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HELLO fellow Loka players!

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This is not for me since I am a law-abiding citizen. This is for MJXJ since he is unable to make a forums account. This is not an appeal but rather a need for an explanation. MJXJ was banned for Town betrayal in the severe category. This was a perm ban. He had a list of offenses including stealing from me and leaving town, although I don't care that he stole from me after he explained it. Concluezinz or Con threatened to kick MJ out of town so he had to get the items out, he did not know Cenrak was in the room yet and did not know he was stealing from him as well. So this offense does not matter, now onto the second offense. MJXJ Botnellon and rezza were all thinking of buying a town and moving there and it was in the works. So Mj to make things easier with botnellon and rezza moved to his town which he was promptly kicked from. Now mj knowing rezza for 4 years and counting had no malicious intent against him and at the end of all this he had given rezza everything he owned. Therefore it was cleared up with Rezza as well. This leads us to MJ's last offense. This was stealing a stack of diamond blocks from the town IMU. This was blatant town betrayal and he deserves a ban fo this. Although, A stack of diamond blocks is not much and does not deserve a perm ban. we don't expect him to get unbanned. Thank you for reading this! -Written by BaldBrandon with the help of MJXJ


Well-Known Member
I finally understand what happened on my 3rd time reading the whole thing.

if ur not looking for a unban idk whats the point of this but good luck
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