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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

Pac, my sentry twin. What fruit would you be out of the fruits that you have already mentioned within this thread?
Honestly that’s hard to answer. I’ll get back to you on it soon.

May 12th, Day 362: Red Flesh Dragon Fruit

Fruit Info: Grown from the Costa Rica Night Blooming Cactus, today’s fruit is basically exactly what it’s name says it is. It’s a dragon fruit but with red flesh. The plant itself apparently has an ornamental vine with huge flowers though. Neat!

Fruit Tier: C

May 13th, Day 363: Voltfruit

Fruit Info: The lovely little voltfruit is today’s fruit of the day. It is grown from cactuses native to the Gerudo Desert. There is an overwhelming economic agreement that the resale value of value of a voltfruit is exactly 4 rupees. Consuming the fruit temporarily provides a natural insulation from electricity to whoever consumed it. When eaten raw it can also heal you 1/2 hearts.

Fruit Tier: B
It’s all coming together... 365 will soon be ours... I can feel it already... the power growing... Soon my precious Crypt head... soon...

May 14th, Day 364: Blood Orange

Fruit Info: Today we have the blood orange! A unique fruit who’s name has nothing to do with any nefarious force or potential removal of a head. Nothing at all. In fact it’s name is more related to its dark reddish color. it gets that color from the presence of anthocyanins, a family of pigments common to many flowers but actually quite rare to find in fruits. The blood orange was actually a very unusual case of a natural mutation giving rise to a new cultivar. Normally, especially with citrus, new cultivars are grown in labs with lots of work out into them.

Fruit Tier: A

At long last we have done it. One full year of fruits.
What a ride this has honestly been, this thread has gone though good times and bad, crazy and crazier. To get to this point it took not just the hard work of two thread keepers, but also a small army of people who encouraged and supported us along the way. It's so surreal that we're here now.

A Look Back:
To get to today was a long, long, long journey. It all started on May 16th, 2020. That day a legend by the name of Evil_X came up with a crazy idea, to post a new fruit every day until he received a Cryptite head. This lofty goal was met with resounding support at the shear insanity of the idea. And so Evil went forth, posting that new fruit every day. A single day became two, two became three, three became a week, a week became a month, and yet the fruits kept coming. Through this time the thread would go through bouts of hilarity and nonsense, levels of which haven't been replicated sense. Evil took us into the world of fruits that we had never heard of, and into the world of fruits from other worlds. Yes over this time we would visit not just our world but Hyrule from the Legend of Zelda, PNF-404 from Pikmin, the world of Terraria, and of course Minecraft. Evil also managed over this time to do some amazing other things, from destroying Lokans' emails, to creating a tier list fruit, to many more. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so Evil would go on to leave his position on September 28th, day 136 of the thread, having never received the Cryptite head he workedso hard to get.

The day following I, Pac_Man_, tool over the thread for Evil. Continuing to post a new fruit every day until the Cryptite head can be found. During this time the formula for delivering the fruit of the day became much more standardized, and the fruits posted became far more esoteric. But we would still have our laughs, and our adventures. And we never ran short on the "Are you ok?" comments. This time would bring us back to the world of Hyrule, to a Galaxy Far Far Away, and into the strange and bizarre worlds of fruit salads growing on tress and more. This time saw the passing of many holidays, many milestones, and all of their respective fruits.


Today presents an opportunity like no other, With a years supply of fruits prepared we can now preform a sacred ritual. One which stands the best chance of giving us a Cryptite head of anything we've tried so far. To do this we must gather up all 365 fruits into one place, read out the sacred incantation and unleash the power of the fruit gods themselves. But to do this we do need one more fruit. But not just any fruit... No... If this magic is to work I must become one with the fruits we are using...

May 15th, Day 365: Pac_Manpple
Fruit Info:
The fruit manifestation of Pac_Man_, second keeper of the daily fruit thread. This form is capable of drawing on the power of the fruits and connecting with the gods of fruits on a more fundamental level.
Fruit Tier: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS haha I'm so cool and amazing for selfishly making myself the 1 year anniversary fruit.


Now... We gather together all 365 fruits so far...


