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Minecraft 1.9 Features/Discussion

We're thinking about anti-aircraft cannons...

And 1.9 might always yield a new habitable continent as well, depending on how much growth Loka sees between now and then.

Other than that, we haven't looked it over too deeply yet. My guess is the time between 1.9 "comes out" and Spigot actually updates to 1.9 is when we'll be doing lots of testing and brainstorming. That said, we're always open to ideas on all kinds of things in the meantime.
Well it's easily going to be another few months before a passable version of spigot is on 1.9. they said they wouldn't release 1.9 until after the holidays and that's after massive bug changes so I'd expect some big changes needed in Spigot for it to work with 1.9.

Until then though I'll think up some ideas. Especially regarding Elytras. I'm pretty heavily invested in the role-playing part of the game and its disappointing seeing so many towns move completely underground just for safety. And now the Elytra just proves how smart of an idea that was.
My guestimate on 1.9 is March, personally, so we still have a lot of time I think.

You'll find that most of the fully-underground towns are owned by very long-time veterans of Loka who have been through a lot of raids by both land and sky. Despite our removing pearls, they plan for us to potentially change our mind, hence why there are very high walls, some with domes, and some fully underground.

Fortunately the newer towns don't suffer this nearly as much. Certainly the Elytra will be a game changer.
You'll find that most of the fully-underground towns are owned by very long-time veterans of Loka who have been through a lot of raids by both land and sky. Despite our removing pearls, they plan for us to potentially change our mind, hence why there are very high walls, some with domes, and some fully underground.

Just posted a suggestion threat about that actually, haha. I'm aware of the dangers of being above ground and I keep everything valuable locked up tightly underground like any smart person would. That said there is something to be said for encouraging at least some visible signs of a town above ground.
I suggest the beetroots for north - moors. :D

And Flying could work the same as enderpearls. as soon as its in another town - its disabled.
Given our town currently has some moors in it, I agree with this idea! :P
I just realized after some thinking that Elytras would basically have to be disabled. They allow you to ignore fall damage by gliding down as opposed to falling which would make many if the mini bosses and other assorted custom mobs useless as they deal most of their damage by throwing players into the air.
Maybe Elytras could be disabled once they entered a town's protection, and user would hit an invisible barrier to slow/stop forward momentum. They could receive a splash title warning them that they are about to enter a no fly zone. Not sure if this feature (if applied) should be default or take form of an industry. As annoying as this maybe for surface structures, who wouldn't want to fly over Loka!
You wouldn't be able to fly though. You'd never get taller than the tallest structure anyway so you wouldn't actually be giving yourself a better view.

In general though they force everyone to be underground or face the fact that your will get raided basically without exceptions.

Not to mention tons of the mini bosses and other custom mobs would have to be recoded.

Now if you wanted to disable the use of Elytras in other players territory and towns that could work. If you then also disable them when I'm combat that could work. It would be like combat tagging except instead of stopping you from logging out they stop the use of Elytras in combat.
You'd have to be crazy to use Elytras in combat scenarios. They are incredibly valuable items that would be destroyed very quickly by golems and other damage sources. They also provide very little defense in the chest slot which is vital.
It's not for PvP, it's for PvE so your main concern is the fall damage you'd be taking which is completely counteracted by the Elytra. And with three pieces of good armor on besides it and the ability to click fast you'll be able to destroy any PvE bosses.

Also the Elytra doesn't "break" like other tools. It stops losing durability at 1 and can then be repaired with leather meaning once you have it there's no reason not to bring it with you and use I as much as possible. It shouldn't take damage like armor does either but either way the fact it is easily repaired means it's not a big deal if it does.
I have as much to lose as any other town and I think Elytras are going to be awesome on Loka. To begin with I've gotten into all the walled towns I've come across so far without them so its not like anyone was that safe before. Maybe something should be done to nerf their use in raiding if need be, but it would be a shame to take them out altogether.
Walls only fail if the people making them do so lazily. If you leave overhanging trees or have very short walls that's why people where able to get over them. All you need to do to keep your town safe is have a 5-6 block tall wall around it and clear the trees that could allow people to jump them. Elytras completely ignore wall by allowing you to glide 10 blocks for each one block up you are so if you have a 6 block tall wall you have to clear a massive area of trees and landscape and have it be barren and empty. Do not dobut that players will destroy the beautiful landscape to keep the towns safe. So instead of having towns with small clearings around them you have towns in the middle of empty barren land that could stretch on for 50 blocks or more.

So instead of doing this, simply disable their use in towns and their territory excluding the players own and allied territories.

You still get to use them, just not to soar over another towns walls.
There's just no way we'd outright remove/disable Elytras. Certainly the most likely scenario would be disabling it near towns so that you couldn't bypass walls with it. Anywhere else I'd wager is fair game.

Considering I fly around Loka virtually always, I can assure you; your towns and each continent's landscapes are doubly, if not triply impressive by sky.
People seem to think that either making walls or bunkers is the only way to protect their town. All you need to do is compartmentalize everything and keep doors locked. If anything- walls lull players into a false sense of security which causes them to be careless and leave things in the open.
It's not the only way to defend your town but a well built wall is an excellent way to keep people out and it's also a great aesthetic for any above ground town. Simply saying "it doesn't matter" isn't going to cut it for many players who have spent a large amount of time making something like a wall.

Also, I very much want to use Elytras but disabling them in towns and their territories (except your own and your allies) will solve the problem. Now Elytras are a defensive item if it is to be used in battle or conquest and walls remain effective. Not to mention the land around walled towns will remain intact and not destroyed in order to keep walls useful.
Has anyone even thought of how we are going to get an Elytras? (well... besides the admins). This item could be easy to get or hard. Lets just say this item is extremely hard to get, nobody is going to use it for pvp nor pve, it would be to much of a risk to lose it.

Now lets say that its not rare and people can get easy access to this item, (which I doubt it would) but if so there would be no problem with using them, we all know that Crypt and the admin team would not let this be used to breach your enemy's town, unless they knew it would be fair, technically its not cheating, but we don't want towns to look like big domes and stuff like that. What ever the Admin team does i'm sure it would be fair for every player, new, or old. So lets just let them decide on what they think should happen. :)
It's not the only way to defend your town but a well built wall is an excellent way to keep people out and it's also a great aesthetic for any above ground town. Simply saying "it doesn't matter" isn't going to cut it for many players who have spent a large amount of time making something like a wall.

Also, I very much want to use Elytras but disabling them in towns and their territories (except your own and your allies) will solve the problem. Now Elytras are a defensive item if it is to be used in battle or conquest and walls remain effective. Not to mention the land around walled towns will remain intact and not destroyed in order to keep walls useful.

I think they should be allowed in territories considering that they would be amazing for scouting and quick travel (seeing how we are comparing them to endear pearls). Also they take the chest plate slot while in use, so you are taking a risk in a pvp situation. A negative that I do see happening are people littering the landscape with nerd poles to get the maximum glide time.
A negative that I do see happening are people littering the landscape with nerd poles to get the maximum glide time.

I thought of this too but if I remember correctly the rules prohibit this so doing so would be very risky. Doesn't matter what I'm doing, probably isn't worth getting banned over XD