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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

Thank you very much for the donated fruit Silver! Never knew this little guy was a fruit, but here we go.

May 17th, Day 367: Like Berry

Fruit Info:
Today we have the like berry. It originates from none other than the heart of the forums itself! These guys have even become a bit of a currency amongst the citizens of Loka and is highly coveted.

Fruit Tier: B

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May 18th, Day 368: Cherimoya

Fruit Info: Today we have the Cherimoya, which is a fruit from Northwest South America and Central America. Despite only being from South and Central America, it's been cultivated all over the world in tropical climates, including around the Mediterranean, which is a hell of a treck from where the lil' guy came from. It's very popular due to it's sweet taste and is often served with a spoon as a sort of custard. Mark Twain even called it "the most delicious fruit known to men."

Fruit Tier: S


On the right is a custard pudding recipe for the Cherimoya (made up of mostly the insides of the fruit) and on the right is the fruit itself.
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Foxy: *Forgets about the thread after 3 days of posting*


May 19th, Day 369: Vasconcellea candicans

Fruit Info: For today's fruit we have a close relative of the papaya. It is native to the western slopes of the Andes mountains in Ecuador and Peru. There's not too much to say about this fruit. On Wikipedia it's only listed use is "edible fruit" and it's only thing for cultivation was "propagated by seeds". Which while I imagine is true, isn't very useful to know.

Fruit Tier: F for FoxoBadGames

Vasconcellea candicans.jpg
AAAAAA I GOT CAUGHT UP WITH SCHOOL PLZ HELP. Don't worry I now have a reminder set that bonks me every day to post on the thread...
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Pac has just saved the thread from disaster overnight. He's like the silent savior of Loka...

May 20th, Day 370: Jackfruit

Fruit Info: Today's fruit is the jackfruit. These fruits come from the areas between southern India and the rainforest of Malaysia, and it is the biggest fruit that there is. They clock in at about 120 pounds per fruit, which is just insane. The trees themselves also produce about 200 fruits per year, which is a lot considering their immense weight.

Fruit Tier: B for Big Boi

May 21st, Day 371: Goji Berry

Fruit Info: The Goji Berry is known for it's sour and sweet flavor, as well as it's uses in medicine. They are also a very popular ingredient in superfood blends. Originally from China, the berry has been used for thousands of years as a medicine as it is known to lead to a boost in your immune system and many other wanted benefits.

Fruit Tier: B for Berry

May 22st, Day 372: Juniper Berry

Fruit Info:
The Juniper Berry is the female cone seed that is produced by the Juniper Tree. They are typically used as a spice in European foods and also are used to flavor gin, as well as many other drinks. The Juniper Tree itself can be found in Europe, parts of Russia, and northern portions of North America, typically becoming more common as you go further north.

Fruit Tier: B
