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Origins of your username...

My first name was "Turkeyman11a" which came from when i was trying to pick a name i couldnt decide so asked my grandad who was in the room and because in real life i farmed turkeys for christmas he said "Turkeyman" so i just went with it, the 11a is something important to me irl.

Torkey came from people calling me "Turkey", i decided i would look to check if Turkey was free and it was not, I then checked Torkey and it was free, so i thought it would be a better name to use.
My friend and I used to play a game called Joe Danger and I was good so it kinda became my username. The _ is because JoeDanger wasn't free, obviously.
I got my old ign "thesmilingflea" (it's mega cringe ik) while creating an xbox account (it originally suggested the name "smilingtheflea" which I changed to thesmilingflea (because it made more sense I suppose?).
And lastly I changed my name to Nationalistic because: 1) it's a cool and clean, plus it's an og name 2) I'm fiercely nationalistic in real life.
So my nickname originated from my Original Ign: Auxilleries, people however started calling me Aux instead. I later decided to change it to Oxen / Ox, so my name became Oxilleries, and that's where my nickname Ox came from.

My name Unallowed was just a name that I saw no one had taken and because it was Og ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I chose Silver911 because im good at most things I do, but I'm not the best, and my brother always made fun of me saying I sounded 3 years younger. So looking for a Skype name to chat with him and his older friends I chose Silver91105 as a joke, because my real birthday is September 11, 2002. I then changed my name to a lot of lored stuff for Loka because I'm a "pro" assassin. So then CottageCooper stole Silver91105. I then shortened it to Silver911 because it wasn't taken.
Needed a username to make an xbox live account many years ago. Went to a random word generator for a fruit and an adjective. Boom. DeceitfulPear. Kept using it because it is never taken. I have a few backup usernames just incase it is taken but they all relate to DeceitfulPear in some way. Sometimes my username is Pyrum which is just Latin for pear and it sounds pretty snazzy so ;D

I got TypicalMango doing that btw XD
My Username came from about 3 years ago when I was on my old PSP playing medal of honor (I don't remember which one)
It asked me to pick my username. Normally I would go with my normal username "JRockThumper" but I decided to make a new one... It took me several minutes but I decided on "Void" cause it sounded cool and put a number after it "99" cause I thought that's what cool gamers did and then I decided on "Mr." because why not? however when I went to get a Minecraft account on November 25th, 2017 (Yes, the day I joined Loka) I found that I couldn't use a "." so I had to use a "_" which I thought was way cooler!
As for "JRockThumper" well "JRock" was the name my uncle always called me and "Thumper" was the name that my Mamaw/Grandma always called me. JRockThumper is my steam name and the name I use for most of my games. Also, the reason I didn't choose "JRockThumper" as my Minecraft name; is because some Loth Rat already used it! (PS) Loth Rat is from Star Wars ;)
In gaming (MUDs mostly) I've gone by Houxle and Balder, but since graduating from college I've used msittig (first initial + last name) for pretty much everything.
My first name, catfishjw, came about when my dad made me my own desktop account on his computer and he set the screensaver to a school of catfish, so when I added my initials that stuck for awhile. My current name came about when I was introduced to the greatest comeback of all time(no u) and a friend told me that no_u_jw was open so I switched to that for memes and cuz why not
My first name, catfishjw, came about when my dad made me my own desktop account on his computer and he set the screensaver to a school of catfish, so when I added my initials that stuck for awhile. My current name came about when I was introduced to the greatest comeback of all time(no u) and a friend told me that no_u_jw was open so I switched to that for memes and cuz why not
lol, i always thought that jw stood for jew... cause i used to have my narrator on and it would read your name catfish jew; but thats cool ;)
i’m gonna keep it short, my original nickname is Snowyy because i liked winter and playing in snow, which is btw coming right with it and because Snowyy is taken when i was creating account the algorithm suggested adding 4K to it so i thought it would be cool n stuff, so i picked it and that’s how Snowyy4K was created.