Now we do a little incomprehensible muttering, "mhghghngnrgairngairghiurgahdungauidfgnaiuregafbeuabeugbuaesbgasjdbguiegbrhsgdkguhgusrhgbrugyro"
And then read out every name of every fruit so far in alphabetical order:

Abiu, Acai, acerola, Ackee, Aechmea gigantea, Agraz, Aiselu, Akebi, Almond, Amanatsu, Amaryllis, American Olive, American Plum, Angular Winter Cherry, Apple, Apricot, Areca Novohibernica, Areca Nut, Atemoya, Atherton Raspberry, Aubergine Eggplant, Australian Desert Lime, Australian Finger Lime, Australian Round Lime, Autumn Mandrake, Avocado, Banana, Batuan, Beach Plum, Bear Berry, Beccariophoenix fenestralis, Beccariophoenix madagascariensis, Bell Pepper, Bergamot Orange, Bismarckia nobilis, Black Apple, Black Eyed Peas, Black Seed Squash, Blackthorn, Blood LIme, Blood Orange, Blue Lilly-Pilly, Blueberry, Borassus Akeassii, Borassus Heineanus, Borassus Madagascariensis, Bosc Pear, Boysenberry, Breadfruit, Bright Light, Bumpy Satinash, Butternut Squash, Button Mangosteen, Calabash, Calamansi, California Blackberry, Cam sanh, Canada Plum, Canary melon, Cape Gooseberry, Capsicum Chacoense, Capsicum Frutescens, Capsicum Pubescens, Carambola, Carnauba, Cashew Apple, Cempedak, Cherry Penda, Cherry Plum, Cherry, Chestnut, Chinese date, Chinotto, Chorus Fruit, Christmas Cactus, Christmas Rose, Citron, Citrus depressa, Clammy Groundcherry, Claudie Satinash, Clementine, Cleopatra Mandarin, Cloudberry, Cluster Figs, Coconut, Cocoplum, Coffee arabica, Coolamon, Copernica Tectorum, Cossack Pineapple, Crab Apple, Creek Lilly-Pilly, Crenshaw, Crookneck Squash, Cryptatian, Cucumber, Cucumis metuliferus, Cupuacu, Custard Apple, Cut-Leaf Crabapple, Cyclamen, Damson, Dawn Pustules, Dekopon, Deleb Palm, Dent Corn, Devil’s Snare, Devil’s Trumpet, Dewberry, Dragon Fruit, Durian, Eastern Hawthorn, Egg fruit, Elephant Apple, Emu Berry, European Crabapple, European Holly, European Ivy, European Mistletoe, Evil_Xapple, False Mastic, False Pineapple, Fejioa, Fig, Florentine Citron, Flour Corn, Flowering Banana, Forest Olive, Foxybeary, FroggyFruit, Fruit Cake, Fruit Fly, Fruit Salad, Gak, Galia Melon, Gamboge, Garland Crab, Gaya Melon, Glass Gem Corn, Golden Kiwifruit, Granadilla, Grewia Asiatica, Grouseberry, Guava, Habanero-type Pepper, Hala Fruit, Hami melon, Hand of Buddha, Hardy Kiwifruit, Hatkhora, High Plateau Coconut, Highbush Blueberry, Hollowheart, Holly Olive, Honeyberry, Hubbard Squash, Huckleberry, Hyuganatsu, Ice Cream Bean, Ichang Papeda, Imbe, Imperial Lemon, Ingi Bakba, Italian Plum, Iyokan, Jabara, Jabuticaba, Jack-o'-lantern, Jalapeno, Jamaican Tangelo, Japanese Pie Pumpkin, Japanese Plum, Java Apple, Java Plum, Jogan Fruit, Jostaberry, Jujube Fruit, Kabosu, Kaffir Lime, Kalmata Olive, Kamchatka bilberry, Kaphal, Kawachi Bankan, Kinnow, Kishu Mikan, Kiwi, Kiyomi, Kolomikta, Korean Chestnut, Kumquat, Lemon, Leptecophylla juniperina, Life Fruit, Lime, Limetta, Limonia acidissima, Lingonberry, Lodoicea, Loganberry, Long Spined Thorn-Apple, Longan, Loquat, Lowbush blueberry, Lucuma, Lumia, Lychee, Magenta Lilly Pilly, Magstletoe, Malay Rose Apple, Malus Florenina, Malus sieversii, Malus transitoria, Malus yunnanensis, Mandarin Orange, Mango, Mangosteen, Maracuya, Melon, Mexican Plum, Meyer Lemon, MIracle Fruit, Mission Beach Satinash, Monstera Deliciosa, Morinda Citrifolia, Murcott, Myrica faya, Myrica Gale, Myrica inodora, Myrica pennsylvanica, Myrica rubra, Nance, Naranjilla, Native Olive, New Jersey Blueberry, Ogonkan, Olea lancea, Olive, Omni, Orange, Oregon Crabapple, Oriental Pickling Melon, Oroblanco, Pac_Manpple, Palmyra Fruit, Papaya, Paperbark Satinash, Passion Fruit, Pawpaw, Pear, Peas, Pecan, Pepino Melon, Persian melon, Persimmon, Pigeon Plum, Pillar Apple, Pinang Yaki, Pineapple, Pineberry, Pink Banana, Pistachio, Pitanga, Plantain, Plum, Plumcot, Plumleaf crabapple, Podcorn, Poinsettia, Pomegranate, Pompia, Ponderosa Lemon, Ponkan, Popcorn, Prickly Pear, Pricklyburr, Prince’s Pine, Prune, Prunus angustifolia, Prunus brigantina, Prunus Umbellata, Prunus Vachuschtii, Pummelo, Purple Mangosteen, Quince, Rambutan, Rangpur, Raspberry, Real Dragon Fruit, Red Banana, Red Berry Mistletoe, Red Bush Apple, Red Flesh Dragon Fruit, Red Huckleberry, Riberry, Rose Hip, Rough Lemon, Rubus Flagellaris, Sacred Datura, Sanbokan, Sapodilla, Sargent crabapple, Satsuma, Sea Apple, Shangjuan, Shore Eugenia, Siberian Crabapple, Siebold’s crabapple, Sikkim Crabapple, Skuberry, Snakefruit, Soursop, Spicy Peppers, Sprite Melon, Stone Bramble (Rubus saxatilis), Strawberry, Swamp Dewberry, Swamp Maire, Sweet Berries, Sweet Corn, Sydney Red Gum, Syzygium caryophyllatum, Syzygium Guineense, Syzygium Jambos, Syzygium nervosum, Syzygium sandwicense, Tahiti Lime, Tamarillo, Tamarind, Tangelo, Tangerine, Tangor, Tayberry, Tea Olive, TheFreshLemon, Tier List Fruit, Tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica), Tomato, Turkey Berry, Turtle Grass Fruit, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Vaccinium hirsutum, Vaccinium padifolium, Vaccinium reticulatum, Velvetleaf huckleberry, Voltfruit, Walnut, Water Berry, Watermelon, Watery Rose Apple, Wax Gourd, Wheat, White Sapote, Wild Cape Gooseberry, Wild-Goose Plum, Wolfia, Yellow Watermelon, Youngberry, Yukou, Yunnan Banana, yuzu fruit, Ziziphus lotus, Ziziphus mucronate, Ziziphus oneolia, Ziziphus rugosa, Ziziphus spina-christi, Zucchini

