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PIGLXN unmute appeal.

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New Member
Hello fellow loka players, I am PIGLXN. I come forth to all of you to ask for your forgiveness of my toxicity from the past and wish that you can all forgive me, I was muted for saying hateful comments towards WooTiger a fellow loka player. I would like to say I have changed a lot since then and I started to look at things with a more positive and thoughtful tone towards players and how what I say can effect their experience on the server. I have been muted for around 7-8 months now and I wish to be given at least one more chance to be able to type to my fellow friends in the chat to make it easier for me to communicate with my alliance and even players around me when they wish to interact with me. I will never insult someone for how they are or how they have been I realize how insensitive it was for me to call WooTiger that offensive word. I am extremely sorry for my actions and I strive to do better and change as a human being.


Well-Known Member
While it might seem redundant to lift your permamute since you're already permabanned and unable to access the server, it's essential to uphold consistency and maintain the integrity of the moderation process. Permanently muting you serves as a clear indication of the severity of your actions and reinforces the community's standards. Additionally, it prevents any potential confusion or loopholes that could arise if the mute were lifted despite the ban. Ultimately, maintaining the mute ensures that the consequences of your behavior are appropriately enforced and serves as a deterrent for future infractions, even if you're unable to access the server directly.
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