1.9 is going to be an insanely big update with a ton of new stuff going on. just curious if any concrete plans have been made for loka regarding some of the new changes? Things like the PvP have gotten massive changes. It will mean introducing more options with things like shields and special arrows being introduced. Along with tools seeing uses as weapons. Axes can disable shields for instance. don't even get me started on attack speeds... Not only will it effect arenas though but now mobs are 10x harder to kill. With attack speed restricting the speed at which you can kill mobs, the over abundance of mobs in Loka, which was more or less balanced before, will make it impossibly difficult. I'm no stranger to tough survival, I love it in fact, but that isn't what Loka is.
Beyond changes to pvp side, which hopefully won't honesty cause too much stress, the idea of the Elytra is very cool but poses big problems. One of my favorite things about Loka is the role Playing aspect and town building aspect. As was mentioned above, flying raiders. This poses a big threat to any town not located completely underground and makes security nearly impossible. although disabling them is possible i would instead like to see a defense against them. Like a industry building that can prevent flying or perhaps a structure more likes roads that's more general and simple creates like a no fly zone.
One of my final concerns for 1.9 changes would be... Who gets beetroots??