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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

November 11th, Day 1233: Borassus aethiopum

Fruit Info: Toddy Palm Fruit is one of the many ways you can refer to the fruit we picked for today. This fruit is widespread over regions of Africa such as from Senegal to Ethiopia. This fruit is edible but I haven’t seen anything about it’s taste.

Fruit Tier: C

November 12th, Day 1234: Borassus flabellifer

Fruit Info: Today we have the palmyra fruit, or the fruit of the palmyra palm tree. This fruit is native to South and Southeast Asia. When this fruit is “eaten” it is traditionally only the seeds that are actually eaten. The outer casing is instead removed

Fruit Tier: B

November 13th, Day 1235: Tomato Berry

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we have the tomato berry. This fruit is a native of the Hoenn region where it was originally discovered.

Fruit Tier: D

November 14th, Day 1236: Butia capitata

Fruit Info: This fruit is a native of a couple of the sta te s of Brazil. It is also known as the jelly palm fruit. The fruits are harvested between November and February and are used to make ice cream, marmalade, juices, liquor and more.

Fruit Tier: C

November 15th, Day 1237: Butia eriospatha

Fruit Info: The wooly jelly palm fruit is our fruit of the day for today. It is a native of the highlands of southern Brazil. There isn’t really much else’s interesting about this fruit.

Fruit Tier: S
November 16th, Day 1238: Butia odorata

Fruit Info: Should you find yourself wandering down the to the furthest south reaches of Brazil and Uruguay, you may come across the unsuitably names American Jelly Palm, and it’s fruit.

Fruit Tier: A
November 17th, Day 1239: Shuca Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Shuca berry. This fruit is a Anatole of the Sinnoh region. It is known for its sweet yet spicy flavor.

Fruit Tier: C
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November 18th, Day 1240: Yatay Palm Fruit

Fruit Info: The Butia yatay or yatay palm fruit is the name of our fruit of the day today. This fruit is a native of regions of Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. According to Wikipedia the fruit is in fact edible and it has a somewhat sweet flavor to it.

Fruit Tier:
November 19th, Day 1241: Thrinax excelsa

Fruit Info: Commonly known as the broad thatch fruit, today’s fruit is a native of Jamaica. The picture you see here is of a cluster of mature and immature fruit. When they reach maturity they turn white in color and have a single seed in the fruit.

Fruit Tier: C

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November 20th, Day 1242: Trachycarpus fortunei

Fruit Info: The windmill palm fruit is the name (or at least one of them there’s so many but they’re all super generic and boring like this) of our fruit of the day for today. The fruit is a yellow blue-black when mature according to Wikipedia and idk what that means, but it is also a drupe, and I do know what that means.

Fruit Tier: C
November 21st, Day 1243: Euterpe oleracea

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is the açaí berry, and it has a pretty unique character in its name tbqh. Brazil is a major producer of this fruit, producing over 120 million tons of the fruit every year.

Fruit Tier: C

November 22nd, Day 1244: Ceroxylon quindiuense

Fruit Info: Native to the Andes mountains within Colombia and Peru, we have today’s fruit of the day, the quindio wax palm fruit. There isn’t much else to say other that the fact that this fruit is a threatened species.

Fruit Tier: D

November 23rd, Day 1245: Vaccinium macrocarpon

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the American Cranberry. This fruit is an edible native of North America. It is mostly grown in wetland soil, and is considered a cash crop.

Fruit Tier: S
November 24th, Day 1246: Cupid’s Grenade

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we turn our eyes once again to the planet PNF-404. This fruit is a native of the distant tundra and the tropical wilds.

Fruit Tier: C

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November 25th, Day 1247: Stellar Extrusion

Fruit Info: Today we look to the garden of hope, tropical wilds, and distant tundra of PNF-404 to give us our next fruit of the day. This fruit is often split into two halves, each one producing about one cup of juice.

Fruit Tier: S

November 26th, Day 1248: Pomeg Berry

Fruit Info: Here we have a fruit native to the Hoenn region for our fruit of the day. This fruit has a sweet and spicy flavor with a light bitter kick to it. Despite this some people claim there is some connection to ice within the berry.

Fruit Tier: D
November 27th, Day 1249: Livistona chinensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Chinese Fan Palm Fruit. This fruit is native to the southern regions of Japan, Taiwan, and the Rykuyu islands. In some regions the plant that grows this fruit is considered a weed, which is wild, because it’s a tree.

Fruit Tier: D
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November 28th, Day 1250: Salac Berry

Fruit Info: The salac berry is a species of fruit originally discovered in the Hoenn region. This fruit has a sweet and sour flavor stronger than most other flavors fruits tend to have.

Fruit Tier: D
November 29th, Day 1250: Saribus rotundifolius

Fruit Info: Here for our fruit of the day we have a native of Southeast Asia, and it is the fruit of the footstool palm. The fruit is a species of drupe but had a lot of other redeeming characteristics too. I won’t elaborate on those others though.

Fruit Tier: C

November 30th, Day 1251: Chamaerops humilis

Fruit Info: The Mediterranean Dwarf Palm Fruit is our fruit of the day today. This fruit is very bitter, and as such it is not used by humans for food. It is, however, useful in traditional medicines as an astringent.

Fruit Tier: B
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