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Suggestion Help the Newbies

It takes away from the purpose of territory in the first place if anyone can make a town on it with or without permission (even if there was a tax).

This was one of my first thoughts too. Unfortunately, compared to the amount of land we can claim Loka is very small. A large amount of player will look at a full world map and get discouraged very quickly if there is very little way for them to establish a town.

So in general I'd say you have to either give them the ability to claim some land inside of current territory or massively decrease the amount of territory towns can claim. I thought the limit was 25 but apparently its even higher. It should be at 10 if you really want to allow more towns to pop up.
would they still have things like town portals and stuff like that?
That's something to think about. If this idea was ever implemented it would need to be decided whether or not the homesteads would lean towards the end of just a quick shelter, or something more permanent.

I would imagine that something like a /set-home command would suffice. And they could have their pick of one or two industries that automatically gives yields to the ruling town depending on what the special resources of their surrounding biome is.

Feel free to add anything to this, its not set in stone by any means
I would imagine that something like a /set-home command would suffice. And they could have their pick of one or two industries that automatically gives yields to the ruling town depending on what the special resources of their surrounding biome is.
I really like this idea. Just giving players something to start with sounds like a good way to get them interested if they don't immediately join a town. I'm still trying to figure out where they would actually be allowed to settle though. The problem with allowing players to settle on your territory brings up two problems.

1) If they have to ask for permission to settle there, then they have to somehow find a high ranking officer in the towns territory they would like to settle in and then work out a deal to settle before they can do anything. This is not something I would expect a newbie to be able to do and its a lot of work to go through for such a small outcome.

2) If they can settle on the land with out asking the town has effectively lost the best part about claiming territory, the land is yours and others can't touch it (excluding allies). So if we all agree the "Homestead/village/SmallLandClaim" idea is a good one this problem will have to be addressed.

This is why I recommended reducing territory size. As long as I received a refund on the shards I used to create the territory I wouldn't really be bothered by the shrinking territory. Players could still create small homesteads in your territory after getting permission but they could also very easily find a place outside someones territory to settle. What would you guys think of reducing territory size?
It's worth noting that Territory works differently for Nomads and Wanderers. Those two ranks aren't subject to the no-block-drop restriction, except in cases of resource-limited blocks. We had to do this because it was obvious territories were going to cover most of the world and it would've prevented any new player from being able to settle anywhere.

We actually sort of want territories to be large because we want things like Zion's previous protection of all Dark Oak wood to be a thing. Unfortunately that didn't wind up being the case in terms of making the map areas small enough to be covered by a single town. Resource rarity is what causes intrigue, forces trade, and changes the dynamic of Minecraft being too easy.

In future continents, however, we will very likely sculpt the map in a way such that single towns can truly block off resources if they use TGens.
The 30 second videos for introduction and explaining features of Loka is a really good idea. I got over the average editing skills and if there is anyone who would record me the raw video material i'd be ready to edit it. I would record it myself but my mic is bad and my English grammar isn't the best either. So anyone intrested of collaborating?
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This gives me an idea: certain towns like capitals or towns above level 20 are able to condone homesteads- I'm thinking maybe just a house and some farmland- within their territory.They would not have all the benefits of a town but still get block protection. This comes at the cost of being at the mercy of the town that can kick you out or impose a harsh tax.
(bullet point time :) )
-This makes good use of territory that IMO is wasted space because nobody can live on it
-Its a good way for town owners to get to know potential members
-A faster and easier way for new players to get a stake in the server because they now have a protected house
-Added incentive to level up/ be capital
-Once again, town owners have less to risk and would be more willing to accommodate newbies
-Think of all the juicy role-play from having a feudal system

well this whole thing sounds cool, this can also solve the problem with having to help build in others territories as long as its set like zoning I'm sure it will work out somehow. This idea is a working progress and maybe someday it will be reality (Keep up the good work) :)
This gives me an idea: certain towns like capitals or towns above level 20 are able to condone homesteads- I'm thinking maybe just a house and some farmland- within their territory.They would not have all the benefits of a town but still get block protection. This comes at the cost of being at the mercy of the town that can kick you out or impose a harsh tax.
(bullet point time :) )
-This makes good use of territory that IMO is wasted space because nobody can live on it
-Its a good way for town owners to get to know potential members
-A faster and easier way for new players to get a stake in the server because they now have a protected house
-Added incentive to level up/ be capital
-Once again, town owners have less to risk and would be more willing to accommodate newbies
-Think of all the juicy role-play from having a feudal system

Okay, so.... this was too good of an Idea to forget! I want to see what Current players think about this subject! I really think its a very good idea. Just think of the potential Lore!!! I would really like this to become implemented in the future and the only way to do this is making this great idea known!
I like the idea. Still, the new t-gen system might nullify the possibility of this system (we'll have to think about it).