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Suggestion GaramaMC? we want lokamc.

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There will always be a major conflict somewhere where either the majority of the playerbase moves to fight or at least the "top" players on the sides will go to fight. It being on Garama is just the nature of the current landscape. The current GaramaMC has also been AscalonMC and KalrosMC in the past.

Our bigger feeling at this time isn't the need for a player-cap, but rather a need for a new objective(s) on the battlefield to break up the fights so that all 120 players aren't effectively fighting at the inhib or at the tgen. If there were more things to do in a battlezone to advance the fight that wasn't just "go for charges", you could have mini-battles spread around and it would break up the zerg-swarm of fights a bit.

I remember someone telling me about old conquest where each module was like a separate Inhib thing. That might have to be something to look at that sounds kinda cool
I remember someone telling me about old conquest where each module was like a separate Inhib thing. That might have to be something to look at that sounds kinda cool
Probably too much of a hassle though for the offense. Maybe all modules grouped as their own inhib together, and you dont NEED to destroy it but if you did all the modules would go away, but overall maybe some conquest misisons or something
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