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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

June 9th, Day 1115: Acanthosicyos horridus

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have an interesting melon known as the Nara or the butterpips. This fruit has a sweet and watery flesh, which is Inter because the plant that grows it can survive literal years without water.

Fruit Tier: B

June 10th, Day 1116: Datisca cannabina

Fruit Info: Datisca cannabina is the name of our fun new fruit of the day today. This fruit is native to Eastern Europe, through the Middle East, and continuing on to several regions in Asia.

Fruit Tier: C

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June 11th, Day 1117: Kebia Berry

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the Kebia berry, a fruit native to and first discovered in the Sinnoh region. This fruit has a dry and smooth texture and a sour flavor.

Fruit Tier: B

June 12th, Day 1118: White Wild Musk Mellow

Fruit Info: Abelmoschus ficulneus is the name of this fruit of the day. It is native to North Africa, East Africa, Madagascar and a few other small regions. There isn’t much else to say about it really.

Fruit Tier: F

June 13th, Day 1119: African Baobab Fruit

Fruit Info:
Today for our fruit of the day we have the African Baobab tree’s fruit. This fruit is edible and has been proposed as a potential solution for other issues.

Fruit Tier: B

June 14, Day 1120: Persim Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the persim beery. This fruit is a native to the Hoenn region. While it had a somewhat sweet taste, it is best known for its ability to heal confusion.

Fruit Tier: B

June 15th, Day 1121: Babiri Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Babiri Berry. This fruit is native to the Sinnoh region where it was first discovered, and has been found more places since. It has a spicy flavor and a dry but smooth texture.

Fruit Tier: D

June 16th, Day 1122: Kapok

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Kapok, also known as Bombax ceiba. This fruit is a native to Southeast Asia. In this region it is cultivated for a variety of reasons not just limited to the fruit but also the beauty of the flowers that are produced by the same plant.

Fruit Tier: D

June 17th, Day 1123: Ceiba pentandra

Fruit Info: This fruit is a native to Mexico,Central America, the northern part of southern America, the Caribbean, and west Africa. This particular fruit hadn’t seen much direct use, instead it is cultivated to harvest seeds of the plant for various uses.

Fruit Tier: A

June 18th, Day 1124: Cochlospermum religiosum

Fruit Info: Native to the southeast Asian region and to the Indian subcontinent we have our new fruit of the day for today. From what I have gathered there is little use to this fruit, however the flowers that come from the same plant gave ceremonial use.

Fruit Tier: A

June 19th, Day 1125: Malabar Chestnut

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Malabar chestnut, Pachira aquatica, which is also known as the French peanut, Guiana chestnut, saba nut, and pumpo. This fruit is a native to Central and South America where its plant is only occasionally grown for the nut itself.

Fruit Tier: D

June 20th, Day 1120: Cavanillesia umbellata

Fruit Info:Cavanillesia umbellata is a species of trees in the family Malvaceae. It is native to South America.” - The entire Wikipedia article for this fruit and it’s plant. There is nothing even more specific to the fruit that I was able to find.

Fruit Tier: F

June 21st, Day 1121: Ceiba speciosa

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the toborochi. This fruit is a native to tropical and subtropical regions of South America.

Fruit Tier: A

June 22nd, Day 1122: Magost Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our new fruit of the day we have the Magost berry, a lovely little fruit native to the Hoenn region. This fruit has a sweet taste but can also have a bitter taste when prepared a certain way.

Fruit Tier: B

June 23rd, Day 1123: Chiranthodendron pentadactylon

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is this lovely little specimen native to Guatemala and southern Mexico. This fruit is the only species within its own genus.

Fruit Tier: B

June 24th, Day 1124 Rindo Berry

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the rondo berry. This fruit is a native to the Sinnoh where it is known for its spicy and bitter flavor, which is seen as a very rare flavor profile.

Fruit Tier: A

June 25th, Day 1125: Nomel Berry

Fruit Info:
Today for our fruit of the day we have the Nomel berry. This fruit is a a native to the Sinnoh region where it is known for its unique sour flavor with a spicy kick, and smooth texture.

Fruit Tier: B

June 26th, Day 1126: Coba Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Coba. This fruit is a a native to the Sinnoh region where it is known for its extraordinarily strong bitter flavor, and smooth texture.

Fruit Tier: C

June 27th, Day 1127: Lagunaria patersonia

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have this lovely native of Norfolk Island, wherever that is. There aren’t many details on this fruit, however the seed pouches that come from it are full of tiny hair like things that cause immense amounts of itching when released.

Fruit Tier: C