Bright Light.png

(To Be Continued,,,)
At long last we have done it. One full year of fruits.
What a ride this has honestly been, this thread has gone though good times and bad, crazy and crazier. To get to this point it took not just the hard work of two thread keepers, but also a small army of people who encouraged and supported us along the way. It's so surreal that we're here now.

A Look Back:
To get to today was a long, long, long journey. It all started on May 16th, 2020. That day a legend by the name of Evil_X came up with a crazy idea, to post a new fruit every day until he received a Cryptite head. This lofty goal was met with resounding support at the shear insanity of the idea. And so Evil went forth, posting that new fruit every day. A single day became two, two became three, three became a week, a week became a month, and yet the fruits kept coming. Through this time the thread would go through bouts of hilarity and nonsense, levels of which haven't been replicated sense. Evil took us into the world of fruits that we had never heard of, and into the world of fruits from other worlds. Yes over this time we would visit not just our world but Hyrule from the Legend of Zelda, PNF-404 from Pikmin, the world of Terraria, and of course Minecraft. Evil also managed over this time to do some amazing other things, from destroying Lokans' emails, to creating a tier list fruit, to many more. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and so Evil would go on to leave his position on September 28th, day 136 of the thread, having never received the Cryptite head he workedso hard to get.

The day following I, Pac_Man_, tool over the thread for Evil. Continuing to post a new fruit every day until the Cryptite head can be found. During this time the formula for delivering the fruit of the day became much more standardized, and the fruits posted became far more esoteric. But we would still have our laughs, and our adventures. And we never ran short on the "Are you ok?" comments. This time would bring us back to the world of Hyrule, to a Galaxy Far Far Away, and into the strange and bizarre worlds of fruit salads growing on tress and more. This time saw the passing of many holidays, many milestones, and all of their respective fruits.


