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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

May 23rd, Day 373: Star Apple

Fruit Info:
The Star Apple is a hybrid that can be found in the Caribbean and Central America. They have smooth skin and a dark purple ish color, along with a purple interior that forms a star shape. After being initially discovered in the 1500s, the fruit was soon after cultivated all around the Americas and is now grown in Central America, Florida, and Hawaii.

Fruit Tier: C

May 24th, Day 374: Feijoa

Fruit Info:
The Feijoa is a small fruit native to the central highlands of South America. The fruit itself is about the size of a small chicken egg and was first discovered by Friedrich Sellow in the early 1800s. The fruit is typically ate by cutting out the pulp from inside the skin and putting it into many different dishes and cuisines.

Fruit Tier: B

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May 25th, Day 375: Horned Melon

Fruit Info:
Today's fruit is the horned Melon which is native to Sub-Saharan Africa and is grown all around the Mediterranean, central Europe, and the US. As clearly seen it is a spiked melon with a green inside, and has a taste similar to something between a banana and a passion fruit, and it is known to be quite good tasting. Other than that, there isn't much to this guy. It's like your regular old fruit with some spikey bois on it.

Fruit Tier: S for Spikey

May 26th, Day 376: Elder Berry

Fruit Info:
Today's fruit is the elderberry and is a dark fruit that comes from the elder tree, which can be found across Europe. Some people use the berry to try and help treat common diseases such as colds and flus, however there isn't any solid scientific evidence that supports this. Nonetheless, nothing is stopping you from eating it while you are sick. Some other things to note about the elderberry are it's resemblance to the blueberry, as well as it's small size.

Fruit Tier: E for Elderly

May 27th, Day 377: Blackcurrant

Fruit Info:
The blackcurrant is a bush that is native to Central Europe and northern Asia. It is a small shrub with small black berries on it and is used to create jams, preserves, and syrups.

Fruit Tier: B

May 28th, Day 378: Mouse Melon

Fruit Info:
For today's fruit we have the Mouse Melon, which is a small melon type fruit which grows off of a vine and is known for it's sour and cucumber-like taste. It was originally native to Mexico and Central America, and also likely was domesticated by humans before the colonists arrived.

Fruit Tier: C

May 29th, Day 379: Pluot

Fruit Info:
For today's fruit we've got a fruit that is actually quite new to the fruit family itself. The Pluot is a cross between an apricot and a plum, which looks like something similar to an apple, on the outside, and something more similar to that of the cross between the apricot and the plum on the inside.

Fruit Tier: A

May 30th, Day 380: Nectarine

Fruit Info:
For today's fruit we've got the Nectarine, which is something between an apple and an avocado, with the skin and inside of an apple, and the seed of an avocado. Pretty cool fruit overall from the peach family so YER!

Fruit Tier: B

May 31st, Day 381: Maize

Fruit Info:
For today's fruit we've got Maize, or Indian corn, which is often mistaken for being a vegetable despite its fruit status scientifically. Lots of different fruits are like this, corn being one of the biggest ones. It's a food that has become almost a staple of the crops that the native Americans grew, and is now mostly referred to as corn.

Fruit Tier: A

June 1st, Day 382: Bread Nut

Fruit Info:
For today's fruit we've got the Bread Nut, which is a close relative to the Jackfruit from a few days ago. The fruit is spiky on the outside and was a crop that was key to the Mayans of ancient Central America. The fruit itself can be cut out into various different beans within and is used to make a type of curry.

Fruit Tier: B for Bread Nut

June 2nd, Day 383: Amourette

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is a close relative of the bread nut, even if you wouldn’t know by looking at it. It is native to southern Mexico, Central America, Trinidad, and tropical South America.

Fruit Tier: B

June 3rd Day 384: Hawthorn Berry

Fruit Info:
Today’s fruit is the hawthorn berry which is a small fruit known for it's favorable affects on the heart as well as their tart and sweet taste.

Fruit Tier: B for Berry

Today I am unable to actually upload the image to the forums because it is erroring out so uh here's a link to a nice picture of a Hawthorn Berry:
June 4th, Day 385: Russian Hawthorn

Fruit Info: A close cousin of the regular hawthorn berry, the Russian hawthorn is a species native to regions of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The fruit can be dark red, purple or black depending on the plant.

Fruit Tier: C


June 5th, Day 386: Noni Fruit

Fruit Info: Today we have the NONI FRUIT. The word itself is clearly a misspelling on NANI?, however is also it's own fruit which was originally used as a food during times of starvation for the indigenous people who cultivated it. The fruit itself can grow in a wide variety of habitats, including forests, both rocky and sandy shores, and more in India.

Fruit Tier: SSS for NONI??

June 6th, day 387: Yawweed

Fruit Info: Morina royoc, also known as the redgal, yawweed and cheese shrub, is a neat member of the same family as coffee beans. It is native to South America, Central America,the Caribbean, and southern Florida. Because it is a close relative of the Noni Fruit, that mean the Noni Fruit is also related to coffee beans.

Fruit Tier: Bean
