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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

October 4th, Day 1195: Beccariophoenix alfredii

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the high plateau coconut. It is a recently discovered species of coconut native to Madagascar. That being said, it isn’t technically a coconut, but a more cold hardy lookalike.

Fruit Tier: B

October 5th, Day 1196: Bismarckia nobilis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the Bismarck palm. This fruit is a native to western and northern Madagascar where it grows in open grassland. This fruit is the only one in its genus.

Fruit Tier: B

October 6th, Dau 1197: Attalea maripa

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the maripa palm fruit. This fruit is a native of South America and of Trinidad and Tobago this fruit is edible and also can be used to create an edible oil.

Fruit Tier: C

October 7th, Day 1198: Attalea butyracea

Fruit Info: Attalea butyracea is a species of palm tree native from Mexico to northern South America.” - The whole Wikipedia article. So here’s a picture of that trees fruit now.

Fruit Tier: F

October 8th, Day 1199: Babassu Palm Fruit

Fruit Info: Today we have yet another relative of the coconut. This fruit is a native to the southern and southeast regions of Brazil. This fruit is known scientifically as the Attalea dubia

Fruit Tier: C

October 9th, Day 1200: Attalea funifera

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have Bahia Piassava fruit. This fruits is a type of palm native to eastern Brazil. This fruit’s plant provides fibers for brushes.

Fruit Tier: B

October 10th, Day 1201: Razz Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Razz Berry. This fruit was originally discovered in the Hoenn region. This fruit is perhaps one of the most well known berries from the region.

Fruit Tier: C

October 11th, Day 1202: Phoenix canariensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the pineapple pal, which ironically doesn’t grow anything close to a pineapple. This fruit is a type of drupe and according to Wikipedia it’s pulp is edible “but not the best.”

Fruit Tier: B

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October 12th, Day 1203: Phoenix dactylifera

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a date from the date palm. This fruit is highly cultivated in the Middle East, South Asia, and Northern Africa. These dates have a very high sugar content and are used as deserts.

Fruit Tier: C

October 13th, Day 1204: Silver Date

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the silver date, known scientifically as Phoenix sylvesteis. This fruit is a native of South Pakistan, most of India, Sri Lanka, and more.

Fruit Tier: D

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October 14th, Day 1205: Ceylon Date

Fruit Info: Today we have our next fruit of the day, the ceylon date, also known as flour palm date, and Phoenix pusilla. This fruit is a native to southern India and Sri Lanka.

Fruit Tier: B

October 15th, Day 1206: Sabal miamiensis

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Miami palmetto, also known as Sabal miamiensis. This fruit is a native of Dade county Florida. That may seem very specific and you’re right because there is only one known population.

Fruit Tier: B

October 16th, Day 1207: Sabal minor

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit we have the dwarf palmetto. This fruit is a native of the south east and south central regions of the United States and northeastern Mexico. The plant that grows this fruit is notoriously cold hardy by palm standards.

Fruit Tier: A

October 18th, Day 1209: Syagrus cearensis

Fruit Info: Here we have the fruit of the plant Syagrus cearensis. it is a type of palm fruit that is endemic to Brazil. The yellow flesh of this fruit is actually one of the primary differentiators between this fruit and one of its close relatives.

Fruit Tier: D

October 19th, Day 1210: Syagrus coronata

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the aricuri palm fruit. It is also known as the licuri palm fruit and the ouricuri palm fruit. It is a native to eastern Brazil. The plant that grows these fruit bears fruits for the majority of the year.

Fruit Tier: C
October 20th, Day 1211: Spelon Berry

Fruit Info:
Today for our fruit of the day we have a native to the Hoenn region that was also originally discovered there too. They are primarily used as an ingredient in other things because of their spicy taste and dry texture.

Fruit Tier: A

October 21st, Day 1212: Slapstick crescent

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we are making another brief return to the planet PNF-404 briefly. It is native to the tropical wilds of the planet where it also weighs approximately 15 units.

Fruit Tier: B

October 22nd, Day 1213: Syagrus romanzoffiana

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the queen palm fruit, also known as the cocos palm fruit. This fruit is in fact edible and it has an orange sticky flesh when fully matured. The flavor is described on Wikipedia as being sweet, and similar to a mix between a plum and a banana. If you want to find one of these fruits in real life, you can assuredly find one in it’s native South America, but they have been introduced all over the world so you may be able to find one closer to where you live.

Fruit Tier: S