Today presents an opportunity like no other, With a years supply of fruits prepared we can now preform a sacred ritual. One which stands the best chance of giving us a Cryptite head of anything we've tried so far. To do this we must gather up all 365 fruits into one place, read out the sacred incantation and unleash the power of the fruit gods themselves. But to do this we do need one more fruit. But not just any fruit... No... If this magic is to work I must become one with the fruits we are using...

May 15th, Day 365: Pac_Manpple
Fruit Info:
The fruit manifestation of Pac_Man_, second keeper of the daily fruit thread. This form is capable of drawing on the power of the fruits and connecting with the gods of fruits on a more fundamental level.
Fruit Tier: SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS haha I'm so cool and amazing for selfishly making myself the 1 year anniversary fruit.

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Now... We gather together all 365 fruits so far...

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Now we do a little incomprehensible muttering, "mhghghngnrgairngairghiurgahdungauidfgnaiuregafbeuabeugbuaesbgasjdbguiegbrhsgdkguhgusrhgbrugyro"
And then read out every name of every fruit so far in alphabetical order:

Abiu, Acai, acerola, Ackee, Aechmea gigantea, Agraz, Aiselu, Akebi, Almond, Amanatsu, Amaryllis, American Olive, American Plum, Angular Winter Cherry, Apple, Apricot, Areca Novohibernica, Areca Nut, Atemoya, Atherton Raspberry, Aubergine Eggplant, Australian Desert Lime, Australian Finger Lime, Australian Round Lime, Autumn Mandrake, Avocado, Banana, Batuan, Beach Plum, Bear Berry, Beccariophoenix fenestralis, Beccariophoenix madagascariensis, Bell Pepper, Bergamot Orange, Bismarckia nobilis, Black Apple, Black Eyed Peas, Black Seed Squash, Blackthorn, Blood LIme, Blood Orange, Blue Lilly-Pilly, Blueberry, Borassus Akeassii, Borassus Heineanus, Borassus Madagascariensis, Bosc Pear, Boysenberry, Breadfruit, Bright Light, Bumpy Satinash, Butternut Squash, Button Mangosteen, Calabash, Calamansi, California Blackberry, Cam sanh, Canada Plum, Canary melon, Cape Gooseberry, Capsicum Chacoense, Capsicum Frutescens, Capsicum Pubescens, Carambola, Carnauba, Cashew Apple, Cempedak, Cherry Penda, Cherry Plum, Cherry, Chestnut, Chinese date, Chinotto, Chorus Fruit, Christmas Cactus, Christmas Rose, Citron, Citrus depressa, Clammy Groundcherry, Claudie Satinash, Clementine, Cleopatra Mandarin, Cloudberry, Cluster Figs, Coconut, Cocoplum, Coffee arabica, Coolamon, Copernica Tectorum, Cossack Pineapple, Crab Apple, Creek Lilly-Pilly, Crenshaw, Crookneck Squash, Cryptatian, Cucumber, Cucumis metuliferus, Cupuacu, Custard Apple, Cut-Leaf Crabapple, Cyclamen, Damson, Dawn Pustules, Dekopon, Deleb Palm, Dent Corn, Devil’s Snare, Devil’s Trumpet, Dewberry, Dragon Fruit, Durian, Eastern Hawthorn, Egg fruit, Elephant Apple, Emu Berry, European Crabapple, European Holly, European Ivy, European Mistletoe, Evil_Xapple, False Mastic, False Pineapple, Fejioa, Fig, Florentine Citron, Flour Corn, Flowering Banana, Forest Olive, Foxybeary, FroggyFruit, Fruit Cake, Fruit Fly, Fruit Salad, Gak, Galia Melon, Gamboge, Garland Crab, Gaya Melon, Glass Gem Corn, Golden Kiwifruit, Granadilla, Grewia Asiatica, Grouseberry, Guava, Habanero-type Pepper, Hala Fruit, Hami melon, Hand of Buddha, Hardy Kiwifruit, Hatkhora, High Plateau Coconut, Highbush Blueberry, Hollowheart, Holly Olive, Honeyberry, Hubbard Squash, Huckleberry, Hyuganatsu, Ice Cream Bean, Ichang Papeda, Imbe, Imperial Lemon, Ingi Bakba, Italian Plum, Iyokan, Jabara, Jabuticaba, Jack-o'-lantern, Jalapeno, Jamaican