in the vc and said nothing when it happened, also notice how there are many other loka players who STILL play or are not banned who also said nothing. Please do not pretend to care now.
When’s the last time he was toxic too you, I guarantee it was a long time ago. As someone who had personally interacted with Dae since his ban, he’s a much different and better person now.


Active Member
When used in the context of trying to make fun of someone for being Asian it is. He in fact admitted it in the vc but sadly the one in the vc did not think to clip it. Also the fact that when I posted my minus 1 that person was dmed by one of daes friends trying g to get me to take it down is absolute insanity. If someone is reformed they should be able to shoulder criticism and/or a single -1 on their loka unban appeal without sending the friends to dm a friend of the person who made it.
I don’t think you know what melon means…


Active Member
When’s the last time he was toxic too you, I guarantee it was a long time ago. As someone who had personally interacted with Dae since his ban, he’s a much different and better person now.
Oh so since it was a year ago I should just forgive an forget when it went on for 2 plus years. On top of that I should just take your word for it and just disregard what he's said before?


Active Member
Oh so since it was a year ago I should just forgive an forget when it went on for 2 plus years. On top of that I should just take your word for it and just disregard what he's said before?
It a seems like the majority of other people believe he’s reformed too, don’t take my word takes the groups


Active Member
Listen bro, ur jast mad that jewy is better than u in every aspect of life, pls stop coping cus he's in the right an ur in the wrong XDDDDDDDD LMFAOOOOO ROFL XD get gud lol.
You’re right, my inability to find a partner has materialized into me taking out my rage on a fellow lokan who has done nothing wrong. I apologize for my misdeeds and feel a deep sense of regret. I am truly sorry.

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