Fruit Info: Today we have the fruit of the Arabian Balsam Tree. This fruit is native to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt and a few other locations. The plant that this fruit comes from was historically renowned for perfumes that came from it.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of Commiphora wightii. This fruit is a native to southern Pakistan and western India. Apparently the fruits have a high level of quinine acid and myo-inositol.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the crimson banquet, a lovely little native to the planet PNF-404. This fruit is only found within the planet’s tropical wilds. It has an approximate weight of 42 units.
Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have another fruit that calls the planet PNF-404 it’s home. This fruit, the searing acidshock, has been found in the tropical wilds, the twilight river, and the garden of hope. It has an odd resemblance to the Japanese Apricot.
Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the pleated ginger. Scientifically referred to as Alpinia arctiflora, this fruit is a native of northeastern Queensland in Australia. This fruit turns grey/brown upon maturity.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the disguised delicacy, a species of fruit native to the planet PNF-404. This fruit can be found in both the distant tundra and the tropical wilds.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have yet another native of PNF-404. This fruit is known as the infernal vegetable.this fruit bares some strange resemblances to peppers.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Kee berry. This fruit is a native to the Kalros region. It has a spicy taste with a sweet and sour aftertaste. Some rumors say this fruit has a hidden connection to fairies.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Hoenn Region native berry known as the salac berry. This fruit has a unique flavor that is strongly sweet but also strongly sour in the same bite. Consuming this berry can make you feel quicker.
August 16th, Day 1147: Santa Catalina Island Manzanita
Fruit Info: For this fruit of the day we have Arctostaphylos catalinae, which is a species of manzanita native to Southern California. This fruit is a spherical drupe about 1.5 centimeters wide.
Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we turn once again to the planet PNF-404. This fruit is the stellar extrusion, a native of the tropical wilds, garden of hope and distant tundra. This fruit has a weight of 4 units.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we once again tune our eyes to the fruits of the planet PNF-404. This fruit is a native to the garden of hope and has a weight of 20 units.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a native to India, south China, Vietnam and likely a few other areas across Asia. That’s basically all the info I have about this fruit tbh.
Fruit Info: Today we turn our attention back to the planet PNF-404 briefly and look at a fruit known as the scaly custard. This fruit is a native of the tropical wilds and of the garden of hope, it also weighs 8 units.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a species widespread over much of Mexico. These fruits grow on the small trees of Bursera penicillata.
Fruit Info: “Bursera excelsa, the copal, is a species of plants found along the Pacific coast of Mexico.” - The entire Wikipedia article about the plant that grows this fruit. At least it has a picture of it.
Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the Torchwood copal, scientifically known as Bursera fagaroides. This fruit is a native to most of Mexico and also Arizona. This fruit is eaten by birds for it’s seeds.
Fruit Info: Today we have for our fruit of the day the Garuga pinnata. This fruit occurs in China, India, Vietnam and more. That’s if. That’s the fruit.