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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

August 26th, Day 1158: Darcyodes rostrata

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the plant Darcyodes rostrata This fruit is a native of Vietnam and Malesia.

Fruit Tier: C

August 27th, Day 1158 Canarium slbum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a native to India and China known as the Chinese olive. This fruit is often used as a flavor for congee and for fried rice. It is also used in preserves, both sweet like jelly and tangy like pickles.

Fruit Tier: A

August 28th, Day 1159: Mango Bark

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit Canarium australianum, which is, if you couldn’t tell, a native of Australia and New Zealand. There are three recognized variants of this fruit, all of them also in the same native range.

Fruit Tier: B

August 29th, Day 1160: Dabai

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit or the day we have the dabai, or as it is known scientifically, Canarium odontophyllum. This fruit is a native of Borneo where it goes by different names in different locations. The fruit has a black exterior but a yellow flesh inside.

Fruit Tier: B

August 30th, Day 1161: Pili

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the pili, or as it is referred to in the scientific literature as, Canarium ovatum. These fruits are a native to the Philippines where they are cultivated commercially for their nuts.

Fruit Tier: A

August 31st, Day 1162: African Olive

Fruit Info: Today we have the African olive, otherwise known as the African elemi, otherwise known as the bush candle, otherwise known as canarium, otherwise known as Canarium schweinfurthii. This fruit is known for its wide range and for how the hard stones inside the fruit are often used in divination.

Fruit Tier: B

September 1st, Day 1163: Protium heptaphyllum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the almíscar, a species native to South America and most commonly found in Venezuela, Brazil, and the Guyanas. This fruit has a “sweet and refreshing pulp” and can be eaten raw.

Fruit Tier: A

September 2nd, Day 1164; Ailanthus altissima

Fruit Info: The stinking sumac is our fruit of the day today. It’s a native to northeast and central China, particularly it is found in the temperate regions rather than the tropical ones.

Fruit Tier: B

September 3rd, Day 1165; Pamtre Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Pamtre berry. This fruit has a dry texture and a sweet taste. It is a native of the Hoenn region.

Fruit Tier: C

September 4th, Day 1166: Roseli Berry

Fruit Info: Today we have a berry originally native to the Kalos region. This fruit has a sweet flavor with a somewhat bitter hint to it. The texture of this fruit is very smooth and consuming it in a pinch can cut the damage of a fairy type attack in half.

Fruit Tier: B

September 5th, Day 1167: Haban Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Haban berry. This fruit is a native to the Sinnoh region, It has a smooth texture when eating it, and a bitter taste with a hint of sweetness in there somewhere.

Fruit Tier: C

September 6th, Day 1168: Chilan Berry

Fruit Info:
Today for our fruit of the day we have a another Sinnoh region native. It has. Very dry texture but also a very smooth texture to its flesh. When consumed you’ll be met with a gentle sweet flavor.

Fruit Tier: C

September 7th, Day 1169: Yache Berry

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Yache Berry, which is originally native to the Sinnoh region. This fruit has a sour taste with a smooth and dry texture.

Fruit Tier: A

September 8th, Day 1170: Eucalyptus obliqua

Fruit Info: Here we have the fruit of the messmate, one of Australia’s most important hard wooed trees, as our fruit of the day. This fruit possesses a very uninteresting purpose in this world as simply being a fruit with a cup-shape to it.

Fruit Tier: A

September 9th, Day 1171: Common Myrtle Fruit

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of the common myrtñe, otherwise known as Myrtis communis. This fruit has been used along with the rest of the plant for its medicinal properties, to prevent food spoilage, and to make a kind of liquor, since as early as 600 BCE.

Fruit Tier: S

September 10th, Day 1172: Lavender Tree Fruit

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have an interesting case. We’re not exactly sure what species this fruit is of, but we do know that it is native to Southern Africa and that it is a member of then genus Heteropyxis. This fruit can, no matter it’s species, be considered a lavender tree fruit.

Fruit Tier: C

September 11th, Day 1173: Ganlon Berry

Fruit Info: On todays episode of slowly growing more and more insane from having to post a fruit, we have a native of the Hoenn region, formally known as the Ganion Berry. This fruit has a bitter flavor with a sweet aftertaste, and a dry texture.

Fruit Tier: A
September 12th, Day 1174: Lesser Mock Bottom

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit we turn once again to the planet PNF-404 and it’s native species. Specifically in this case we have the lesser mock bottom, the smaller variety of the two species of mock bottom. It grows in the twilight river, garden of hope, and the tropical wilds.

Fruit Tier: B

September 13th, Day 1175: Salak

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have a native of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia. It is known as Salak, or scientifically as Salacca zalacca. It is divided into three cloves inside, and it has a sweet yet astringent taste.

Fruit Tier: S
