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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

December 13th, Day 1496: Theobroma cacao

Fruit Info: Here we have our next fruit of the say which is known as a another species that shares an iconic name. This is the cacao. It is a native of the tropical regions of the Americas, but the Ivory Coast produces more than any other country.

Fruit Tier: B
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December 16th, Day 1499: Ancient Fruit

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the ancient fruit. This fruit is somewhat mysterious with not much being known about it. It was originally grown from ancient seeds that someone discovered. The species is believed to have laid dormant for eons as just seeds.

Fruit Tier: B

December 17th, Day 1500: Powder Melon

Fruit Info: Here we have the powder melon for today’s fruit of the day. It is a native of the Stardew Valley within the Ferngill Republic. It is named for the powdery coating that forms in its surface. It is supposed “crisp and sweet with a delicate flavor.”

Fruit Tier: A
December 18th, Day 1501: Qi Fruit

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Qi fruit. It is also a native of Stardew Valley within the Ferngill Republic. It grows from the Qi seeds. They are named after Mr. QI who lives in the valley too.

Fruit Tier: A

December 19th, Day 1502: Spice Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Spice Berry. It grows from what are commonly referred to as summer seeds. It is found all throughout most of the Stardew Valley in the Ferngill Republic. It is mostly collected via foraging, and it has a pungent aroma.

Fruit Tier: D

December 20th, Day 1503: Nephelium lappaceum

Fruit Info:
Today for our fruit of the day, we have the Nephelium lappaceum. Also known as Rambutan, this fruit originates in the Malaysian−Indonesian region and has been widely cultivated in southeast Asia. Nephelium lappaceum known for its flexible spikes, is usually mistaken for lychee from its appearance, but lychees are less creamier and sweeter than Nephelium lappaceum.

Fruit Tier: A
Rambutan Fruit Plant - RoyalsPlant
Today you get two fruits of the day because we technically already have done rambutan before. Nevertheless I endorse it as an official fruit of the day again.

December 20th, Day 1503 Part 2: Star Fruit

Fruit Info: Today you get two fruits of the day, with the second one being a star fruit from the Stardew Valley. This fruit grows in the humid weather. It is edible and is sweet with a slight sour undertone to it.

Fruit Tier: B (Good but not a rambutan)

December 21st, Day 1504: Cactus Fruit

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the cactus fruit from the stardew valley of the fern gill republic. This fruit is, as its name suggests, the fruit of a cactus. By that same virtue it can be grown from cactus seeds or a cactus plant.

Fruit Tier: C
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