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[IMPORTANT] Please Read

But based on the screenshots, he seems like a toxic, shitty person, so maybe he can be banned for harassment or hate speech if has done similar things on Loka, or directed towards a Lokan?
And if it can be proven he faked that screenshot of coldarc, that'd be a permaban for the faking alone, not to mention its disgusting content (and harassment on top). I'd suggest everyone try to remember if he's done anything like that on Loka, and send evidence of it to the admins, so he can be banned and he doesn't keep getting away with things.
But is it not enough for the clip ADMITTING he fakes evidence and will do it more?
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But is it not enough for the clip ADMITTING he fakes evidence and will do it more?
Sadly the clip doesn't have him admitting to faking any evidence, only him saying he has the ability to fake it for anyone he pleases. If he has sent a fake screenshot to the admins to try and get someone banned, correct me. And my message itself mentions that if it can be proven he faked the coldarc screenshot, I believe it would be harassment, and he would get banned. Same thing would apply for any other faked images that make someone appear say reprehensible stuff.
Haha funny thing is staff prolly read this already and they still dont ban him for some reason i wonder why