Tangelo, Japanese Pie Pumpkin, Japanese Plum, Java Apple, Java Plum, Jogan Fruit, Jostaberry, Jujube Fruit, Kabosu, Kaffir Lime, Kalmata Olive, Kamchatka bilberry, Kaphal, Kawachi Bankan, Kinnow, Kishu Mikan, Kiwi, Kiyomi, Kolomikta, Korean Chestnut, Kumquat, Lemon, Leptecophylla juniperina, Life Fruit, Lime, Limetta, Limonia acidissima, Lingonberry, Lodoicea, Loganberry, Long Spined Thorn-Apple, Longan, Loquat, Lowbush blueberry, Lucuma, Lumia, Lychee, Magenta Lilly Pilly, Magstletoe, Malay Rose Apple, Malus Florenina, Malus sieversii, Malus transitoria, Malus yunnanensis, Mandarin Orange, Mango, Mangosteen, Maracuya, Melon, Mexican Plum, Meyer Lemon, MIracle Fruit, Mission Beach Satinash, Monstera Deliciosa, Morinda Citrifolia, Murcott, Myrica faya, Myrica Gale, Myrica inodora, Myrica pennsylvanica, Myrica rubra, Nance, Naranjilla, Native Olive, New Jersey Blueberry, Ogonkan, Olea lancea, Olive, Omni, Orange, Oregon Crabapple, Oriental Pickling Melon, Oroblanco, Pac_Manpple, Palmyra Fruit, Papaya, Paperbark Satinash, Passion Fruit, Pawpaw, Pear, Peas, Pecan, Pepino Melon, Persian melon, Persimmon, Pigeon Plum, Pillar Apple, Pinang Yaki, Pineapple, Pineberry, Pink Banana, Pistachio, Pitanga, Plantain, Plum, Plumcot, Plumleaf crabapple, Podcorn, Poinsettia, Pomegranate, Pompia, Ponderosa Lemon, Ponkan, Popcorn, Prickly Pear, Pricklyburr, Prince’s Pine, Prune, Prunus angustifolia, Prunus brigantina, Prunus Umbellata, Prunus Vachuschtii, Pummelo, Purple Mangosteen, Quince, Rambutan, Rangpur, Raspberry, Real Dragon Fruit, Red Banana, Red Berry Mistletoe, Red Bush Apple, Red Flesh Dragon Fruit, Red Huckleberry, Riberry, Rose Hip, Rough Lemon, Rubus Flagellaris, Sacred Datura, Sanbokan, Sapodilla, Sargent crabapple, Satsuma, Sea Apple, Shangjuan, Shore Eugenia, Siberian Crabapple, Siebold’s crabapple, Sikkim Crabapple, Skuberry, Snakefruit, Soursop, Spicy Peppers, Sprite Melon, Stone Bramble (Rubus saxatilis), Strawberry, Swamp Dewberry, Swamp Maire, Sweet Berries, Sweet Corn, Sydney Red Gum, Syzygium caryophyllatum, Syzygium Guineense, Syzygium Jambos, Syzygium nervosum, Syzygium sandwicense, Tahiti Lime, Tamarillo, Tamarind, Tangelo, Tangerine, Tangor, Tayberry, Tea Olive, TheFreshLemon, Tier List Fruit, Tomatillo (Physalis philadelphica), Tomato, Turkey Berry, Turtle Grass Fruit, Vaccinium arctostaphylos, Vaccinium hirsutum, Vaccinium padifolium, Vaccinium reticulatum, Velvetleaf huckleberry, Voltfruit, Walnut, Water Berry, Watermelon, Watery Rose Apple, Wax Gourd, Wheat, White Sapote, Wild Cape Gooseberry, Wild-Goose Plum, Wolfia, Yellow Watermelon, Youngberry, Yukou, Yunnan Banana, yuzu fruit, Ziziphus lotus, Ziziphus mucronate, Ziziphus oneolia, Ziziphus rugosa, Ziziphus spina-christi, Zucchini

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(To Be Continued,,,)
The mad man actually gathered all the fruits together. I'm super proud of you for all the work you've done, crazy to think it's been a whole year.
As long as Crypt keeps his head on his shoulders, this thread shall never die!
Cheers to the one-year anniversary of the fruit thread! I have been chosen as Pac_Man_'s trie successor and will be taking the thread as the third keeper of the fruits. My power is immense and I am prepared for what is to come.

May 16th, Day 366: ∞ Infinity Fruit

Fruit Info:
Today we have more than just a fruit. It is a theory. The theory of infinite fruits. Think about it, everything could be a fruit. Fruit provides us with life, love, and everything in between. It is only a matter of time before we can prove this theory to be true. Maybe even Cryptite's head is a fruit, who knows?

Fruit Tier: ∞ Infinity.
